When did you first realize all women are whores? Even the shy innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and never says a word is definitely a whore.
When did you first realize all women are whores...
I was like 19, and you're just now realizing this?
like 2008
God I wish I was a normie. This is the only reason you keep making this thread, OP. If you could lick champagne off a roastie's tits you would. I sure as fuck would.
Posting the same threads over and over
What is the point?
When i first went to /r9k/
Fuck outta here back to /r9k/ you miserable failures. "Men" like you make me sick. You think you've got it all figured out, but in reality you're just blaming women for your own failures.
>plastic tits
she's an ACTUAL whore
Me on the left.
When my mom tried to abort me.
I barely managed to dodge scissors .
I hate every woman who doesnt have sex with me (all women)
good redditspacing whore
this is someone pretending but it's pretty true isn't it
those are big trips for you
stop calling people failures when you are posting on Sup Forums at 1:40 pm est on a workday lmao
Reminder that based Jordan Peterson is currently waking up the normies to the degeneracy of white roasties
t. degenerate lefty/pol/ cuck
You sound like a MGTOW
>Even the shy innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and never says a word is definitely a whore.
No, that's bullshit, she never speaks to any men and she values her virginity. She's not a whore you fucking dork!
They aren't all whore but I sure do wish they were. Women having sexual freedom without being judged is good for both genders. Maybe if fewer women got called whores we'd all get laid more often.
goddamit i love sluts
roastie noo..
>That nose
Oy vey
This. These same retards get mad when these girls go for chad or tyrone because they don't care if they are sluts, and then wonder why they can't smash religious cunts.
>date a cute girl
>she just goes and swallows 40 loads of cum on camera in one day behind your back
when I fucked the shy innocent girl just by actually trying to get past her bullshit "I'm pretending to be shy" defense mechanism
all whores, no redeeming qualities
I'm more successful than your entire family.
The absolute STATE of degenerate Sup Forums
My mom sued me for ruining her figure. I sued her for not aborting me
These two aren't whores they share a true and beautiful love
If all women are whores explain why you can't get laid
successful people dont post on Sup Forums lmao
>Hurr wow I sure showed that guy. I posted an image of a dude with his mouth open.
How will I ever recover?
/r9k/ btfo and all men put their places
is this kino?
don't blame women
blame weak western men for not keeping them in check
OK so let's review:
Women are shit if they won't fuck you.
But if they do fuck you, it just proves they're all whores?
Dudes ITT seem like some genuinely unhappy bastards. I'm glad I grew up and started living in the real world.
i remember that video
That poor guy looks like the very definition of a soycuck
Reminder don't marry a woman who
>has had more than one sexual partner before you
>demands she must drink caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs while pregnant
>has or has had an std
>says she won't give birth without pain medication (can be used after baby is born)
>colours her hair, natural colours or otherwise
>used anti aging creams before she met you
>uses excessive amounts of makeup
>uses sex as a weapon
>doesn't want at least three children
>is four inches below the average female height of your country
>can't give birth without a C section because she has non existent hips
>has borderline personality disorder and/or bipolar disorder
>used or uses "party" drugs
>has breast implants
>is addicted to social media
>has a tattoo
>has excessive piercings
>has a father who is significantly less intelligent than yourself
based titties
Try real life for a change, kiddo. Sup Forums is just a website. An almost-15-year-old website. Plenty of people, of all types, post and lurk here. Your tired memes don't mean shit.
How is this Sup Forums related?
Did you win?
yea, no, successful people are too busy to bother with these places, keep trying though
t. lefty/pol/ cuck
What video?
huh /r9k/ is leaking
everything is Sup Forums related
What am I looking at here?
>God I wish I was a normie
You probably are. 99% on this board but don't want to admit it.
Claire, Gloryholeswallow. She did four videos with that site.
guy legit looks like he's sub 90 IQ
I forgot her name.
>all men put in their places
Not my intent at all. I just grew out of my angry and bitter "all women are whores" phase by the time I was 20. Once I matured enough to understand the value of interacting with other humans in healthy ways, I put childish shit like this behind me.
Sad faggots like OP and most of the guys in this thread aren't doing anything but taking themselves out of the gene pool, and I say good riddance.
Thanks. They're gonna make me feel bad though.
who is this pls?
>Ruin your future so you can be a whore for a few minutes
>Gets exposed by autistic anons
>It's not her fault!
>ur bein mean :(
Grow up females.
How is anything that's been up for hours related?
it isn't but the pedo mod and janitor got fired for accepting underage nudes to protect the reylo threads so we're celebrating
We both had to pay each other but then i got arrested and put in prison for copying dogs
Reminder that you'll never find a woman that will have you, ever.
Don't worry about your checklist, little guy. The chances of you getting married are absolutely nil.
source me up phamalam
you can add eating disorder to that
>Women having sexual freedom without being judged is good for both genders
except society becomes extremely degenerate
What happened here? SHe cuked with 8 other guys?
Can you get fired when you arent getting paid
Based women making sure your degenerate betafag genes dont spread.
You sound like a psychopath. Seriously, your posts give the impression that you have never spent one day living in the real world. It's very sad.
What are some films about this?
God I wish all women were whores.
whats the sauce on that senpai
Absolute STATE of lefty/pol/ soyboys
Claire Evans was once a cute innocent girl with dreams of becoming a ballerina.
- has bf
- for some reason, goes does vids where she sucks random men through gloryholes, all of them not even tested for anything. they were just random guys in the back of an adult store
- bf finds videos, breaks up with her, then tells all her friends and family
- life ruined
- keeps doing videos because why not
- becomes a born again christian and gets a soy fiance
Poor guy. Bet he doesnt even know...
Nobody cares about you or your hole, roastie, keep getting used up because in the end you'll never find happiness, all the "good men" will be gone by the time your cellulite ass is done riding the carousel and ""i'm focusing on my career!""
Someone post that one picture about roasties online and how they argue and insult mainly using "denial of pussy by proxy". This is a classic example.
You mean fake.
thats funny coming from someone posting on Sup Forums in the middle of a workday lmao
What television show or film is this?
Who gives a shit?
This is even worse when you realize the film makers got her dad and brother to stick there dicks in there with her, and then she didn't even get paid for any of it. Anyone that buys that porn product are massive scum bags.
janitors technically no
mods yes
giggliest girl in porn
I hate women, kikes, niggers and faggots how come no one likes me? Must be those jews preventing that I, a superior aryan White male, have sex with a girl willing to carry my seed
It's really easy to get laid its not easy to find someone to form a relationship with that isn't a former cumdump
>It's literally everyone elses fault im a physically and spiritually repugnant piece of shit that no one will ever love
This is funny because people use to years ago act like it was SOOOOO easy to get laid and you need to explain yourself why you can't.
Some girls are easy, doesn't mean their easy for everyone.
t. lefty/pol/ cuck
"once i got over childish things like 'not marrying a whore' or 'wanting a girl who isnt spiritually blown out and is able to like me', that sort of childish shit"
My dude, she fucked 50 guys at least. And theres one gangbang video where a black guy with a foot long dick fucks her and her pussy is literally sucking on his dick. Its insane
Her pussy is gross though.
i've tried to find it for years, more than likely they're just 2 random girls