Am I kill Sup Forums?

>at Canadian University
>man is protesting with a sign, supporting Donald Trump
>crowd is gathered around him calling him a racist, sexist, etc
>I stand with him wearing my Trump hat, occasionally respond to people telling him to go away and stop being offensive
>cops break up the protest and the man leaves
>a few students ask for my name, I tell them I'm not giving them my name and walk away
Am I gonna get expelled, Sup Forums? I dindu nuffin except wear a hat and mention the Austrian school of economics, but the guy I was standing with was being racist and openly offensive.

If anything comes of it, say you were raped. I hear you can't walk on a college campus without being raped these days.

Just say free speech and you're fine.

this happen today? ayyy lmao i was the guy with the sign ahahahaha

good thing you're in canada. In America, you would have got your head stomped in to the pavement by a pack of negros and faced years of physical rehabilitation.

Youll be fine no probs here in Vancouver just dirty looks

you should be expelled for not knowing that Trump is not a candidate in Canada

You should be fine, just check with your student government and student conduct rules.

Just hope you didn't do anything cringy or were caught yelling back like a maniac.

Keep calm, cool, and collected.

its sad you have to feel scared of being expelled for something as fucking dumb as wearing a hat supporting a political candidate in another country. mate just come down here to the US your country hates you

no you are not going to get expelled, but this shows exactly what is wrong with the militant left

Plot twist Op is a streetshitter.

>false flagging as a retard
Good going, leafnigger.

I'm openly pro-Trump at work. It startles some folks. I just ask them why they are pro-corruption x100. The authors of it, really.

>free speech

cuck detected

I didn't do anything Sup Forumstier, I just told people to leave if he was pissing them off because he can say what he wants. I didn't even say to gas the jews.

I know that, frog bro, I was just supporting this man's free speech.

Saw some youtube retard film himself running over a Trump sign with his golf cart yesterday. I was hoping the same would happened to his tires.

Proof or faggot

No you won't. Not sure what uni you're at, but support for Trump is surprisingly strong here at Windsor.

I plan to move there when I am done with school, hence the open support of Trump.

Good to know there's still real men left in Canada.

Im skinny with brown hair. and the shit I was saying wasnt even racist

I got accepted there and turned it down, reeeeeeee.

>free speech

>not telling them your name is vince foster

missed out on a big redpill

>the austrian school of economics

How does it feel to be an ideological slave to the eternal jew?

>named the jew
Yea you're fucked

It's so strong in fact that I have worn my MAGA hat on campus plenty of times and the only comments I received on it were positive. It's pretty nice here desu thought it'd be a liberal hellhole seeing as this is NDP territory.
I even took a polisci course and my professor is a hard right Jew who constantly goes on anti-marxist rants!


Ehh, we can argue on it if you want to, but I still support a free market.

Which jew did I name?

That's really surprising DESU. Good to hear there are more than 2 Trump supporters per campus here.

Thank you Americabro.

Weedman is sending you to reeducation camps. I'm sorry for you bro.

There's actually a good few Americans here being that we're just across the border. A lot of the support is Michaganders. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump wins Michigan, as much of a longshot as that may sounds like...

Free market and free trade are good and well when there's a mutual advantage, but surely you can't be so retarded as to believe it's universally a good thing. Imagine free trade with China, they'd destroy our economy

I want to say you'll be fine because of free speech and all that, but I honestly think not telling then your name was a good idea.

These days, feelings are more important to courts than the concept of "free speech". Plenty of things have been deemed hate speech that shouldn't have, only to be overturned by the supreme court. The problem you would run into is court costs, and the chance the courts will go full retard and declare wearing Trump apperal as hate speech, which would fuck you in the ass.

The school could also try to discipline you becuas e you triggered some SJWs. Some schools would do it so I hope your not in some cuckoo school or program.

Record everything

eh maybe. depends on if you get doxed. lay low through the election they will have forgotten due to overwhelming butthurt. emotions with them are so high they probably were outraged by 10 other things on the way back to their dorms

>British Commonwealth
>Free speech

lmao.. He's fucked.


That's also good to hear. I wish we had more students like that here...

Oh, of course not. I meant specifically within one's own country, i.e. removing regulations on domestic businesses.

That was my thinking as well. I'm glad I didn't give my name to them. I'm in Computer Science, so it's not that bad for my program, but there's always a chance I guess.

I probably would have had my phone grabbed. A bunch of students grabbed at the man's sign, but school security kept breaking them away to avoid violence.

So you want complete deregulation? I mean, we already have examples of that during the gilded age and it proved bad for consumers, how would modern complete deregulation be any different? You'd have workers in slave-like conditions and food products that might have lead or otherwise harmful substances in them.

Not complete deregulation, just more freedom for companies and less restrictions on hiring, pricing, benefits, environmental impact, etc. It helps to ease the burdens of having a monopoly in any given industry, imo.

I mean, without specific that seems reasonable, but it's definitely not what the Austrian school recommends. They're hard-core massive deregulators and hard-core universal free trade advocates. The intellectuals behind the school are also almost entirely jews. They want international finance to have even more power over the economy.

Also, too much regulation can lead to government-enabled monopolies (like the pharmaceutical industry) but too much deregulation will have the same result, as companies use illicit means to drive smaller opponents out of business.

Fair enough, I was mentioning the Austrian school because some guy was shouting about the Frankfurt school of economics and I was saying to check out the Austrian school instead. I'm not entirely pro-austrian, but it's better than something like Keynesian economics.