Success breeds jealousy

You know your country is great when the only negative thing people can come up with is that we have too much hospitality. Seriously Sup Forums, try to bring up anything bad about us without mentioning refugees and islam.

Sup Forums BTFO

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shameless self bump

You fucking Swedes ruined the Kalmar Union. Pricks.

This, you cunts raped us in the Kalmar Union

Allah akbar, habibi

The Vasa accident.

Try again, Sven al-Nilzzoni

You already know your country is shit so you try to defend it.

Faget men work well with other faget men

You guys don't make good Death Metal any more, only faggot melodic emo shit


كنت الأخ صحيح تماما

you are all homosexuals

bög lol

You guys are controlled by Zionist banking family- the Warburgs

>without mentioning refugees and islam
Yeah, Sweden is not that shitty if you exclude the shitty parts.

jews I may add.

We loaded too many cannons

You are the ultimate coward filth: rape enablers. Who ironically have your heads up feminist cunts.


Þessi er með allt á hreinu


America is literally fighting wars for the kikes. Invalid answer. Sweden was neutral and we sold iron ore to nazi germany. The anglosphere fought in the name of the jews

>Tell me what's so wrong with having AIDS without mentioning AIDS

I'm astounded your country produced Vikings.

>try to bring up anything bad about us without mentioning our two and only biggest problems
Its cold, I guess?

Pay reparations for your acts against the true master race of Finno-Ugric peoples, you Germanic scum!


Sorry, who was it who took in all of Norway and Denmark's Jews during the war? Oh right, you.

Fuck off, kikelovers

Whats funny is that our economy has never been doing better lol.

>try to bring up anything bad about us without mentioning these two bad things bad about us

I'm surprised they had a blonde miss Sweden still in 2016. The Santa Lucia has been a black girl quite often already. In Finland as well. Which is ridiculous since she's supposed to symbolize light. I fucking hate this pc-culture so much.

It's a slippery slope. They assume that because they were well off that will continue as more niggers invade. They are in for a rude awakening in a few years.

Too much rape in your country

Well refugees and islam goes hand in hand. If we only have one problem then that's pretty good. Our economy is doing great. I could bring up like 100 problems in USA like niggers, spics, healthcare, education etc. It doesn't even compare

this is a meme account of some fetishist. in some posts he claimed he has a wife, in some he claims he has daughters, and in some he states he is serving blacks alone, but basically he is a porn troll

>try to bring up anything bad about us without mentioning refugees and islam.

There is nothing, that's exactly why you're so fucking retarded for destroying what was a great nation and people by inviting in third-world savages, and why I hate you for it

inb4 60% I know I hate my own white countrymen too

>t.disappointed legit cuckold

Your economy is in the shitter

Leftist political dominance, teeming masses of non-whites, no Islänningar in Islandstorget, spineless politicians, excessive feminism, cuckoldry, being next to Denmark, excessively high rape rates.

Want me to continue?

overpopulation of sweden in the dark ages with resulting viking raids of mainland europe set back white man's progress centuries

fuck sweden the only good thing you had was death metal in the 90s now YOU HAVE NOTHING

No it's not you retard we're doing better than ever

The sweden of the late 70's and early 90's is gone. Your "best education in the world" is gone. Your original white demographic is gone. The country that everyone uses as succesful "socialism" is gone.

Stop living in the past. Your golden years are long gone and now you have a dying nation in your hands.

you also have too much rape
stupid swede

Your rape-rates are sky-high.

The rape whistle industry is booming, that's true.

Stop. Stop spreading this false misinformation that there is nothing wrong with our country for fucksake u pleb

1. The reason being is because it has worked out for us. We have been a welfare state for generations and we've lived well.
2. Reason being is because of the refugee problem which I will dismiss.
3.Who gives a fuck about Island?
4. Invalid. Our politicians are literally beating niggers with iron pipes. Look up järnrörsskandalen.
5. Alright, I'll give you that one. But it hasn't harmed me in any way.
6. Absolutely false. Cuckolds mostly exist in USA. Literally like 60%. They are the real cuckolds.
7. True, Denmark is shit but we took Skåne from them.
8. Due to the refugee problem, so invalid.

The US is really jelly of your country allowing child marriages!

The rape inflation is due to the REFUGEES. If we get rid of them it'll go down to low numbers. INVALID

>don't mention Islam/rapefugees
Okay, your country is run by extreme feminists who want to make white men second class-citizens who have to sit down to have a piss and cover their crotch so a woman will never see a bulge (rape). They want to eradicate the concept of binary genders and are indoctrinating your children to think that whites and makes are evil and simultaneously inferior.

All that is why you are cucked by rapefugees, but they're just a symptom of the cancer killing Sweden. If you don't start a civil war, which you won't because you've been educated and trained to be a cuck, then this will just get worse and your entire country will burn.

I hope Pewdiepie buys your country once it's worth less than dirt because it's been burned to the ground and rebuild it from your ashes.

Then why you don't do anything to stop your utopía falling in the hands of savages?

>success breeds jealousy
>and swedes don't breed at all

You have too many faggots.

The extreme feminism won't last long friend when they realise that it's the refugees doing the raping. My female friends always talk about PC-culture and how they are sick of it. This PC-culture runs rampant in USA too. Just look at Trigglypuff and basically all your colleges.


oh no now everything bad said and done has washed away

truly sweden is king of all

I don't see how 25% of all women will be raped, according to that graph? How did it come to that conclusion?

How does 53.2 per 100000 equal to 25%?

>We have been a welfare state for generations and we've lived well.
Which is why your country and culture is being destroyed by niggers and feminists. You've forgotten what it means to be proud, and have slipped into the comfortable but toxic pit of complacency.

>Reason being is because of the refugee problem
No, the reason is you invited them there by the millions. You had an immigrant problem long before the refugee problems started harrying Europe.

>Who gives a fuck about Island?
I do.

>Our politicians are literally beating niggers with iron pipes. Look up järnrörsskandalen.

Not a mainstream party, and no records of anyone being beaten, just threatened.

>the US is the real cucks
Way to deflect blame, Sven.

>Due to the refugee problem
And you enabling them. Those refugees didn´t just appear in Sweden one day, you're responsible for them.

Nice, now I know where I'm moving soon, I hope I get a beautiful blonde girl to put my big black cock inside.

The difference is while we have our Trigglypuffs and such in colleges, they are currently not the ones in power making legislation.

You also vastly over-estimate feminists. They love Islam because Muslims are brown and therefore oppressed. It's self-proclaimed feminists apologizing for being raped. It's already probably too late for you to solve the refugee problem even if feminists did figure out that women are property in Islam and the hijab/burka is not "liberating", which they won't.

1. Yes it's true. But it's just a side effect. The policies of the left has worked out very well from us, but now we are very ignorant and believe that everyone that enters our country wants the same thing as us when it's not true. We have been sheltered for far too long and now we're gonna face the fallout.
2. No we did not. The majority of immigrants came from other nordic countries before the refugee crisis. Besides, it's illegal to do any statistics about ethnicities which means that we don't really know how many whites we have. It could be 85% or it could be 70%. Nobody knows.
3. Well because that's where you come from. You have a population of 300k. It is irrevelant to 99% of the world's population.
4. It was a mainstream party. Sverigedemokraterna is the 3rd biggest party in Sweden and it's estimated to get about 25% of the votes in the upcoming election.
5. Well it's the truth. The majority of the cuckold fanbase are americans. I'm not deflecting anything.
6. I'm not enabling them. Our politicans are and that's why I'm trying to stop it.

It says 25% of Swedish women will be raped.

But there's not a large percentage of Swedish people in Sweden anyway.

No free speech.

>Okay, your country is run by extreme feminists who want to make white men second class-citizens who have to sit down to have a piss and cover their crotch so a woman will never see a bulge (rape). They want to eradicate the concept of binary genders and are indoctrinating your children to think that whites and makes are evil and simultaneously inferior.

Kek. Nothing funnier than when a 52% Americuck shares his understanding of other countries.

If you don't know about those things actually happening in your own country, you're part of the problem, Sven. Deflecting doesn't help uncuck your country.

>all those balkaniggers


Me too. A black lucia is just the biggest wtf, I've thought so since when I was young, it's so retarded.

You're retarded, friendo. You faggots are going from Obongo to Her and are pointing fingers at us for some random memes.

Men hallå CTR. Säg mig, kan du skriva en komplicerad mening på svenska utan att använda google översätt?

Vad vill du din jävla potatisneger. Jag gillar inte Hillary, jag kör trumpeten. Kan man inte vara stolt över sitt land utan att bli kallad för CTR av småbögar som dig själv?

I guess you could say a whore is just a ''too hospitable'' woman......or you could call her a whore

>Our politicians are enbling refugees
>Our politicians aren't spi9neless, they threaten to beat up blacks

You're tripping over yourself here Emil, you have to wake up and realize your entire political system is flawed. otherwise you'll go full USA

Precis. Typisk självcuckande Flashbackare som tror han kan bygga en social identitet genom att suga jänkarkuk. Men om han någonsin lämnade mammas lägenhet och reste till negerhålorna i England eller USA så skulle han komma tillbaks och kyssa jorden och gråta en skvätt över att vi har det så relativt sett bra.

No one cares about Sweden.
you're a joke

>Mehmet Al Swedi.
Your country is but the Canary in the coal mine.

Why is Sweden so low compared to other Nordics though?

Koloni-negrer har ingen yttrandefrihet. Man måste vara medborgare för sånt.

Ok Liberia, thanks for the input. Of all the African countries you're the best. Much love.

>mfw when americuck says this

swedes are the new jew. i will remember you all on the day of the rope

t. quarter swede 3/4 german

erum við ekki að detta í sama pakka? Björt framtíð vill allavega 400 þúsund flóttamenn og get ekki ímyndað mér að píratar/vinstri grænir hafi mænuna í að segja nei.


economic freedom index could be a bit higher,
also rape per capita

>Why is Sweden so low compared to other Nordics though?

Because they are still soviet states and those stats always favors socialism and anti-market policies. We're much closer to England (third way capitalism) than we are to Norway and their socialism these days.

Enginn mun dirfast að styðja við hugmyndir Bjartrar Framtíðar um 800.000 manns árið 2050. Efast einu sinni um að þeir reyni að taka málið upp.

Wait are Montenegrins and FYROMers actually worse off than people from Moldova?

You're pussies. Even your country looks like an old torn pussy. Ours looks like a new ripe one looking for action.

toxic masculinity :^)

Your women get raped

Nearly everyone in your country moved to ours. And you can't get an education before you've sniffed crack in Kangaroo-land or fucking Asia to "find your inner self".

You are dead, Sven.

On the day of the rope, you are the one that will be hanged. You are the one that started this whole fucking thing in the first place with your niggers. We will hang all of you alongside your blattar

Success breeds jealousy
>and refugees breed swedish women :^)

Your oil will run out soon Norway and then you'll be the new Somalia. I can't fucking wait I'll be waiting at the border throwing rocks at you when you try to get to us

Enjoy your murder, cuck.

Ironically, Norway has the 2nd best human capital in the world. They wont be in trouble when their oil runs out, delusional swederoach

desu senpai that doesn't make sense, over here in the states we make an effort. look at trump, look at gun ownership, look at our national pride. all you will be remembered for is letting high-value women get raped by somalians

Are you fucking retarded? Yes Sweden is an apocalyptic shithole because it's full of jihadis and rapefugees... No other good points would redeem it... It's LOST

>hurr durr Africa isn't so bad if you ignore all the niggers

Fólkið sem segir nei við flóttamönnum þarf samt alltaf að vera tilbúið að vera kallaðir rasistar, og svona öfga vinstri klúbbar fara stækkandi hér á skeri allavega

they said no refugees.