What does Sup Forums think of Fury Road?
Mad Kino
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why was it called mad max when tom was hardy in it?
it and BR2049 are the only good things to come out of the reboot era
a great action film with perfect world-building
I thought it was great the first time I watched it, but on a rewatch it felt really shitty.
Yet I can still rewatch MM and RW and I've seen both at least a dozen times.
Very good but nothing surpasses the perfection that is The Road Warrior.
Muh stronk womenz
It's shit.
>hey reddit I'm a misogynist too! XD
Fuck off
it's a clever movie. appeals to roasties and critics coz of false "feminism" tones, while in fact it's max saving them all the time
Literally parody of feminism served as feminism. Love it.
greatest movie i've seen in years
What was their problem?
A movie full of femnist bullshit that still manages to be kino anyway because Miller's a great action director despite becoming a bit of a soyboy in his old age
enjoyable. nonstop action ride, to be cliche. it was not feminist/stronk. the women were mostly dumb and barely capable of anything
Masterpiece. The kind of movie that will still be a reference in 30 years.
only opening chase was good, rest is unwatchable
Legitimately fantastic movie. It's a story that could almost pass as a silent film - they worked from Miller's 90s storyboards rather than a firm script. There's so much visual communication throughout. Despite the action being near non-stop and the dialogue being minimal, the character arcs are more well rounded and thought out than a lot of movies that devote 2 hours to talking. You can see that Miller still retains his indie filmmaker sensibilities. If this was in the hands of the studio execs it would have been forgettable nonsense.
I loved it, desu. It wasn't perfect and I could nitpick it to hell and back, but it was very enjoyable, and based Miller schooled pretty much everybody on what action movies should strive for
Lmao, kys
It's a lot of fun, but the cinematography is fucking unbelievable. It's legitimately some of the best ever.
Planet of the Apes is unironically better than the original. Pure monkino
>Muh stronk womenz
Normally I would agree but this movie's plot was written on a napkin in the 90's before movies started getting the recent feminist injections. It's why Kill Bill would be shit if made today but it's okay for when it was made.
Fuck off hole
Never go full pleb user.
There's like one strong women and then five who are competent enough to poke and through things at the baddies when they get close or give things to the main characters. It's really not particularly feminist, and is especially less egregious than the contemporary obsession with trannies.
Absolute fucking trash.
No surprise the videogame generation like both of these
You mean like praising genreshit films simply because they're old?
>Normally I would agree but this movie's plot was written on a napkin in the 90's before movies started getting the recent feminist injections.
Then he had a famous feminist come in and check all his work.
Do have any reasons beyond "I fuckin cant STAND these stupi fuckin wimin"?
We've come so far that max eats double-headed lizards and turns into sir gruntsalot without even for one second matching the charismatic performance mels delivered with his interpretation over 30 years ago
what a wonder also that whereas in road warrior everyone was hunting for gas because it was so rare and precious here this seems to be not an issue. even less so considering that the villain has a party bus in his entourage with a freak who plays a flame-shooting guitar. and all of the characters drive through the desert for days because re-fuiling is of no concern. gasoline seems to exist aplenty. water not so much, therefore the baddie advises not to get addicted to it. like you can go without i
the digital look of the film, combined with its use of CGI, makes it easily the ugliest film in the series maybe even of this year. the plot a plot? is basically non-existent and where it shimmers through (like zoe kravitz nipples through her shirt) it just proves to be ludicrous, in a film that feels like three hours because it's that repetitive. this is man of shit all over again: one action scene that we have to watch over and over and over. they're driving, shooting, explosions, driving, explosions, shooting, driving, shooting, explosions. after 45 minutes I struggled to keep my eyes open and awake due to it's lack of anything interesting
maybe miller should return to making animated films about dancing penguins
It's a steaming pile of shit with nice visuals and nothing else. No plot. No character motivations. It's autism is cinema form.
Its a classic movie faggot. Great designs and production value. Excellent performances. Interesting themes. Whats your fucking problem with it kid?
This just isnt true. He brought in someone that had worked with sex slaves in shithole 3rd world countries to advise the actresses playing the brides in their performances. Everything in the movie is as Miller imagined it in the 90s.
>No plot. No character motivations.
Absolute kino
Your so gay
Legitimately the best action movie I’ve seen in Years. The fact that there are faggots on here that can’t get past the fact that there was a female character makes me laugh
Someone thinks he's smart although clearly isn't
It's an utterly retarded story. The apes all speak English, these fucking astronauts don't immediately realize they're on Earth after finding not only Earth plants but fucking PEOPLE and apes, the ape technology is extremely anachronistic and all over the place, It has an extremely cliche and uninteresting portrayal of religion, it has eyerolling ape/human le role reversal akin to a cartoon.
>nice visuals
Eve Ensler was on set making sure the movie was feminist approved.
Miller's outline from 1999. Those who think this movie was hijacked by political feminism should have a look. He'd been working on this movie for 20 years. It's probably a big reason why it was so good.
Fury Road's car-porn game is a solid 9/10.
Whoa, this really convinced me! Have an upvote
It was a pretty good movie, non stop action and filled with memes. I'm so fucking glad I watched it in my local kinoplex when it came out
>water not so much, therefore the baddie advises not to get addicted to it. like you can go without
Are you for real?
Convinced you of what?
Im saying he wasnt working on it back then but it was widely reported she was on set.
She was on set to coach the girls. She didn't have any effect on the movie's plot or themes.
I almost felt insulted when they wrecked the War-Rig.
Greatest action movie of all time. The gold standard by which I judge all action films. The Sup Forumsacks on Sup Forums even had to acknowledge its greatness on release, after months of chimping out about feminism like they did prior to Ghostbusters.
absolute kino
I liked it.
amusingly got away with showing how inept females are, or at least heavily suggesting it
insanely boring, can’t remember a single thing from the entire flick
All of that is explained if you pay attention. Why dont you take these issues with the new ones? I did like those movies as well.
Anyone else think Fury Road would have looked 10 times better without the "orange" filter?
>Gynotopian warriors
Jesus Miller
>Greatest action movie of all time.
For guys born in the 90s
Lots of morons fell into the "muh feminism" hysteria before the film's release. Some of them didn't even see it before criticising it. Most of the women in Fury Road are useless cargo. The majority of the female clan get BTFO. Furiosa is the only competent woman in the movie, saving Max a couple times, but most of the time she was just driving the war rig. Even then, she gets wrecked in every physical confrontation and needs a blood transfusion from Max to survive.
Says you.
>not feeling insulted when the Interceptor was converted into Razor Cola then pancaked between two War Rigs
If anything he toned down the feminism when he finally got around to shooting.
Watch the Black and Chrome edition. 10/10 kino
they're actually the most reddit, video-game movies of the past 2 years, but haha yeah they're """good"""
I was born in the 80's actually but I wasn't watching R rated movies as a toddler.
that's why the black and chrome is the only true edition
Possibly. I'd be interested to see that "Chrome" black and white version they released. It still looks good imo, just that the orange filter shit is unnecessary.
Says the evidence of George Miller's storyboards.
But then again, I was insulted when they crashed the Interceptor within 5 minutes of the start of the movie.
Then I was a little hopeful when the "Razor Coloa" came into play.
THEN! insulted again when they did the Razor Cola in.
It was...
Quite a ride.
there's literally nothing good about Fury Road save for a few action sequences. The characters are stupid and cliched. Furiosa falling to her knees screaming was just anime/video game tier garbage. It even had forced romance, very cringey, between fagmouth and one of the captive girls. Something a proper action movie, like Predator, would avoid. THen there's a host of edgy, lazy shit to appeal to 15-25 yo males like the flaming guitar, the gay shit the warriors say to each other to hype themselves up etc.
It's not really a movie. It's a 90-minute stunt demo.
this is sad.
>Something a proper action movie, like Predator, would avoid.
Is Die Hard a proper action movie?
Cant step in the radiated waste?
The romance in Die Hard isn't analogous to Fury Road's. It's a prior relationship. FR's is just some retard and another retard deciding they like each other all of the sudden in a context where it makes no sense.
Completely different.
Was your dad a faggot?
checked and witnessed
They are skyfishing for crows
So why did he need a super feminist on set to coach the girls?
I never interpreted Nux's relationship with the girl to be romantic. It seemed affectionate in a platonic way. Like they bonded over the desperation of their circumstances.
I couldnt stand the character or the actor.
For authenticity; to get the best performance possible out of the girls. She'd worked with real-life sex slaves and Miller thought her insight could be useful. Try reading the thread, and try being less paranoid. As if George Miller is going to have some fucking woman come on set and tell him how to make his movie.
>I had a baby brother, and he was perfect in every way
I remember when this was a meme for about a month.
agreed, except for the very first one. id say the first one is on par with the new trilogy
Literally feminism disguised as a macho male action movie. Love it.
You don't seriously think that little kids have any business being in movie theaters do you?
>Gynotopian warriors
A police woman could have done that. He had the cunt who wrote the vagina monologues hanging around every day.
Thoroughly entertaining, but doesn't make my top three list of Mad Max films. Best stunts, least believable setting and story.
Was your dad a faggot who didnt have a vcr?
I guess so. I have no regrets about spending my early childhood watching Mr. Rogers and not 80's action movies though.
He was obviously going for surrealism though.
Marxist feminist subversive trash. Avoid.
>"Am I awaited?"
*music starts playing*
>"You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome."
Unironically gave me shivers, the worldbuilding in this flick is really well done.
Damn you, now I need to go rewatch it, on my Chrome and Black Blu-ray.
Shit is a fantastic eye orgasm, in either color grading. That dust storm scene still gives me chills.
Also this.
t. retard who has never seen it
I don't care what he was going for, I care how it turned out. This one just plain didn't make sense, and therefore it's hard to be emotionally involved or inspired to have interesting thoughts. The Mad Max series continues its perfect streak of being higher budget but a poorer film with each entry.
The first film had the most depth, and stands up the best to repeat viewing. There's a lot going on there, psychologically and morally. It's a fascinating study in evil, how it succeeds in the world, and how a civilization falls to anarchy. The second film was more about visuals and colorful characters, but still based on a strong narrative about good and evil. The third was trying to be deep again, but did poorly, and mostly was a meme movie ("Two men enter, one man leaves!") that seems confused about whether good and evil are real or just points of view. The fourth seems both nihilistic and incoherent, with the primary creative force behind it apparently having lost any sense of which is good and which is evil: in a reversal of The Road Warrior, the man struggling to guard and rekindle a dying ember of civilization is cast as a monster, while the ravening horde who would tear it down and devour it for fleeting comfort are cast as sympathetic and deserving. It is propaganda against morality.
>tfw spent couple of months shitting on it for being feminist trash
>Thought the trailer was great, but had reservations because it looked a little Bay-ish
>Actual film was a 9/10, despite the occasional poor editing in action sequences, perfect world building and everything a movie should be that separates it from a game or a book
>Got robbed for Best Picture (it was a weak year and really had no competition)