What are some good court room dramas?
What are some good court room dramas?
Other urls found in this thread:
12 REEEEing Neets
Judgement at Nuremberg
Anatomy of a Murder
Presumed Innocent
Inherit the Wind
My Cousin Vinny
>Fat redneck literally can't wait a year or less to buy a gun
God bless America
> Formerly Chuck's
Why should they?
boston legal
>right to bear arms is enshrined in the constitution
>constitution doesn't say shit about ammo
Ban the sale, manufacture and possession of ammo and boom, problem solved.
>b-but people/criminals will press their own
Guarantee 90% of people can't be bothered or wouldn't want to break the law.
Because children are dying
>sues Dick's, Walmart over new gun sale policies
Is this grammatically correct?
Shouldn't it be something like
>sues Dick's and Walmart over new gun sale policies
The Practice
Boston Legal
>potential massive black market opening up overnight
>lol most people wont bother haha
you're dumb as hell dude
Clickbait, shortest title possible.
>He thinks that depriving yourself and fellow country men of liberty is a problem to be solved.
t. yurocuck
The Verdict is one of the finest movies I've ever seen
Because thats the stores new policy. He can choose to buy a gun somewhere else.
>be American
>don't get a gun
Call me a dirty capitalist but shouldn't companies be free to sell their stock however they like as lomg as they don't break any laws?
If someone comes in and says "I'd like to have this item" the company shpuld be able to say "no, you gave to wait".
I also enjoy the standup comedy of Chris Rock
And you just infringed. Nice original idea.
It's typical American hypocrisy, claim 'freedom' and demand others cater to you.
inb4 edgy replies
>Forced to bake fags a wedding cake.
>Can refuse to sell a man of legal age a Constitutionally guaranteed right because, in your opinion, he's too young.
That suit's destined to fail. Dick's and Walmart have decided to ban gun sales to people under 21 per their internal own store policy, and as a private business they legally have the right to do whatever. IF the court ruled in favor of the guy, it would set a precedent for corporations to be beholden to government and/or popular interests. So this suit's a no-no for democrats because they want to gun for the guns, and also a no-no for republicans (and democrats) who want to maximize corporate autonomy at the cost of individual autonomy.
To keep this on-topic: Orwell's The Trial barely counts as a proper courtroom drama but it's an underrated movie and really, how often do we see high-profile Kafka adaptations?
Except it's already pretty thoroughly infringed since felons can't own guns, children can't own guns, you have to pay a fortune to own full-auto weapons, certain weapons you can never legally own...
I hope you lose your keys and have to spend the whole day looking for them.
one is discrimination of a protected group
the other is a store policy regarding the inventory of said store.
You can't sue a pet store for not selling you a gun.
Dicks sporting goods
Formely ______ ?
>bake cake
>get paid
>people eat cake
Not the same as
>sell guns to autistic turbobetas
>children die
Non of those things turn a gun into a paperweight the way a bullet ban would.
>be american
>literally have gun shops literally called DICKS
You'd still be able to keep and bear arms, though, so it's constitutional.