So we all know Batman can beat anyone with enough prep time. What method would he use to beat Dr. Manhattan...

So we all know Batman can beat anyone with enough prep time. What method would he use to beat Dr. Manhattan? He has as much prep time as he wants.

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energy sapper of some kind to delete him

>With the batdick

Blue dick > batdick

Can Batman with prep time beat Four Batmen without prep time?

I mean, we're gonna find out soon.

the power fourth wall breaking and bad biased writing

What about batdick with green lantern ring?

Mindgame a 5th dimension Imp to do it for him with just an ordinary conversation.

He must have a really small dick for that cockring

he would lecture him that mortal contests is beneath him and the blue guy would go hmm ok. and leave. batman wins by forfeit.

Batman creates a quantum particle field to blind Dr Manhattan, when Batman drops it he declares that he wins. Dr Manhattan assumes that this is the truth because it has already happened, thus resigns himself to lose at that moment.

Read METAL to find out

By that logic, I could challenge Batman to a murder contest and win by default without actually killing anyone, because Batman would never accept.

he does

that's why he's such a messed-up paranoid angry entitled fuck

Ask Zatana.

>supernatural>>>>>matter manipulation

Of he can't ask for help,.he can just search for magical items or for alien tech.

You guys can thread my post now.

He'll bug Bat-myte to take care of him.

Is Metal worth looking into?

Because it looks Hot Topic and gay as fuck.

>he doesn't know that green lantern rings can change size
read comics pleb

You do realize that the comic already answered that?
Bully him to Mars.

Manhattan is actively fucking with Batman explicitly because he knows Batman can stop him.

And given that Geoff Johns is writing Doomsday Clock, I would not be shocked if 90% of Doomsday Clock is Batman getting fucked over by Manhattan

Align your goals in such a way that Manhattan joins your side and helps you

Give people cancer and blame the big blue on it. He would then cure the cancer all by himself once he left.

Thanks doc.

Make Manhattan butthurt enough to leave on his own like with Ozy turning on the news.

It can get even smaller?

Manhattan actively fucking with Batman seems weird and out of character.
