She's got a point...
She's got a point
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>has to be
but it isn't
She's right. Let the barbaric cannibals who think they have to cut out the hearts of slaves for the sake of a bountiful harvest teach the children.
Isn't philosophy a white man creation ?
Everything but paper and peaunt butter is a white man's creation
And it could be if anyone other than White men contributed anything of value and substance, but on a broad level only some Asians can share that honor.
But it is.
She's just projecting and can't see past it.
>Basketball has to be about more than black men
Wow, this really makes you fire up your electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it increases the membrane potential (makes it more positive, or depolarizes it), then it is exciting the neuron, and if it decreases the membrane potential (makes it more negative, or hyper-polarizes it), then it is inhibiting the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon, huh?
No, she doesn't. Literally no great philosopher spends any time at all waxing rhapsodic about "the forgetting of ontology of white men", or "the teleological suspension of the ethical of white men", or "the good, the just, and the beautiful of white men". None. It is only brainwashed so-called feminists who believe genitalia is the sine qua non of philosophy who spout garbage like this.
Huh, really fires up the aul' neurons.
>Sacrifice and loin clothes
Not really missing out on anything.
If you're not white or a man, just get better at philosophy.
All you have to do is create literal forms of thought on par with logic, and other systems white men created.
You'll be fine. Without all that oppression and the benefits of inclusiveness, I'm sure you'll be churning out game changing concepts that white men haven't already thought of and mastered.
I'll have fun watching your progress.
>12 posts in and still no salami joke
Sup Forums is dead.
>Aztec thinking was erased after their defeat by the Spanish
Yeah, because the Aztecs got erased.
In the 20th century, only Heidegger in his Nazi stage specifically mentioned white men and excluded everyone else. He almost immediately realised it was retarded and stopped.
You know when someone's argument is so retarded you're surprised. That's this.
Except Heidegger.
Exactly, instead of recoiling from white men in a resentful emotional reaction, she should have researched Nietzsche to realise her resentment and Sartre to realise defining herself as a woman of colour is retarded.
>aztec intellectuals
The feels that picture brings back are intense.
Actually plenty of Aztec codices were saved and even scanned. You can download pdfs of them.
something like this i bet
>Aztec thinking was erased
Wtf...if you don't have a decend well developed written language, how do you expect to create and preserve philosophical knowledge?
Aztec thinking consisted of cannibalism, human sacrifice and chihuahuas.
you can blowami my salami
Minna Salami is-a so big
she's right. let's change history and say niggers invented some shit and were rocket scientists. if we don't, we are racists
you forgot snake gods, but also checked.
>be Native American
>take Classics/Poli Sci at uni
>it's all white men doing everything forever
>inb4 >romans >white
>inb4 >macedonians >Greeks
I just spent the last class period in a class arguing the merits of a Trump presidency and out of the six of us who aren't white I turned four of the other five to my side and made them go from saying they thought Hillary would be better to Trump would be. Praise Kek that all of my arguments were derived from the old philosophers and leaders. I've also had success turning many of my tribe memebers to put up Trump signs.
Perfect example of a free market driving demand. Do you really care to listen to a basketball American muse regarding her view of humanity? Does anyone want to hear that shit? Obviously not and so here we are.
Since when is philosophy about white men?
Even nietzche who had lets say strong opinions on the jew wasnt shilling that hard for racism and such but was doing more of an analisis of his time and such.
As usual, expecting the white man to create your culture for you.
Then civilize yourselves or provide a better alternative mud women of the earth.
I wonder how much history and how many people the Aztec destroyed in their time.
>not knowing about eastern philosophers from India and China
She should really stop marginalizing Lau Tzu and Confucius
>rice niggers
White men will never get over yellow fever
>Aztec "philosophy"
You mean beheading children for the sun to come up?
I dunno if you wanna go down that road
Philosophy is fucking stupid. Niggers can have it and turn it into some slam poetry bullshit kek. I would not weep
Anyone else find it interesting that all this bullshit has effectively turned academia into a joke?
Aztec thinking wasn't totally erased. It was written down in codexes by friendly missionaries and their native students. It's pretty cool, but it's nothing compared to Western and Eastern traditions. Not enough breadth, generally not enough depth either.
Besides, the whole point of a general philosophy course is to introduce philosophical methods and improve critical thinking. That's easily accomplished through a survey of the Western tradition. Just throwing in random Eastern, African, etc. philosophy may actually hurt students because they cover the same topics over and over again, and they may be too unfamiliar in style to be appropriately understood without their own courses.
Maybe they should have written their philosophy down and passed it on to future generations.
Yer there was a few Chinese guys as well.
Lmfao a great way to troll these SJWs would be denying the whiteness of Roman/Greek/Spanish/French/Russian philosophers.
Anglo-German-Nordic philosophers or get the fuck out.
Yo don't forget Mr super soaker.
What will happen to all these neurotic assholes after the election?
Urban culture has to be about more than just worthless, dope dealing niggers
Welfare Queen
Philosophy is about ideas and a wide range of cultures, nations have contributed to it over the centuries. The only person making it about white men again is the stupid fucking SJW cunt with a political agenda.
But user, the best philosophers were Greek and we all know they aren't white.
Your doing god's work, user.
>Actually mattering
Lol let em have it
How many nigger philosophers are there?
Hell, even within white people we are not all equal. Is this bitch for real?
If their culture seems devoid of philosophical history its most likely because it is, i dont get why people are so brain dead stupid about history.
They arent white now.
>Aztec thinking is worth preserving
>implying "ooga booga earth gon' blow up" is equivalent to eg. Hegel
I fucking hate modern relativists so fucking much, FUCK
stop being jealous and write your own books lazy niggers
and stop rewriting ours kikes
(((scofield bible)))