Nuff said. Fuck okeefe
Not Hillary=Not Happening
Come on, are you seriously putting stock in le ebin duckman?
CTR on suicide watch. Get mad fagggot
Nerd virgin sweating rn
And of course it isn't Hillary. Good thing I didn't get my expectations up to begin with.
It'll still hurt her dum fag. Literally CTR in full force
>a dem racist statement
>one statement
first it was hillary on a racist rant, then it was a DNC worker on a racist rant, and now its a DNC worker saying one racist thing.
this guy needs to learn the phrase "underpromise and overdeliver"
I'd hate to say it, but unless it's hillary herself, and unless it's the N-word, not many people will give it credit.
I pray it's hillary calling Obama a nigger...
>original announcement: "them demeaning and disparaging black people in the worst ways"
>CTR: "Wow, them = Hillary (both of them)??? If it's not her saying 'nigger' we ALL need to spam 'IT'S LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING,' okay, guys? Please!"
Get fucked, faggots. First Schultz, then Foval, then Creamer, then Brazile, then Kaine, then Hillary. She needs to watch the ground fall beneath her feet before she goes down. I hope she makes it Qatar in time so Trump can drone her.
Hillary being on tape saying NIGGER was/is a CTR trope to slide our board with dissapoint threads once it drops tomorrow.
he better fucking deliver but i don't believe this will be anything useful
It involves a prominent globalist.
If it someone that works for the campaign it'll be all over the news
It's the nigger tape.
Kek wills it.
It's someone within Clinton'a political sphere.
Looks, it was funny the first time. But posting that "tommorow will be the end of hillary" every day for a month kind of loses its punch when it keeps not happening.
>implying one person can only make one statement.
You are ducking braindead
No drop has compared to this one when it comes to affecting votes
One person being retarded on camera isnt a happening. I really expect more out of this, but you motherfuckers all overhyped it and now are trying to downplay it.
A entire fucking board of Roger Stones spouting bullshit hype.
If it isnt Clinton doing it, it isnt shit, and you all know that. This is O'Keefe bait and switching us with, dare I say it, fucking nothing.
He should be focusing on the voter fraud and intimidation shit, not some peon who is going to be spouting niggerisms.
It's not going to be the N word. It's going to be one of the DNC people talking about the black vote, or how they are running Black Lives Matter or something else that's distasteful. It cannot be used against Hillary personally. Sick of that asshat O'Keefe and his happenings.
maybe its tim kaine
It'll probably be that dumbass Creamer suggesting a black Donald Duck
Minority voters care about racism more than voter fraud and you know that CTR
This week is the final 2 minutes of the game, everything worthwhile will leak this week. The fact Hillary and Co could only muster the fake Russian-Trump connection yesterday to try and deflect from the Weiner/Huma scandal shows they have nothing left. Now they are back to bitching about Trumps taxes and "grab em by the pussy" comment.
I hope he releases the full vid before election to cuck the MSM saying he doctors videos
Tim Kaine calls Donna Brazile a worthless fucking nigger...which is a shame because he is 100% correct
It's going to be a recording of JayZ calling Obama his """nigga"""
Will Barry disavow? Is this how the party of Omar Mateen dies???
The autism in one post..
What do people think the significance of them being in NC are? Are they going to try to question Obama about the contents? (Event is 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM.)
POTUS Confirmed to be releasing Dem Racist video.
T. OKeefe
>It`s another episode of Sup Forums falling for the tease of the attention whore
First of all this drop wasn't due to anything posted by veritas, o'keefe, or anyone predicted by these threads.
Second Trump fell from 50 % chance to 12 in 7 days (after the convention), most of that in the first 2. Hillary has got real far to fall much much further to catch up to that nonsense.
>what is guilt by association
SJWs and BLM get triggered and chimp out when black people are called "black people". Nuff said.
the public doesn't give a fuck unless it comes right from her mouth
although apparently they dont care there is audio proving she is pro election rigging either
Its been promised many times, never delivered.
Its not happening.
Screencap this. It's going to be some low level nobody staffer saying the word Nigger...
I want this so much.
CTR gets off the clock at 5:00. I keep telling you this and you keep not listening.
Finally started listening to me about coloring CA red in your made up electoral maps though, so baby steps.
Just accept that he played you for cheap attention
mmm this
I've been let down a few times. Wasn't Huma supposed to be arrested by now? Give me something real
CTR psyop folks. Hide this post
> cheap attention
> Has helped throw Hillary into a death spiral
Investigation had been going a few days faggot. FBI has to go through everything
Which they won't be able to do before the election.
Pay attention to North Carolina
Why with POTUS? Just because they threw that old cunt under the bus doesn't make them inmocent.
Wow I sure haven't seen dozens of threads saying this exact same thing for the past few months.
Source is his trip you newfag, not HIllary herself confirmed!
>turns out they are talking about the African nation of Niger.
>That trip
Thanks for what you do Veritas
Whos clintona?
source or fuck off nigger
>African nation of Niger
you mean African American nation of Niger
>a dem
Stop falling for this potato nigger's tricks already
Literally nothing again. Fucking faggot.
Read the thread, we know it's not Hillary, there is no trick:
this. okeefe is a fucking shill.
i will make a thread apologizing to Okeefe at 8 PM EST where i dump a gallon of arizona iced tea on my head, and live stream it.
MARK THIS POST. i could almost bet my life on it, nothing will happen. hes a liar
inb4 a nobody says something vaguely racist about black people
Nobody cares how much money you waste on iced tea or if you think he's a shill.
no, he'll post something, itl'll just be weak
hopefully it's strong enough to get the media talking about it.
So we know it's a prominent globalist from Clinton's political sphere and possibly from North Carolina. Any guesses?
That's... Like... $3 worth of tea.
Plz be Bill, plz be Bill. Weiner and Bill taking down their wives campaign would be perfect
Oh wow I cant believe foval is gonna say the N word. This moron actually gave dems 10s of thousands of dollars for some bullshit you cant even link to Hillary, what a waste.
Unless you get Hillary on camera you don't have shit. and you'll never get her on camera because she is protected and only talks to 5 people
Bill is not a prominent globalist.
Neither is Foval.
>implying you dont wanna see me dump cold arizona on my scrawny white ass
i hope it's hillary calling obongo an alabama wind chime. awkwarrrrrrd
>it's a guy in a duck costume saying "fuck off nigger"
It's not Hillary, we know that.
Probably some underlying nobody.
Screen cap this
What a complete retard. This won't change a single vote. All this publicity and he wastes it on retarded BS.
Fuck sakes it was siupposed to be Hillary, maybe their just saving it for the last day so that she doesnt have time to spin it
As it stands already Hillary Clinton is going to have to flee the country if she wants to avoid jail time.
Yeah but lets be honest here. If its not Hillary herself saying "nigger! nigger! nigger! Gas the kikes!" the dems and the media will just spin it away. I'm half convinced someone could release a video of Hillary Clinton sacrificing puppies to moloch while surrounded by lizard people and the media would just spin it as "she's so open minded!"
all the niggers are being bussed in this week. it'd be too late
What is with people not reading the thread, dude from Veritas already posted here, check the trip, already said it's not Hillary. Already gave hints as to who it is.
Probably Foval blaming some nigger for giving him HIV.
>a fucking duck
>death spiral
>not Hillary or Kaine
>just some fuck
i'd like you to stop sucking dicks already
but sure i'll look
O'Queef will surely deliver this time
Correct me if I'm wrong, but yesterday you guys were saying it's happening today.
You know those flash games where you launch a kitten or a turtle over a mine strewn field and your score depends on how many times the kitten/turtle regains its momentum after hitting an explosive/mine?
If this isn't Hillary specifically this is will still be a mine. At the very least it will knock the negative media momentum into next tuesday.
If it IS HIllary....its another cannon.
>saved it for the last week of the election
>being deliberately vague regarding who it targets
this is gonna big, I can tell. I'm literally shaking.
people on Sup Forums were speculating the date
They originally said October so people assumed shit would drop Monday but like with everything else this faggot keeps screwing up.
It's too fucking late for anything but a nuclear bomb release to affect vote counts (Hillary/Kaine saying nigger or making racial statements about Obummer, smoking gun emails nailing the CF, disastrous Hillary health info.) Some mid level dem faggot saying nigger does absolutely zero harm to Hillary.
>racist comment
Imagine after all the lies and corruption the thing that finally brings her down is the only thing she's ever said that Sup Forums agrees with. heh