Serious question, would Sup Forums hate niggers less if they were more like MLK?
Serious question, would Sup Forums hate niggers less if they were more like MLK?
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More like Malcolm X.
>bringing about more rights for niggers
He beat and raped white prostitutes.
Niggers are unneeded outside of Africa, thus all black outside Africa need to be destroyed or relocated to Africa and no black must leave Africa ever.
>Communist rapist who got mandela'd into our history books
Unless youre ben carson tier you need to go back
rather, follow his words, not his doing.
niggers rape white girls already, anyways
There's a difference between a Black man and a Nigger. Sup Forums will always hate niggers, but they don't necessarily hate Black people, (like Ben Carson and Mailk Obama.)
Can't argue with the trips
What? Fuck malcom X
Hes the equilvalent to BLM and BP
We all know there are respectable blacks. Hell it could be upwards of 50-60 maybe even 80 percent!
But there a shit ton of disrespectful criminally inclined rude blacks, especially among the younger crowd.
Bif blacks stopped being dumbass dickwads (ala MLK) we wouldnt give a shit
MLK Jr was a tremendous, loving, great man. There were notable, real discrepancies and biases between white and black people in his time, and he effectively brought about racial equality (or at least a trajectory towards such) peacefully, with love and understanding, with charisma, and with character.
There was nothing "nigger" about him.
If true niggers alive today strived to be even a little bit like MLK, we would be in a much better place.
Also, "I Have a Dream" is obviously great, but my favorite by King is the Street Sweeper speech.
Inspiring shit, man. Like seriously. If I had the money, I'd buy broadcasting time and play these three minutes on TV.
You mean republican? I'd like that.
>Ben Carson tier.
You mean that guys who thinks Egyptians were black and that the Pyramids are the biblical granaries of the slave turned royal advisor joseph?
MLK was a beast. Rapist. Violent fucker.
The Eff Boo Eye.
I keep hearing this. Is it actually true or just conspiracy shit because it just doesn't seem right
You don't know black people. They don't like eye contact.
MLK has the right idea
>I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character
BLM wants the opposite, to judge people by their color not their character. They actually make the same exact argument that people protesting the civil rights movement made. "Your voice doesn't matter because of your skin color. You should shut up and listen to us because of our skin color. You don't have a right to talk about this issue because it's our culture"
Shit lets start a twitter account that spams William F Buckley quotes and switches "negro" with "white". BLM will love it
There was some scandal where a recording of him with prostitutes was released where he was saying shit like "I'm not a nigger tonight" and other crap he copped a bit of flack for but that's all I remember reading.
Nowadays MLK would be called an Uncle Tom by the BLM
No i mean the guy who married in his race and was a pioneer in his field.
MLK was only sorta a nigger. IIRC, he was found plagiarizing papers, and would hire white hookers.
If blacks just stick to blacks, and don't shit it up for everyone else, then they're alright.
The Gibs Monkey has to have it all. Nothing will be left for anyone else.
Im positive what we know about him is wrong. Like all public figures (((they))) post all over history books, and reference in the media 24/7. For being the very best goys.
Now you're why we hate niggers
Is a nigger one of those black things?
>Serious question, would Sup Forums hate niggers less if they were more like MLK?
NO!! MLK was a preacher.. we do NOT need more black preachers, actors, athletes, or musicians.
We need more Black scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.
I'm convinced that the issue is all cultural and arises from things we dont yet know about the human brain and social behaviour.
The blacks were being fucked over but they in turn dug themselves into a hole by developing that nigger culture thing which is by now holding them back big time. There are numerous examples of blacks that have outgrown this and function normally.
I went to a boardgame bar recently and there were black dudes happily playing magic the gathering engaged in thoroughly autistic talk. Why would I hate them?
malcolm x believed in black nationalism, and agreed in this with prominent white nationalists, a separation of ethnicities. blm is just a terrorist group with an agenda of social subversion and decay controlled by soros
They'll fuck you up for looking at them.
Soros' Black Minions from Hell.
BLM wants Black only areas too. They're kind of cool in that regard.