
So, I have been in germany for a few months now as part of a research team in university and holy Shit/pol/ was wrong about everything. (Who would've guessed)
>no one smiles anywhere, people are rude and cold
>natives dress horribly, especially the girls they look like men who wear clothes from Aldi (a sort of cheap discounter)
>asked a German guy why he doesn't like cooking, he says that food from refrigerator is the best and cheapest, why spend more for food, he said
>not that many foreigners in public transport and they are not rude nor loud or annoying
>hard time to make friends with native germans
>Made one friend with a black dude
>he is friendly as Fuck and smiling all the time
>offers me all the time drinks after work
Now even the Arabs are friendly, much more helpful than the natives when you ask them for directions

Fuck off from my Country Untermensch

Fuck off, we are full!

Whatever you say Turkroach.

t. Abdulah T-Roach

Germany is not homogenous. There are big differencies between states, cities and areas. Where have you been?

I am french, from normandy,
yes I am white, probably the only white european in my appartment complex

Berlin and Dresden


I don't got time to smile.

>he didn't know krauts are incredibly autistic
It's as if you've never posted on here before lad

>French faggot befriending a nigger

What else is new. You didn't have enough brown people back home? You had to go spread your leftist faggotry elsewhere? What is your problem? If you don't like it go back to France.

into the trash
Never been there but assume that it might be a bigger problem to live there as foreigner because of the happenings last year.

I don't get this
>My mostly German maternal side are all outgoing
>My mostly Celtic paternal side is quite and autistic as fuck
Guess which side I got

nice meme dude, how about visiting this place and see for yourself.

Sup Forums blown the fuck up

OP loves BBC - the post

fuck off back to red-dit

See what place? France or Germany?

The Germans I met were all pretty cool. There's a pretty big difference between the different parts of Germany though. The Bavarians seem to be the most outgoing, the guys up north are a bit quieter but cool nonetheless.



Sounds like Norway.

Dont worry, I'm only here for a few months.

dont hear at him, you are welcome here my france friend

A few years ago my wife and I (both white, and I speak a small amount of German) honeymooned for two weeks in the Mosel Valley and Bavaria before making it down to Italy. The Germans we encountered were uniformly nice, pleasant, and helpful; cities were clean and well managed, and food, beer, and wine were all good. We ended up enjoying our time in Germany (nice people, orderly society and culture) more than our time in Italy (a bit of a mess; my wife actually compared it to India in its randomness and casual corruption and lack of order. Geographically pretty, though).

I think that there's a big difference between those areas and the regions in the former East Germany though.

>Aldi (a sort of cheap discounter)
Dude, I can tell you're not really American, otherwise you'd know that Aldi's is very common.

Here in Milwaukee there's like an Aldi on every corner.

he is from france he already told

Hey thanks dude, you are from berlin part? How do I make friends with some of you?:(

>not that many foreigners
>I am white, probably the only white european in my appartment complex
choose one...?

>Sup Forums has lied to me

i was talking about public transport

So, there's not a lot of foreigners on public transport...but there are a lot of foreigners?
Why does it make a difference.

ITT a (((Jew))) is switching proxies.

Sup Forums told they were everwhere and that the cities are exploding
its not true
just some areas are, like in my appartment building because its a shittier area

I love these kinds of threads. Have you ever thought that it could be maybe YOU that is responsible for your situation? Maybe no one wants to be friend with you because you are weird? Maybe you are autistic as fuck? And don't act like France was the Holy Grail of friendly and outgoing people. Fuck off.

when people say french people are rude, they talk about paris
paris is not part of france we jokingly say

maybe i am autistic because i visit Sup Forums you are right

no im not from berlin but I can tell you that its hard to get in serious friendships with germans. Germans learned to be carefull so they realy need to be sure you realy are worth to be a friend. Speak with people you see everyday and it will be easier to befriend them.

Yeah, German natives don't trust outsiders, even whites, I lived there for several years, they will take a fat refugee cock though, you just have to work on your tan and they will be all over you.

French are cool mate just try to speak at least a little french and they are so happy

I sée. ok thanks.

>a french
>complaining about sympathy

Ma vaffanculo

> ITT: Autistic /pol faggots whining about why the natives don't want to be eternal friends forever with them

>Berlin and Dresden


>tfw I'm actually a tanned German


I'm visiting Berlin over christmas

Any advice on interacting or things to do breh?

Looking for cool stores, /tg/ stuff, good museums


You're lying, this is so obvious to everyone, who knows something about Berlin. The City is packed with foreigners, from every third world hell hole currently in existence, but mostly near and middle East.

Leaf, I'm from Berlin. Visit the Teufelsberg and the Tempelhofer Feld. Don't fall for Kreuzberg, it only draws from past glory and is a massive overcrowded tourist scam.



Why did you go to Germany if you want people that smile?

>the caliphate of berlin

This really....
They're Germans ffs

Do you mean literally tanned German, or a refugee, cause if you are a refugee, get the fuck out, and go back to Germany.

>Berlin and Dresden

And how was Sup Forums wrong? Did Sup Forums say Germans dress well or are friendly?

What about all those slide threads today?

Dresden is one of the whiter cities though, and East Germany in general has less foreigners.

I'm just telling of my perception of what I see. Maybe mine is wrong but what I know is Sup Forums is massively blowing the refugee stuff out of proportion.

Seriously, this IS exactly germany. Except for this part:
>not that many foreigners in public transport and they are not rude nor loud or annoying

No, I am ethnic German but I have tan, goldish skin and moosey brown hair. So I don't even look German I don't think

>Be an immigrant
>Complain about them being rude to you

Also, you should try leaving the major cities...

Wer hätte das gedacht...

What reason do the Germans have to smile? For 70+ years they've had shitloads of white guilt heaped upon them and in the last 20, shitloads of foreigners that have only gotten more brazen and uppity about getting to do what they please while the elite look the other way. Of course they won't smile at you, Ahmed.

Don't worry about it dude, I'm 50% German and the rest is some kind of Anglo and I've got a Jewfro

>Any advice on interacting or things to do breh?
Kill some refugees.


There were a fuckload of refugees when I was visiting family this summer, and they had a terrorist attack in the coty where I was staying. Its not blown out of proportion at all. You can ignore the problem, but it won't go away.

As an alsatian, this fagg triggers me.
Go back to your shithole.

Nice propaganda piece you Antifa czck

> ITT: Go to foreign country
> Expect the natives to be exactly like the people in your country
> Expect the natives to love you from 100 meters away although you are only there for a couple of months
> Expect the natives to smile all the time because of you

Off-topic, does anybody living in Dresden know why exactly there suddenly are so many foreigners everywhere since last week or so? Take the main station for example, absolutely no immigrants riding the trains, but once you are out in the halls, almost one third of people are from the middle east?

>expecting people to smile

everything he says is true desu
no idea why the hate
especially women wearing men shoes and jeans.

Germans have a really different understanding of the word "friend".
We don't just "make friends".
To become a friend to a german means, working hard to get his trust and respect. That will take a while.
But once you made it that far, you're almost family.

fick dich

This is because you don't know anything and still make conclusions e.g. Berlin and Dresden are propably the least representative citys, you could visit. Berlin was a shit hole way before the insane Migration Wave started, if Dresden is Concernt many refugees are fleeing from there and the Police is more often than anywhere else in Germany enfroceing the law there. Especially Berlin is known for it's communistic Students, no wonder many of them dress like shit. In munich for example the clothing the average german on the street excedes the monthly income of the average french. It depends where you are, what Kind of Person you are, which people you approach. The migrant crisis had profund influence on many peoples live here.

Welcome to fucking Germany.
>no one smiles anywhere, people are rude and cold
Germans are conditioned to complete honesty. Smiling at you means that they are actually happy to see you. You are a stranger to them. They don't know you. They are neither happy to see you, nor do they hate your guts. This is propably the biggest culture shock for people coming here, as most other cultures pretend to be your friend with false smiles, to the point where you think they actually like you.
>natives dress horribly, especially the girls they look like men who wear clothes from Aldi (a sort of cheap discounter)
Go to the street prostitutes, they dress more french.
>asked a German guy why he doesn't like cooking, he says that food from refrigerator is the best and cheapest, why spend more for food, he said
So you asked a man that cannot cook and thereby does not like to cook, why he prefers meals cooked by other people over his own? What kind of "research" are you doing when you can't even understand how flawed your sample group is?
>not that many foreigners in public transport and they are not rude nor loud or annoying
Loud and rude minorities get exterminated. Our minorities know that. They will stab you in the back when it's dark and no one can hear you, don't worry.
>hard time to make friends with native germans
Attraction needs to be mutual, when a large group of people refuse to be friends with you, the most consistent factor is you.
>Made one friend with a black dude
>he is friendly as Fuck and smiling all the time
>offers me all the time drinks after work
Typical grooming behaviour of foreigners. When a german deals with you, he pays for his shit and you pay for yours. They pay for your shit, so you owe them. You're an investment for them. When they start asking for favors they hope you get a bad conscience for all the free shit they showered you with so you can't refuse.

Yeah, germans are mostly tall skeletal retarded looking autists, duh



True. And honestly I think this is way better than the "HHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEY HOW ARE YOU, I KNOW YOU FOR LIKE 10 SECONDS BUT LET'S BE FRIENDS FOREVER AND I TELL YOU ALL MY SECRETS" stuff you experience in some other countries. But I don't want to fall for stereotypes, I've met decent and shitty people from all around the world.

>This is propably the biggest culture shock for people coming here, as most other cultures pretend to be your friend with false smiles, to the point where you think they actually like you.

This literally me. People ask me all the time why I'm so serious. I also have the desire to dominate everyone around me. I am ethnic German.
>inb4 muh heritage

Just northern european autism. Same in Scandinavia.

as a golden retriever, this fagg triggers me.
Go back to your shithole

Youre a forigner. You are just another immigrant on their soil and they are not allowed to tell you to gtfo

i can see why a Frenchmen would've no problem with the sad state Berlin is in. Its basically a copy of Paris sans the Refugee Tents.

Wow, are you a twisted fucking psychopath too xD

welp, Time for another Genocide then?

Yeah, it was like that back in the 1990's too.

How is this a cultural shock for a French guy? French people are literally the same. Paris, at least.

Yes thats true
Except, single and especially man doesnt like to cook

No one likes the French, desu

>cant make friends
>is french
>only is in Berlin and Dresden

HOLY FUCK no wonder noone wants to be friends with you

get the fuck out if you dont like it, nobody is forcing you to stay here, ahmed.

> We ended up enjoying our time in Germany (nice people, orderly society and culture) more than our time in Italy (a bit of a mess; my wife actually compared it to India in its randomness and casual corruption and lack of order. Geographically pretty, though).

like what part of Italy?

Diogenes really makes a good Sup Forums mascot.

I love you pasta niggers. I go to Lago di Como every year and it's always perfect. Weather, food, people, never had a bad experience at all. Love you.

Well yeah, the Germans are basically the Brits but more autistic, I can't see how this was any kind of surprise to you, unless you thought all the Bavarian pride stuff was just how Germany is.

Having said that Berlin is a typical 'world city', if you want to see real germany you want to go to Munich, Stuttgart or Cologne.

Yeah, no shit they are friendly to tourists in a tourist location. It's literally their job.

well that was the right part to go

Literally everybody knows that germans don't have a sense of humor(therefore unable to smile). South Park even did an episode on this piece of common knowledge.

this...protesant ethic



also bavaria is not germany

they could have easily been robbed by friendlier people down south

me too. ive lived in germany and was happy to see how there was none of the "nice to see you!!!" "how are you!!" bullshit like in the usa.

if only germans were honest enough with themselves, as a people, to realize how fucking doomed they are