Can someone explain the recent Clinton scandal?
Can someone explain the recent Clinton scandal?
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Self bump
The FBI was forced to re-open investigation of Hillary Clinton due to recent evidence. Going against the public and political pressure for them not to.
But, what evidence?
deleted emails.
Hillary destroyed evidence in a federal investigation and was let off the hook months ago.
I mean come on, where are you living, under a rock?
m8, if you`re asking for a short version it is because you dont want to read the evidence in the first place is it not?
You can just go to any news source for the integral thing
Its nothing. Just fbi investigation. Literally happens all the time. She wont go to jail dont worry guys. She'll win by like 40 EC votes lmao
Enough for the Director of the FBI, who had previously refused to charge her with quite a bit of evidence (in July), to suddenly change face and publicly announce a new investigation in the heat of the election cycle
So it has to be some serious shit
Take a look at those lines.
That Trump rise is just regression back to his long term levels. It doesn't even reflect Clinton's massive fall yet because the polling hasn't surpassed, completely, the period before the FBI scandal.
She's done. Literally. She'll also lose Pennsylvania. Screencap this.
It's not a new investigation. He directly states this in the announcement. Do you people even read beyond the headlines?
>Screencap this.
Which one?
Well anyway, the new evidence in emails or otherwise is so compelling that the FBI was forced to re open it.
Even Hillary herself has asked them to release what they have.
oh another one of those nate silver crackpot polls
The FBI found Huma Abedin's cache of insurance emails to blackmail the Clintons in case they turned on her while searching Huma's computer for kiddie porn belonging to Anthony Weiner.
Comey, the worst FBI director in history, who failed to recommend a grand jury be impaneled against Clinton, said on Friday that he is in receipt of new information, and will reopen the investigation.
That new information is said to be 650,000 emails.
Comey knows what's coming and the Wiener emails are just a convenient excuse to make it look like he totally wasn't planning to stab America in the back by suspending law and order for the Clintons
There is no scandal. As CTR would say, it's literally nothing, at least for the moment. But the media is making a big deal about it.
My hypothesis: they are in the process of correcting their polls so that then the election comes and Trump wins, they maintain some shred of credibility. They need an excuse for why Trump would suddenly pull ahead, so they're making a big deal over this FBI thing to cover their tracks.
Anthony Wiener, estranged husband to Hillary's right hand gal Huma, apparently had 650,000 emails that that the FBI felt worthy of reopening the case for.
None of us really know more than that. Whatever it is, its big enough to legitimately warrant reopening a case even during election month.
Oh so this is why the dollar went up again.
The FBI was investigating Anthony Wiener and they found 650,000 emails relating to Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton, which was criminal enough for the FBI to re-open the Clinton investigation. The fact that they reopened it means that she will be prosecuted, but the timeframe in which this will happen is unknown.
Many prominent democrats including Barack and Michelle Obama have unfollowed Hillary on twitter and deleted their pro-Hillary tweets.
The polling agencies, ABC in particular, are now unskewing their results closer to reality. ABC showed a 15% surge for Trump (he's now winning their poll), however it's probably more like a 1 or 2% increase. They're just going back to reality.
The scandal will not affect her poll numbers at all unless she is arrested, the media is just preparing for the worst in case she is. Her supporters don't care about what crimes she has committed, most openly believe that racism is worse than corruption.
meme emails
Comey violated the Hatch act.
"public pressure" = democrats wanting to keep voters in the dark
Nice trips.
>None of us really know more than that
He had in a folder named"insurance". Do the fucking math you retards.
The Clinton Foundation has been receiving 'donations' from people in exchange for political favors from the Clintons for decades.
The emails contain evidence of who paid how much and for what.
Some prominent figures in the FBI were on the take and shut down the investigation. Others were not and continued the investigation against their orders. With the discovery of new evidence and ever increasing internal pressure the bureau faced the risk of a "mutiny" type situation giving them no choice but to reopen the investigation or face a long line of whistle blowers.
It goes back at least as far as Bills indictment.. You know when they claimed they were broke and in debt leaving the white house.
The Clinton Foundation took millions in donations in exchange for Bill pardoning 142 criminals.
So what was in those emails that are so important?
Short version.
When she was secretary of state, Clinton stored classified government emails on an unsecured private server. This is a big no-no and can land you in prison fro decades.
Clinton allegedly destroyed a large number of emails to avoid prosecution.
The FBI investigated her, and under intense political pressure, dropped the case.
Last Friday, the New York Police, while investigating Anthony Wiener for sexting a 15 year old minor, found an undisclosed number of the prevuiously believed deleted emails on a computer shared by Wiener and Huma Abadeen. Abadeen is Wiener's estranged wife and top aide to Hillary Clinton.
Friday, the FBI sent congress a notification that after obtaining a warrant and Wiener's cooperation to view the emails, they were re-opening the investigation against Hillary Clinton.
In short, the found the emails that were supposedly deleted. She's fucked.
Thats speculation, fucktard.
Don't trust every journalist who says "my source say X".
When we actually know more, we'll know more.
Explanation: Many crimes have been covered up, over the years, and it is all about to end up under the microscope of CNN authorized reddit experts.
It is coming to light because Barron Trump traveled back in time to stop them from starting WW3.
Keep drinking the liberal koolaid cocksucker.
Hillary blaimed Russia in belief that her tracks had been completely covered in the view of the public thanks to her influence of the FBI.
But it's come out that the one's who leaked the emails to wikileaks are actually whistle-blowers in the FBI.
>letter is evidence that Bill pardoned the man who was responsible for the biggest tax evasion in US history at the time.
>there was no reason for Bill to do so
>Coincidentally the Clinton Foundation received a million dollar donation from the party in question
We don't fucking know. The FBI knows, and they think it's serious enough to pull this shit. Warren and the Obamas have a pretty good idea, and they think it's serious enough to cut ties completely.
Basically, we know it's a big deal, and that's all we know.
Sure, here you go.
>hrc and obama accepted donations from qatar and saudi through foundations.
>DoS deployed assets to syria in 2011
>assets destabilized syria in attempt to coup assad.
>possibly a pipeline involved
>assad gained backing from RU and together are working now on a competing pipeline.
>hrc's emails will confirm that
>potus is using doj as a monitor to observe legal discovery obtained from huma weiner investigation
will result in presidential pardon, hrc may or may not go down, obama prob won't go down
You payed for all of it.
taxation without representaion
The Obamas and Elizabeth Warren unfollowed Hillary on Twitter. High school clique level drama.
She's a demon
Hillary has gone full conspiratard.
The fact that how she handled the emails was illegal is enough to bust her alone but Hillary is owed a lot of favors by a lot of powerful people.
And that's the real scandal here. The Clintons have been using the Clinton Foundation to funnel cash for a long time and been doing all kinds of favours for friends in return and paying others off in exchange for favours of their own.
This is why even her closest confidants need to keep information on her as insurance.
Supposedly the information in the emails is enough to take down the entire democratic party, not just Hillary.
Read this if you want an idea of what's going on with the liberals:
thanks. I wasted it on a shitpost though. I shuld have been kek posting for trump
That's why it's bad. They found it in connection with another investigation. She forgot to clean up all her tracks and now they hit the gold mine that they simply can't ignore.
Do you think he wants this firestorm? He was appointed by Democrats. If it was minor he wasn't about to go put it on blast for the world to see 8 days out.
There's all sorts of speculation, but the important thing here is not the content, but that they were classified government documents that should have never been stored on anything but a secure government server.
That alone is a felony that will land you in prison for decades and disqualifies you from holding public office.
No he didnt retard.
Hillary is going to have a temper tantrum and raise gas prices and Muzzies will start hitting big time to only allow Trump one term.
true, but the existence of the emails outside a secure government server alone is enough to bar her from POTUS. That's the focus.
The rest is icing on the cake.
Prove intent
Which one? So many to choose from.
He didn't, because he did NOT publicly announce that the investigation was being reopened. He sent a letter to congress, who then announced that Comey was re-opening the investigation.
He followed the letter of the law, if not the spirit.
Well that brings in why Obama is facing a treason charge as well.
Hillary did deals with the Saudis. She took money from them to arm rebels in Syria to destabilize Syria under the story that Assad was a corrupt dictator and his regime had to be taken down. This was done with Obama's knowledge and approval.
These kinds of operations have worked fine before so they assumed it would all be fine again. But they accidentally picked the wrong rebels, one's who couldn't be controlled and contained and formed ISIS.
Now everyone will be struggling to distance themselves and try and prove that Hilary acted with out their knowledge so only Hilary will take the fall.
Hilary has been gambling that it won't all go public so she has been preemptively blaming Russia for everything. She is literally playing chicken with Russia and risking WW3 all just to save her own ass. That way if Putin and Assad come out and say that it was Clinton and Obama who caused ISIS, she can just waggle her finger and say they are bad guys trying to make her look bad something something about her being a woman and being threatened by a strong woman but she's not weak so she's not going to let them push her around etc etc.
>These kinds of operations have worked fine before so they assumed it would all be fine again.
You mean like bush taking out Saddam Hussein? Or obama/clinton taking morsi in egypt? Or how about taking Qaddafi duck in libya? How those countries doing now?
Speaking of the Muzzies. It's the Saudis that are the reason the mainstream media is so pro Hillary.
Alwaleed bin Talal is a saudi prince who has recieved a few positive stories for "giving away all his money as charitable donations.. Alwaleed bin Talal owns over 5% of the voting shares of News Corp, the world's largest english language news paper distributor.
He has holding stakes in Apple, Twitter, Citigroup, Canary Wharf and Time Warner.
He has given over 20 million to Harvard.
He has in the past proudly announced that he has made it his goal to spread the 'right message' about islam.
Exactly like those, the countries are fucked, but , they were meant to get fucked and that's beside the point. They didn't end up with a situation like fucking ISIS where they created a bigger global threat than the one they were claiming to overthrow.
Its Schrodinger's Scandal and the FBI are yet to let us know if the cat is dead