A casting director seeing one of these in an Actor's contract will be like an employer seeing University of Phoenix on your resume - it'll get thrown right in the trash.

Other urls found in this thread:

>inclusion rider
>exclusion clause
This means that everyone on a film project will be required to disclose their gender / race / sexuality.Some people may not be comfortable with this and some people may not actually know. All this will do if force homo's to come out of the closet, force people to disclose their cultural heritage and insist that people are judged before they are allowed to work in the film business. This is basically inverted racism, sexism and cultural xenophobia.

What is an inclusion rider?


A sign that we're living the worst timeline ever

force diversity contract

>Gary Busey disappears after a near-death accident
>Frances' career suddenly takes off
Bruce/Caitlyn wasn't the first.

>By contract, I will not work on your film unless specific gender/racial quotas are met, numbers arbitrarily determined by myself as to what constitutes "proportional representation".

talented actress, or just eye candy?

>eye candy

I hope that Oscar has inclusion rider privileges of being held by a black man's hand 30% of the time. It's only fair.

>eye candy

>my (((clan)))

time for nazis to book roles and demand equal representation of nazis in the cast and crew

Is that a guy or gril?

>old, wealthy white bitch who's already made it wants to appear virtuous by fucking over white kids trying to break into the industry
At this point, I would honestly applaud if ISIS attacked Hollywood.

>libshit women voluntarily forcing themselves out of productions
This is fantastic and I fully support it.

Maybe people could be hired based on merit. If that happens to be women, so be it.

It's not them who are going to be forced out, though. Frances McDormand is a fucking Oscar winner and has been acting for decades.

The people who are forced out will be young people trying to get into Hollywood.

She was cute in Fargo.

We have a winner. It's impossible to enter now despite the "democratized" advent of cheaper/more available equipment. The gatekeeping exploded under everyone's noses in the past 10 years.
I would too and I fucking live here.

is it true she's married to a jew?


I can't even begin to fathom what it would be like going to work every day and having to wonder whether I'm there on my own merit or because some "progressive"-minded dipshit demanded that my specific skin color or genitalia be hired to meet a quota. Christ, how fucking humiliating.

she's married to one of the Coen brothers and adopted some 56er from Paraguay

Let's remind ourselves with a few lines from the based Coens that the Oscars mean absolute jackshit

>Oscar-winning duo Joel and Ethan Coen let out matching bemused groans at the mention of the hot-button #OscarsSoWhite controversy: "That’s assigning way too much importance to the awards. By making such a big deal, you’re assuming that these things really matter. I don’t think they even matter much from an economic point of view,” he continued. “So yes, it’s true—and it’s also true that it’s escalating the whole subject to a level it doesn’t actually deserve.”

>I asked the Coens to respond to criticisms that there aren’t more minority characters in the film. In other words, why is #HailCaesarSoWhite? “You don’t sit down and write a story and say, ‘I’m going to write a story that involves four black people, three Jews, and a dog,’—right? That’s not how stories get written. If you don’t understand that, you don’t understand anything about how stories get written and you don’t realize that the question you’re asking is idiotic.
I really do wonder how the fuck is the relationship between Joel and Frances working when they have such opposing views

I imagine it's better than not working at all and wondering if that's due to your skin color

wouldn't you agree?


never knew she was such a huge weeb
>spazzes out on national tv
maybe ive always known

What kind of drugs do I have to take to get into that state of mind?

>The people who are forced out will be young people trying to get into Hollywood.


sure wouldn't make you feel like you're a real part of the community though



>This is basically inverted racism, sexism and cultural xenophobia.
It's inverted nothing. It's actual racism, sexism, and the rest. Welcome to your brave new world! Where people are forced to prostrate personal details for public scrutiny in same false or misguided attempt at inclusion.

something that will make movies even shittier

There is no way to avoid that. Either you are not hired, and without question some of it is due to racism or sexism, although not all, or you are hired and some of that is due to the attempts at diversity, although not all

the only difference is in one instance you are working and the other you are not.

which is preferable?

white male privilege, init, that you don't have to worry about that?

>I’m going to write a story that involves four black people, three Jews, and a dog

JJ Abrams admitted to doing this when they gave him star wars.

>white male privilege, init, that you don't have to worry about that?
That's true. As a white male, you don't even have to worry about being hired.

opposites attract, and its probably just frances insane behavior that is a turn on for him, shes always off on some crusade every now and again but I bet breaking her with his huge coen cock is amusing to him

yes, no white men are employed anywhere

but it's minorities who play the victim hmmmm

Can you imagine being the parent of a white male freshman film student at USC, NYU, UCLA paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition knowing your son has a future of being shunned from the industry due to his race and his race alone?

literally the predicament of every minority in every profession

Blacks don't get shunned because of their race. It's more about having a criminal record without qualifications and predeposition towards violence while getting into arguments over stupid shit.

Frances McDormand doesn't speak for white people. If anything, she actively speaks against them. The average white person with power in institutions is a parasite who advances themselves by shitting on the white people beneath them because that's what's presently in vogue in American culture.

None of the minorities in America have any obstacle remotely comparable to that when trying to advance or gain employment in the west.

No, they get shunned because of their race, my guy. Throwing racist tropes out isn't going to change that.

It's hilarious watching you people whine about the shit everyone else has had to deal with forever

What the hell are you on about? Everyone advances by shitting on everyone beneath them. Race isn't a factor there.

you're from reddit, i can tell because of how you argue. it's nothing against how you argue, more of a sweet observation, viet dog

You people are utterly pathetic. You have every advantage in the world handed to you, miraculously still fail, and then blame everyone else

but why would someone discriminate against blacks, user? is there some reason?

>What the hell are you on about? Everyone advances by shitting on everyone beneath them. Race isn't a factor there.
Any white person who started talking shit about ghetto niggers in Hollywood would be out on their ass before the week was up. Hell, almost any black person who did that would be treated the same way.

Talking shit about people of certain ethnicities is so discouraged as to be anathema. Talking shit about people of other ethnicities is actively encouraged as 'progress'.

There may be. Of course, individual black people aren't responsible for the actions of other individual black people.

And yet they still are punished for it, and you, for whatever reason, think that's right

Not those anons, I agree that it's because of racism, but shouldn't we collectively be solving the problem of discrimination instead of saying "here, now deal with the shit everyone else has." In other words should we try to have no shit of this nature to deal with at all?

In many ways it is. White men have been dominating these industries for so long (which of course they used to get sex bc why not). Pointing this out seems like an attack, but a level playing field always does when you're used to having an advantage



omg so many angry virgins in this thread, i bet you have never won anything in your entire pathetic lives

and how do you propose we do that?

and funny how we're so keen to do that now eh?

what kind of logic is that man
do groups not exist because individuals exist? am i supposed to have a registry of the 'good ones' when i think i might be about to get car jacked at a red light

Thats what white people(really, people in general) in power have always done though. If you think we've left the times of lords and serfs behind, you're a fucking idiot. Now we just call them "job creators" and "the working class".

i won the Sup Forums shitposting award 3 years in a row faggot
what now

An enhanced sense of victimization is always justification for evil and spite. Just look at the niggers in South Africa bleat about how oppressed they are as they rape and murder the whites with the government not giving a good goddamn about it.

I think if there's any lesson to learn from this, it's that multiracialism never works in the long run. It just turns into the ethnicities that are less successful spewing bile towards the successful ones and taking more and more from them as they feel more and more aggrieved.

It's the logic of individualism and meritocracy

I don't think you need a registry of anything. I think you should treat each person like he is his own person.

Just as I won't assume the next white person I meet is a whiny racist, just because of you.

Or maybe the lesson is that oppression has a tendency to come back to bite you, so maybe you shouldn't do it in the first place

but of course, nobody is oppressed, right?

look man I'm a commie, I want to advocate giving marginalized peoples inclusion and a platform. I just don't think it should also take a cultural tone of contempt for people who have the same skin color as the historical dominators.

hey now i'm not whiny, you take that back
seems everything i thought about blacks was true... i'm injured...

Did Hitler go a little too far when he taught those oppressive kikes a lesson?

>booohooo we white males are so poor we never get cast in movies!

I would agree with that. I border on commie myself.

Still, you've not really proposed how we do that. And to do nothing in the meantime simply preserves the oppressive status quo. Maybe if whites feel the brunt a bit, they will be more keen? Who knows.

I don't want to oppress white men. I would love it if we could all just exist.

Dude, if you're black it's technically even EASIER to get a job or a spot at a good school. They are fucking begging for diversity and all you have to do is half a brain and not say stupid shit yet you STILL fuck up somehow. This isn't isn't racism broseph. It's like complaining about sexism because a woman didn't say I WANT TO FUCK YOU out loud after rubbing herself at you all night, so you leave and think she didn't want you. Nah, you farted, you burped at her, and talked about your anime collection and she still didn't judge you because she was horny, but you dropped the ball a few steps before the touch down zone. Everybody makes their biggest efforts to let you win and you find a way to still lose! What THE FUCK do you even want! Here have all the oscar, all the jobs and a nobel peace price on top. Are you happy now?

>but of course, nobody is oppressed, right?
Why do you keep putting this forward as if it was part of my argument? I never said that. And clearly you believe it's possible, because your argument is founded on it being some people being oppressed.

You're the one simultaneously saying that oppression is bad while justifying the oppression of whites as justice. You're just spiteful and malicious while feigning reason.


>If you don’t understand that, you don’t understand anything about how stories get written and you don’t realize that the question you’re asking is idiotic.
Based Coen brothers telling it like it is.

You know, when they removed race based admission in california, guess which was the group most negatively impacted?

it was white people

any time you see a bottle marked POISON you should drink it because it might not be poison, it might have just been mislabeled by a society that isn't tolerant of poison
as you seize up and choke to death at least you will know you didn't unfairly judge the poison and you can feel really good about yourself

I won't pretend to have an answer, brohem. We'll get there. But in the meantime you're right, something is better than nothing and it's fun to trigger the alt-right kids.

>baaawwww we poor little white peoples are being oppressed by the system! Those stupid fucking chinks who study 1 hours a day are stealing our school quota! The game is rigged from the start!
Look who you sound like now

t. brainlet

Jews are not white.
They've been doing this shit from the very beginning. Look up Harry Cohn.

So you're saying you believe there are observable differences between the races?

i can't wait until white males are extinct

my argument was essentially, "welcome to our world" - which is to say total uncertainty about whether or not race played a role in your not being hired

I simply found it remarkable how whiny you are about what we've all been dealing with forever

except asians are literally suing the schools because they are being shut out by the policy too, you stupid fuck
at least read about your bullshit before you speak

When has the system ever worked to advantage the majority of the people living in it, anywhere in the world? Does the average nigger peasant in Africa have more privilege than his local warlord because there are more peasants than warlords?

No, I' saying that when they removed race based admissions qualifications, the group most negatively impacted was white people

fucking kek, was she just really drunk or on something else? my guess would be coke

Who gives a fuck!? I believe you need to earn things and sometimes some people just earned it more than you. I'm not the one saying gimme gimme gimme because wah wah institutional racism ba white patriarchy. Fucking japan got nuked! And they are still doing better than the crackheads from ghetto.

>y-you're talking like a leftist snowflake, gotcha!
Yeah, and?

So you're pointing out an observation on how making things meritocratic hurt a certain race, but you don't believe in any racial differences?

This is actually a good point.

Not him, but I supposed it depends on what you mean by "the system" - if you mean the system by which crimes by blacks are criminalized more heavily than crimes by whites, then this one.

In truth, the answer is always, because no matter how shitty your life is, it's better than it would be were you in that exact same situation and also black

I was responding to the notion that race based admissions favors blacks and disadvantages whites.

I said absolutely nothing about racial differences, except on the very very back end

he doesn't know what he's saying, he's confused himself. all he knows is that white people have to be the problem and any line of argument that gets him there works

what the hell are you talking about? there is no bottle marked poison and people aren't bottles

there are no negative consequences to bottles.

Maybe they should just stop smoking weed if they are discriminated for it.

or maybe the criminal justice system should treat everyone equally

that seems like a much better situation than one that nobody gives a fuck about

>leftists spend decades pushing for more and more inclusion and acceptance of niggers in predominantly white societies
>when niggers still remain at the bottom tier of society economically and still are disproportionately violent, it must be because predominantly white societies are oppressing them
How does the average white person benefit from paying taxes that go to keeping niggers in prison? How does the average white person benefit from the existence of ghettos where they're more likely to be mugged/raped/murdered and their property values will go down?

All you're doing is making a case for separation of the races. The alt-right is addressing the problem you have no solution for except for endlessly brow-beating whites.

>There is no way to avoid that.
yes you can, you know
there is an entire continent of people that go from spic to white. Its called south America, where the only way to get a job is to know how to do it.
or it used to be until circa 2011

So she was on coke right?

I have already seen people pressing with the importance of programming AI to mind of so called positive discrimination.

Analyzing big data gonna shake things up.

That green text has literally nothing to do with anything I wrote there

That was the fullest on strawman I have ever read

And how do I benefit from paying taxes to go to poor whites ( or blacks for that matter). I don't see how you could possibly think that's relevant.

Maybe, but your daddy wouldn't be in jail if his stupid ass saw the situation as it is and had valued his freedom more than a bag of dope. You're like a fat kid complaining about skittles having too much sugar. JUST STOP EATING SKITTLES!!

you must be Australian then
your losing the award this year to reddit tho

I don't see how that's relevant to the fact that if your daddy did the same thing, he would get less time.

There was a question posed there; you have lost it in an attempt at aggressive racism - I've been here longer than you, my dude.