Why hasn't she made it big yet?
Has her career rached a halt point?
Other urls found in this thread:
tits too big
she made me big if you catch my drift
Is that Mr.Robot guy?
ana kasparian looks like THAT?
How gay can one man be?
Resume production on Udder Insanity
scarlet JEWhansen was so jealous of her that she made disney age up her character and kill her off
I really hate it when big cow tit bitches wear tight clothes. We get it you have tits and back problems. I remember talking to one girl and she was complaining that she can only sleep on her back because if she sleeps on her tits they bruise and feel pain and it's uncomfortable. Shit just made me laugh, just get a breast reduction you dumb cunt.
She's in that new Winnie the Pooh movie which annoys the shit out of me because there's no chance we're seeing skin.
She'd going to be in some Winnie the pooh movie later this year
She looks like Christian Slater, with tits.
What's the opposite of Irish? Welsh?
I think he means too big for Hollywood. They don't allow well-endowed women aside from rare cases like Hendricks.
Any woman with big tits is bound to be cast as "the sexy one".
>minor role in captain america
>tv show no one watched
>single ep of Black Mirror
Nothing exceptional so far, tbqh
Jealous titlet detected
this is photoshopped
Her face has downs syndrome or some other retardation. When Harvey called her a pig he meant her face.
Trust me, having big saggy masses of fat attached to your chest is nothing to be jealous about.
I watched her show, it was mostly good
Go to bed Harvey.
I'm pretty sure the history of the human race and everything that is known about human desire begs to differ.
welsh girls have massive tits
ugly fucking face
I think she cray cray, plus she looses roles to this.
"tits too big" is not even a rare complaint over here
fuck off, flatso
Cara gets roles only because she has (((connections)))
Nah, I don't care how many wetnurses were required in 1602. Having a big ass fat chest is nothing but a disadvantage. Can't find any clothes without looking like a clown. As-Cs - Perfect. Ds and above - awful.
That's all that matters in hollywood now, doesn't mean shit if you're a good actor, the retards with connections will always be put first before you
Modern men no longer desire large breasts.
you misspelled homosexual men
come back when you have new images, repostboi
or non-cropped ones
Post more of mommy's milkers
Fellas, I’m just going to say it.
I love big boobies.
I'm trying not to masturbate and this really isn't helping.
I am a man and I like large breasts but I also like medium/small tits, as long as they have good shape and aren't saggy
Numales and soyboys arn't men you reddit faggot
>Kike in charge of not being a pedophile
why would anybody say this
people who spend all day on a Malaysian Throat singing board aren't men
Her face is too ugly.
you're still gay tho
Reddit pls go
no i like big titty women
one more then I gotta go do something that isnt Sup Forumsposting
here's some pokies
New Zealand. Australia and the UK are usually said to be on the opposite sides of the world to each other. Ireland is Britain's sidecar, New Zealand is Australia's.
>Why hasn't she made it big yet?
Does Neverending Story count as big?
That's the guy from Breakfast at Tiffany's
Stop talking and post more Hayley milkies
What show is this?
Shes trying too hard in america. She should just come back to bongland and im certain she'll get more roles
Agreed, season one was especially good, plus Hayley looks exceptionally hot in period accurate Peggy carter attire
The Titbully Tales
I really need to know man, don't do this to me
youve never had sex
you're an idiot.
>google: hayley atworth imdb
>look at tv appearances
Another Cancelled tv show on ABC
fuuuuark!! i'm gonna an hero if i don't get a mommy gf soon
she's back in Bongland
dating her childhood sweeheart or sth and living in London again
You expect me to watch through all of her tv shows she's appeared in to see which is the right one?
you're SO STUPID
no u
it was the show she did after Agent Carter was cancelled, if can't find out through google, you don't deserve to know.
Came here to say this
She's a big girl.
Stop hating on big tits you worthless subhuman.
Thanks for you (You)s sweetie ^_^
By the way, I have like 15,000 followers on Instagram.
Thank you that narrows it down
She still has a lot to offer.
For you
Yeah for me it's more about the shape/perkiness than size.
A nicely shaped perky pair of medium/smallish tits are MUCH better than giant saggy cow tits
No the REAL bottom line is that pretty much all tits are great as long as they aren't weird pancake tits or something. Size doesn't matter in the end.
Perfect shape.
Mommy gib Milkies
The honest answer is that there aren't many roles for women who are physically intimidating to the average woman. She's at a very unfortunate place: Too physically attractive(not even just her chest, she's fucking flawless from head to toe) for the average female movie goer to relate to and too idealistic to make the shitty fapbait flicks that women of her build are sought after. She's a fine actress, but she just isn't the type to make it in American cinema. And that's not a bad thing, either.
I don't like the name of that, no thanks.
Size absolutely does matter and so does shape. The ideal pair of tits are somewhere right between medium and large, nice firm and perky.
>tfw too attractive to be successful
I feel bad for her
She is in the new Winnie the Pooh movie.
Well, she can still be successful, and she definitely is. She just will have a VERY hard time making it big in American cinema.
She's had some pretty decent roles working with Disney. Almost never does leading roles, though, which is really too bad. Even ignoring my immense boner for her, I really like her as an actress.
honest question. how does this happen?