Hello, how do I stop being NEET? Just watched anime the whole day and masturbated to JAV porn, then played six hours straight of TF2.
I want to kill myself, my parents shout at me because they miserable for working I spend like $1000 last two months on microtransactions and stole $200 from their wallet.
I do not want to go back to school I do not want to work at retail or fast food.
What do? I do not want to fake autism, I do not want to be seen as mentally retarded for the rest of my life, and you can't purchase a fire arm legally.
Help, Sup Forums... Americans only please, NEET life is easier in europe.
Austin Davis
Levi Ross
Kill yourself, you're a waste of space is who is too lazy to accomplish anything, do your parents a favor and kill yourself.
They would probably be thankful.
Andrew Torres
I dunno. Probably: >Get job through connections. >Learn computer stuff and do freelance work (much harder than it was with all the outsourcing now). >Learn a trade (possibly get a loan for it).
Dylan Powell
Yeah maybe I should kill myself. >fat >no friends >browse Sup Forums all day Thanks for being honest at least, I'm gonna hang myself today.
Charles Clark
do something else, learn something, make something, go out whatever. just don't be a faggy neet.
Jeremiah Wright
Jordan Turner
Get a job
The longer you stay a neet the harder it is to get out of that headspace
t. Former 4 year Neet
Adam Price
kill yourself for starting an /adv/ thread on Sup Forums ? what's wrong with those dumb asses who think that Sup Forums is a community
Dylan Williams
>Learn computer stuff and do freelance work are you for real?
Christopher Mitchell
Stop looking for pity. Get off your ass, and find a job first. If you just enroll in college now you'll just flunk out because you're too conditioned to not do shit.
Once you have a sliver of discipline and learned how to manage your money, start college. Or kill yourself.
Brandon Watson
>fat >lazy >thief >weeb >don't want to go to school or work >"don't want to fake autism" You don't have to fake it, you're full blown autistic
Get a job or go to school. Anything otherwise is degenerate and a cancer in society. If you can't handle work or school then join the military. If you can't handle the military, it's time to an hero on cam. >mention us in the note
Colton Wright
move to canada and get govt money. Theyre all asain there too
Daniel Murphy
Do it, faggot. You wouldn't. No balls. The old user would have done it. You've changed, sage.
Isaiah Hernandez
>Hello, how do I stop being NEET? You need to either work, attend school or some sort of training
Joshua Ward
>You don't have to fake it, you're full blown autistic this
Ethan Wilson
Nathaniel Green
In 8 short weeks you can become a productive member of the US Air Force like I did
Benjamin Peterson
>I spend like $1000 last two months on microtransactions and stole $200 from their wallet. what are you retarted?
Nolan Williams
Be sure to use a strong rope
Nolan Rivera
I was going to encourage you but now I see you're fucking fat. Kill your self you fat fuck. Either that or start running/lifting everyday and drink coffee to suppress your appetite. Stop eating shitty food too.
Joshua Cox
Honestly instead of spending your entire day jerking off you should be reading on how to appear less autistic and apply for jobs, it's not that hard to make a CV and you can apply to dozens of jobs everyday with the magic of the internet.
The fact you stole from you parents is absolutely disgusting and degenerate, but you can become a actual man by getting a fucking job and paying them back.
You could also stop being fat and train everyday, it's not like you have any excuse not to do so.
Ian Taylor
Silly wagies think they're opinions matter.
Slave away while I fuck your girlfriends, the wagie slaves on and the NEET becomes a philosopher.
Liam Cox
Andrew Parker
dammit why do women like the BIG NEET COCK so much
Jose Thomas
>2016 >still playing tf2
You're beyond hope
Elijah Young
>what are you retarted?
is that like a poptart that fell back in?
Oliver Peterson
yeah, Sup Forumsro
Nicholas Jackson
Anthony Nelson
kill yoself fool!
Easton Mitchell
>Just watched anime Stopped reading there.
You are beyond help.
Crazy to think the post probably gets even worse, kek.