>"Give the people what they want! KILL LUKE!!!"
>Eye Roll.
Hamill really hates star wars now huh
"Give the people what they want! KILL LUKE!!!"
Other urls found in this thread:
Did he say this?
what's up with the heavy breathing?
Protect this man at all costs
The depression.
Jesus christ based Hamill.
He's got a kind of a thing about that. It's not unusual for him. He's older and has been a smoker. I think he's basically ok.
So I haven't been around much. Are JUST edits still cool and are there any of MH? Because Disney made him their bitch.
He just clearly want's to be on The Flash again.
>when the money wasnt worth giving up comfy life for a few years
>full 30 second unskippable Disney ad
You can see his eyes get red, like holding back tears. Stay Well, Mark!
I have hope. JJ will fix this. He fucking will.
JJ loves a good twist and mystery. Luke will come back and they wont even mention it. He'll just be back in black and fucking wreck house.
Broke: Just edits
Bespoke: Joe edits
>JJ loves a good twist and mystery.
And he loves never having an answer for that mystery, thus frustrating millions.
>fool me once, shame on you
>fool me twice, shame on you again
>i don't know bout you guys but i have a good feeling about this upcoming third time
At this point its hard to me to know if you are a shill or just fucking retarded
Don't worry about it friends
Just look forward to uncle Vesemir Hamill
What do you think hammill would say if Disney wasn't holding him at gunpoint?
Based hamil!
Btfoing disney shills kek!
Legendary voice actor for the joker best known and well respected by everyone. Legend of an actor
Based /ourguy/
This but unironically
user btfoing that Disney shill!
Nobody can take down /ourguy/ (based hamil)!
He always hyper ventilates when he thinks about TLJ
Based hamill
>"Fingers crossed, maybe I transported to like a nudist planet"
It's started, Disney is testing the waters to see how people would react to them retconning Luke's death
There's no way to save Star Wars at this point. Won't watch anything from Jizzney after TLJ
if the nudist planet thing turns out to be true, ill break my vow to never watch another disney movie ever again.
How long do we have to wait for people to start telling the truth? "HURR DURR THE PHENOMENAL RESPONSE FROM THE FANS" means getting 48% on RT, and the fucking critics giving it a 98%. This is absurd.
fuck mark hamill he's an old fag
>he voices the joker dude!!!
no one cares
thats more like Hamil saying "who knows in my head canon Luke didnt go down like a bitch"
that man was going to conventions and reading comics before you were even a sperm in your fathers nut sack
You still care enough to shit on him disneyfag
Literal who outside of KekWars. Seems like hes salty he got only one paycheck and Ford got 10 times what he got in TLJ.
>anything serious nowadays
pick one, btw that's thanks to faggots trolling the rating systems. critics with comercial interests have been since forever, so anyone with half a brain can read behind their lines and draw conclussions, in case of the trolls, they should be put down.
Harry fondling his Indiana Jones and Han Solo money while this faggot still cries about his first role.
Star wars is already ruined. JJ should just go full fan service. Have rey sacrifce herself in an ancient jedi ressurection ritual she read in the books. Bring back full power luke, full power anakin. They convert kylo and 3 generations of skywalker confront plagueis who it turns out was the real power behind snoke. Meanwhile lando leads the largest fleet ever comprised of ships from all system still loyal to the republic.
>muh lueeeek
lmao, thank god for Rian Johnson
I agree, Brian fucking Herbert is a better writer than Disney's team.
Just let it happen user. Movies will be dead in 3-4 years at this rate. Then we can finally get back to start making decent ones.
Yes Luke will be back as a black female
The key to good movie making is giving the audience exactly the opposite of what they want.
This is subverting expectations, and you must praise. you must praise. you must praise. you must praise. you must praise. you must praise.
The actual key to making a good movie is giving them something they didn't realize they wanted so badly
>The Lord of the Rings trilogy immediately after 9/11 and the beginning of modern terrorism
typical retarded NuWars fanboys
I fucking hate Disney.
SW it’s dead, you got the fatass plinkett to thank for.
>you got the fatass plinkett to thank for.
how did he ruin it?
>you got the fatass plinkett to thank for
but he was right about how bad the prequels are
They were great faggot.
LOTR is great, but how does it relate to 9/11 and terrorism?
>some obscure YouTube videos brought down a pop culture megalith.
Literally nobody in real life even watches YouTube, let alone has even heard of rlm
Lmao.it’s pretty clear mark hated rian and everything from the last jedi. Those “positive” tweets looks more dubious now
>Prequel trilogy comes out
>StarWars is ded, the OT was amazing fuck George Lucas
>Sequel trilogy comes out
>StarWars is ded, the PT was amazing, come back George!
The absolute state of OT cucks.
>putting your faith in JJ Abrams to fix things
the absolute state of this franchise
>Internet reviewer somehow more at fault than the people who wrote the script drew the storyboards cast the characters shot the footage and edited it
nice try mouse
He's not completely wrong
The video became semi-viral, and then people who watched it propagated the idea that they're just the worst thing in the world. Mostly through reddit, then the popular opinion on reddit became prequels bad, and that diffused.
>muh politics not for kids
I was a literal 10 year old and I tought it was comfy as fuck. Therefore he is a retarded manchild. I heard some narcos put a price on his head.
I was actually really invested in them when I read everything dune as a 10-11 yr old. I also read all the shitty Star Wars books too so my standards weren't very high
Who cares what Mark thinks though ? Except the fanboys over here and on twitter.
Mark got a big mouth and ego, they got rid of him. People talk about Hamill likes hes some untouchable force in Hollywood, lol.
Before him there was no big deal about it.
How sad it is to be such a shill for losers like maklaska.
I miss happy mark
it's a miracle you can type coherently with that faggot Rian's cock so firmly in your ass
Did they even say Luke died? He was just bleeding, right?
I mean, clearly it was the intention to imply Luke died, but the dialogue never stated it so they could just pretend otherwise. Dying just from projecting a hologram is fucking retarded anyway.
its goof if you are a kid. If you start to think about the plot everything crumbles
bzt they are still far better than Disney`s NuWars tho
i don't know but thats NOT normal.
JJ had an entire movie to do something with Luke and the original cast and he didn't. Fuck him. It's all his fault from the start.
>Luke Skywalker has disappeared
Game over right then.
The absolute delusion of you people is amazing. Either that or your taste is really that bad.
>le mouseshill xDD
FemenWars suck too, but for different reasons
fucking this.
As much Jew Jar Abrams wanted to make that nostalgia circle jerk he didn't bother to give us a reunion scene between Luke, Han and Leia
Disney nanobots on his lungs. If he says the wrong thing, they'll blow them up.
It came out when the public needed something like that, like star wars in the 70s
People like you should not pass their genes.
As if theyre even the same people dumb fuck.
People like you can't
Theyre special movies and you cant change that user.
>but the phenomenal response I guess tells you that people really enjoyed it.
What planet is that interviewer on?
>Jews kill Christ
>Jews kill Luke
>Christians mad
>Sup Forums mad
>Christ returns, Jews fucked in ass for eternity
>Jews reconsider, resurrect Luke
Mfw Christ brought Luke back for us. ;)
Anybody else surprised a fucking NEET hasn't shtot JJ Abrams? It would hilarious seeing Disney try to recover on Ep 9 if that happened. I wonder if Lucas would one back to direct. Wager he might. Hint.
>I'm only here so I don't get fined.
No, but Rian probably has quite a large target on his head.
Making a bad film is one thing. Decimating the lore and killing Luke like that is another
Either retard or b8.
>JJ doesn't include him at all
>Rian destroys the character and kills him off
And the funny thing being that the new characters are awful.
You think iger had no idea what kathleen and rian were up to?
>Have rey sacrifce herself in an ancient jedi ressurection ritual
KK clearly has minimum screentime and line quotas for underrepresented chracters like Finn Rey and Rose. If you try to do that Disney goons will move in on your movie set faster than the SS on the night of the long knives
no he wasn't
He frustrated millions
you must have had a shitty childhood and can't remember the hype that surrounded the prequels, especially episode 3
This, is a perfect representation of how millennial SW fans reacted to the Sequel Trilogy. Generally the people who were kids when the OT came out despise the Prequels and love the Sequel Trilogy. The biggest majority of Sequel Trilogy hate is coming from millennials who over analyze shit just to find dumb shit to complain about.
>who over analyze shit just to find dumb shit to complain about.
Anyone with a basic understanding of star wars could drive a truck through the holes in the st
>implying the ending to Ep IX won't be Rey using time travel to pluck Kylo out of his dorm before look goes to confront him because she wants to save him from himself
>they then confront and defeat Snoke and live happily ever after
>now he's like five years younger so they're closer in age and those Reylo faggots get their shit and the whole trilogy is effectively undone
Mark Hamill and George Lucas should team up to do their own Luke Skywalker fan film. I bet the ILM team and certain rogue members still at Lucasfilm would be willing to help as well.