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What a way to go...




Sharks are the Germans of the sea


Nooo the sharky is dead!

Would they call it great if it were black? I think not.

niggers of the ocean desu

It died due to all the sonar signals that the oil tankers are doing.

Of course the russian/arab media will never tell you this :3

>that feel when you learn 100 million sharks per year are killed on average due to overfishing
>and they aren't even fishing for sharks

the fuck is wrong with people

It was trying to evolve, but discovered evolution is a lie. Sad.

The cuck is right.


Is this what they call... a slide thread?

goblin shark


You know why we never find shark fossils ? except for the teeth the whole body is made of cartilage and decomposes completely. The only thing that remains is the teeth.





What a shame

Good night sweet prince
I hope you will hunt down and eat Americans in shark heaven

It's a fucking shark. It's not dead, just role that bitch back in the water and it'll wake up. Fish sleep when you take them out of the water and after 8-12 hours wake up. I kept putting my goldfish to sleep when I was 8 and everyday I came home from school after I put him back in the tank he was perfectly fine and swimming like nothing happened. Just roll that bitch.

Who cares?


Reminds me of that refugee kid.

Sleep tight chomper.

t. achmed

>and they aren't even fishing for sharks

Dude, you just stumbled onto the great nip-shark conspiracy. They say they dont fish for them, but actually nips are sailing around the worlds oceans in special shark catching submarines and grabbing them all. Sounds weird? Travel to japan by submarine and see for yourself.

Explain this you fucking Christfag.

that is a brave and fine doggo. He has my admiration, stay strong doggo.


Why are Asian dogs so loyal? And why do Asians eat such selfless animals?

Great Whites can't breath unless they are constantly moving (so water passes through their gills). If they stand still for more than a few minutes, they suffocate.

what a good boy

Explain yourself nigger

Good fuck him I haven't gone swimming at that beach for years since these faggots showed back up that was my favorite beach when I was down on that part of the Cape screw those cunts they can all rot in hell

Damn, didn't think this would make me feel.

>tfw no loyal pupper

fuck Trump and fuck great white sharks

Fuck sharks. Them, and faggot crocs and gators should all be genocided

It's just a shark. It's one animal get over yourself.
[I'm only posting in order to bring us to 100M]

>great white shark
>on a beach named cape cod
bullshit, this doesn't add up

great white sharks are cute

God put it there to test your faith

I fucking hate sharks

dogs like to bury smelly things. it's instinctive.


This is a picture of my car that I took at that very exact beach in the parking lot last year

>it shreds the skin off its nose just to save the fish

I love doggos.

Hi Thomas

It came for Hillary.

He tried to evolve too quickly.
His determination will be remembered.

Same suki

>Why are Asians cunts

Don't know bro but i'm rooting for the U.S when Trump declares war on the eternal gook

Rest in peace my white brother.
We'll avenge you soon, don't worry.


Unedited version, this was no accident.

Someone send it to every news station

The way Asians callously destroy entire species is pretty sick:

>e.g. Chinese genociding entire species just to get "magic dick grow powder"

I mean, it sure would be shitty that we doom ourselves as a species because of Chinamen wanting to grow their dicks through b.s. witchcraft.

>A few days ago I swam pass a sunken Spanish Galleon, laden with over 3 billion dollars worth of silver and gold. The Galleon is located located...gasp...gasp [expires]

>No, sharky, don't die..don't die..........nooooooooooooooooo

...what structure pray tell do you think those are made of, Pablo?


RIP in peace Sharkey

>I have information that will lead to Hillary's arrest

My God, what has she done?

>travel to Japan by submarine

When the fuck are you gonna do tgat?

>alt-right fish
>Great Huwite Shark


This is a sign, THE GREAT WHITE SHARK was a gift from KEK himself.

Praise KEK and his only begotten Son

Sorry folks, I'm just not a fan of sharks - and don't worry, they will be around long after we are gone.

Sharks are stupid

Y'all know me. Know how I earn a livin'. I'll catch this bird for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down the pond chasin' bluegills and tommycods. This shark, swallow you whole. Little shakin', little tenderizin', an' down you go. And we gotta do it quick, that'll bring back your tourists, put all your businesses on a payin' basis. But it's not gonna be pleasant.

Its not nearly as old as you think it is?

He's making a joke, but it's true that just trawling huge-ass nets through the water to catch popular fish (e.g. cod) completely destroys other species (hundreds of types of sharks in particular). Overfishing has been running rampant for decades, especially since Asia simply does not care about protecting the environment. Of course this is kinda bad when the ocean depends on all of its parts working together to be sustainable.

It reminds me how Africans slaughter vultures because they think eating corpses is gross. Except that without the vultures, dead bodies just sit in their water and kill millions from disease.


>Travel to japan by submarine and see for yourself.

Where can I buy a submarine ticket ?

They have low empathy, basically soulless

Shark meat is underrated, tastes like swordfish.


Hi.... (You)

ever seen a sharks eyes chief....kinda like dolls eyes

wow, another ruined BMW. did you buy it spic'd or did you spic it yourself?



>i have information from mary jo kopechne that will lead to hillary clinton's arrest

I have a white professor that thinks she's Asian, most autistic thing I've ever seen. Anyway, she started batching at me about Chinese medicine being better than western medicine because I called the Chinese witch doctors. Shit was hilarious. She even pretends to have an Asian accent.

How did that person's post even relate to evolution?

Also most christians believe in evolution.

You guys do realize it's just instinctively trying to bury it.

I think

yikes. Some people are psychos who need to see the light; pic related

Alt-medicine is witchcraft though. I mean yeah I guess you'll feel better with open pores, but that's what steam-rooms are for.

Yeah, they do, but I think dogs can make a distinction between water and dirt.


be quiet, cute snek poster

This is sad. Doggos are everyones best friends.
