Who was ultimately in the wrong?

Who was ultimately in the wrong?

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The Jews should have stayed in Egypt.

Not Moses

More like Ho-Moses.


G-d. For turning them against each other.

The one with slaves

Wait is this the Moses movie or the Joesph movie?


This is Moses, if it were Joespeh the resolution would be lower.

Honestly, if God was so all-knowing and all-mighty, couldn't his plan have had a peaceful resolution for both sides? I mean, they were brothers y'know. Would it have been so hard? Is god just edgy?
>first plague is turning water into blood
Dude's I think God is edgy


Because God doesn't exist, Morty.
He's a fabrication used as an excuse for every immoral act every perpetrated by one human being towards another.


>We know that Ramses ran a nation of slaves and all, but Moses didn't have to be such a dick about it
Nope. The whole challenge of the relationship didn't come from Ramses' sense of heirarchical duty, but his pride. He didn't care that sphinxes were being built or that people were suffering as slaves. Ultimately he just didn't want to give into Moses because Moses was a dick during their childhood. Once Moses broke his pride, Ramses freed the slaves.

The reason why Ramses is such a powerful character is because the audience just wants him to make peace with Moses and leave the past behind him. Which he cannot do. That ended up being his fatal flaw.

Aw Jeez Rick, but if we just take the movie, we need to assume he is real in their universe y-know?

Old Testament God is considered to be pretty brutal.


Ehh I don't think it's cause of his hatred for his brother, because despite Moses' shenanigans, Ramses loved his brother and all the mischief. I feel it was more of the pressure that his father bestowed upon him. Ramses was groomed to be a ruler all his life.

why do you expect God to follow human ethics?
God of the Old Testament is beyond traditional concepts of good and evil
He's only really good because without him there would be nothing, and most humans prefer existence to non-existence

Ramses for having slaves and shit.
Also,Moses is on the side of the creator of fucking everything who is all-powerful,so you dont want to piss that guy off

Do you rate he needed to be?

>why do you expect God to follow human ethics?
>God invents ethics

Another post here said that God is beyond our human ethics and I agree with that. We simply cannot understand the way he weighs things. We're probably just ants to him, beloved ants but still ants.

if He was, He definitely needed to be, because as the highest being He is the only law there is
thus, it is impossible for God to make a mistake, and the course of action He took was the only possible one

it might be impossible to make mistakes but you can still regret things

For us.
It's a slave morality user.

That's one take on it, yet another is that he/she/it too is as conscious as we are, with the added benefit of godly powers and perhaps an understanding of some shit we can't fathom. But if he is gonna interfere he may as well do it right

He invented them for humans, not for himself
The ten commandments are filled with trivial stuff like "don't fuck another man's wife" or "don't steal"
it would be absurd for God to be bound by these

It's just like what Dale Gribble once said.

>we tried to play god, but now the REAL God is playing god, and he's alot better at it!

To follow your duty is not pride. His sin was wrath, at the very end.


IMO the Christian Bale movie was pretty gud and unfairly pilloried for having white people

he chilled out after mary gave him the best sex in the multiverse.

That sounds suspiciously like something Zeus would do.


Don't be ridiculous. Zeus would never do something like forbid mankind from coveting the wives of others, only to covet married human women (and even then only in incredible circumstances.) Plus adultery isn't that bad when you're a god, life in the Pantheon lording over mankind can be very stressful and it's not unreasonable to ask something back of them every so often. It's not like anyone gets hurt when it happens, why it even results in amazing people like Hercules. You really should give Zeus some credit here.

what's the name of the dude that had the freaking gall to seduce Hera in olympus?

I think he had a special punishment set for him in tartarus.

Hello Zeus



The one with the darker skin.

So the Jews?
You don't really believe the pyramids were built by slaves, do you?

Then explain the Old Testament and Bible saying they were.

>people debating God's take on ethics
>there's an entire song in the movie dedicated to explaining it

It's also the best song

In the film, Ramses since there's no implication of God interfering with his already stubborn disposition.
In the Bible, still Pharoah as God is objectively right and he and all of Egpyt had to pay for their transgressions even if god had to force them to not back down.

>humans have free will
>unless I need to make a point

This book fucking sucks, Silverberg

He's doing literal cartwheels in Hell. And the worse part, Hera came onto him...and then Zeus came onto him disguised as Hera.

Jews lied to make themselves look better

>"This is pretty gay, Zeus. You didn't even shave."
>"Go to hell"

cain and abel

Reminder that slaves did not build the pyramids, contract workers did

It was Old Testament battle god, who demanded blood.
New Testament thinking man's god wouldn't have acted like that.

God was basically Muhammad until he was revised

The Old Testament has plenty of stupid shit like talking donkeys and dragons. It isn't some infallible historical narrative.

>"The Spirit of the Lord will come inside you[Mary]."
- Joel Olsteen

The idea that God is all mighty and benevolant is not that old

Heritage not hate, bro.

>I wonder who could be behind this post

I'd say he fits pretty well into evil.

>Dude's I think God is edgy
What does that say about his creations?

>Reminder that slaves did not build the pyramids, zeta reticulans did

Ramses for keeping slavery legal while a man very clearly proves a god exists and will cause chaos if he keeps the jews enslaved.

i was completely invested in this thread, but now you are having me rewatch al the songs on youtube, damn you

The Jews were never slaves. They were treated like lower class but not as slaves.

They weren't even lower class, they were merchants.

and tax collectors


>Fucking Christ, calm down humans, you're raping everything out there

I said treated "like" lower class just like how Romans treated them also. Everyone in the history hated the Jews for some reason.



The Bible never says Hebrews built the pyramids either.

Just a couple "treasure cities" or something, I think

>Dude's I think God is edgy
/vp/ already came to this conclusion.

>some reason

A being that is already capable of perceiving all of the universe at once at will is already far too advanced for us to understand, it doesn't even have to be a God of any known religion. Saying we could understand or argue about the motives and ethics of a society in the next immediate tier of civilization is extremely arrogant already. The Christian idea of God is an omniscient being, something capable of seeing through all space and time all at the same time eternally, I'd say the ant comparison fall short, to this god we'd be more like to us are each individual electron in a piece of bread. Why does he care about us, then? It's impossible to know.
This, if anything, it was the father who sparked the rivalry between the two.

You have to understand, the Yahweh of the time Moses' story was fabricated was basically Khorne. He was one of the most bloodthirsty, warlike deities ever conceived, his followers being such obstinately violent warmongers that they ended up biting off far more than they could chew and getting absolutely BTFO by Babylon.

This is incidentally why the story of Moses actually exists, to assure Hebrews during the time of the Babylonian Exile that they had recovered from the same bad shit before, to give them license to worship Yahweh outside of Israel & Judah, and most importantly to remember to not just abandon their roots and assimilate into other cultures.

Not the guys in this pic that's for sure. Yahweh is the fault.

>be an eldritch diety who lives in a bush
>fuck with two brothers and an empire because it's funny
>end up killing both later

the thumbnail looks like Moses is catching his punch

It's more like the fact that Benevolence in religious circles worked like Good in Dnd. It's not a cosmic concept, is literally what the God with the Good aspect tell you it is.

Gos is not benevolent because he follows an arbitrary standard of benevolence, God is benevolent because Benevolent is defined literally as "what God is".

How many points of autism do you have?

This is known to be false. You couldn't trust a project as complicated as the pyramids to unskilled slaves, and you wouldn't want to insult your god-kings like that anyway.

I'm not a historian/anthropologist but weren't Egyptian "slaves" given food and shelter and shit?

It didn't

afaik they were mostly used to mine gold in nubia

Most slaves were. But the worst part is the pyramids were probably built by contractors.

Rick & Morty really does pander to the pseudo-nihilistic Reddit demographic...

You must really hate Samaritans.


slaves were almost always given food and shelter user
slave owners weren't some sadistic edgelords, it only makes sense to take good care of your valuable property

By the way there is a new war on the Middle east coming soon, Iraq vs Kurds and things are about to get fucked up real soon.


There is a lot of evidence of walled settlements with 2-story houses located far from the Nile and close to monument sites. Plenty of evidence of affluence like nice pots and stones with written messages on them.

The evidence points towards farmers who are out of work when the Nile floods every year being paid to live in these settlements and work on the monuments, the farmers get something to do during the flooding and the government gets a regular supply of workers who over the years gain a lot of construction skills and can teach their children the same.

These people had pretty cushy lives. (Comparatively)

What I'm trying to get at is that they weren't as abused as people think they were thanks to conflation and Hollywood.

Makes a lot of sense. Nile can be a bitch.

It's because they're smug fucks. It's built into their doctrine.

>why goyim saying we're god's chosen people isn't a GOOD thing, we're just chosen to do things!

Yeah, freedmen farmers on the off-season.

>Iraq vs Kurds and things are about to get fucked up real soon
Sounds familiar

According to the Bible. The Egyptians were in the wrong, for enslaving the Jews and genocide them, especially after forgetting what Joseph did to help them.

I'm tired of retarded of these responses. God asked multiple times before letting the plagues happen, then asked when the plagues were happening before tightening the Pharaoh's heart.

The Pharaoh was too far up his own ass to let the jews go. He might've looked weak bending a knee to a foreign god, but if it relieved the suffering of his people by said God he would've been a Hero at the end of the day.

OT version of God was pretty okay some of the times, and took mercy a lot when someone fucked up. Only when they don't learn a lesson and do ridiculous shit does he fuck your shit up. (Moses told everyone not to worship another god. People literally worship a cow statue not 5 seconds later and get lost in the desert as punishment).

This thread completely derailed

>le who wuz in de wrong XD thread derailed into discussion on God and ancient architecture
this is obviously an improvement

God, he should have just teleported the jews away

Slavery in the ancient world was completely different than chattel slavery of the 18th-19th century. Some slaves could get pretty powerful de facto ruling states in some cases, while at the same time there were slaves whose sole purpose was to open doors.