
How would you guys fix this character?

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you cant fix perrfection user

Nothing to fix.Author went and fucked himself into a corner, called a bunch of his characters "joke characters" and pointlessly killing them off.

Wouldn't. She didn't have a purrpose are wasn't meant to.

make her perpetually barefoot

She is.

Man, I cat-n't stand these puns, they are shit

she is wearing slippers

I see what you did there


Almost all his answers are so bored and the more serious ones aren't funny.

>he expects a comedy writer to be funny all the time

Kill her off sooner

His actual jokes are dry so we expect theres some hidden potential but nope.

They're dryer than Karkat's vagina, and not in the good way

I got shocked knowing he's older than Toby with that babyface.

Lack of sun.

Realize that she was more popular than most of the relevant cast and killed one of them off instead so she could replace them. Killing all the most popular characters to establish other characters as dangerous is a pretty stupid move.

>more popular
Don't confuse memes in these threads for overall opinion.

The only way to fix her, is to fix the rest of the blue team trolls and Tavros. Either make them actual characters or don't introduce them at all. This halfway bullshit doesn't work.

Hussie does (or did) it like it's (or was) second nature to him

That's because Hussie was actually funny. Key word being "was".

Or Dril
Why couldn't dril have been in charge instead of just some extra writing

Nah man, Nepeta's always been really popular. Not as popular as someone like Karkat but definitely more than Vriska, who's mere mention would cause flame wars.

How can you know he wouldnt be as bad at making jokes? Twitter and a game are different things.

>vriska serket 11283
>nepeta leijon 9243

Even Aradia is more popular overall than her.

Writing is writing. Cohen's generally not funny and once or twice has a good thing to say even on twitter.

same with all trolls
I'd give her a character arc

What does this mean? Fic numbers? Because fic numbers don't mean shit, usually that just means they're in a story as a side character.
>found this out looking for stuff featuring characters with minimal appearances in canon
Also Aradia is a shit tier character.

Art numbers.

imagine if vriska and nepeta swapped bodies haha

It would be like those villain!Nepeta AUs.

They'd all be the same.

>Hussie does (or did) it like it's (or was) second nature to him
And when he wasn't funny or witty it was insightful. It was interesting reading him explaining his thought processes or what he thought about the comic or other media on the internet and art and storywriting.


Yo share your rare Hussie related art, I lost all of mine again.
Anyone have that harlequin riddle or whatever the fuck with the first half colored? The one with the kid, horse merry go round and then police car chase

she was created to die

After the kids and Karkat, who was the next most popular guy? Based on fics it was either Eridan or Sollux but which one was more popular?

I have always seen Karkat, Aradia, Tavros, Sollux, Terezi and Vriska as the main trolls. Honestly, I wish all of them were the relevant ones through the rest of the story.

But then Hussie killed Vriska and Tavros and replaced Aradia and Sollux with Kanaya and Gamzee.


>Writes two powerful psionics into the story
>Does nothing of real worth with either of them
Fuck's sake Hussie.

Probably Gamzee

I thought people hated Gamzee for being, you know, a murderous psychopath and then hatefucking Terezi.
Not that that stopped people from liking Eridan.

People do, fangirls don't.

Fair enough. I probably just didn't frequent the Gamzee fangirl circles.

The same way I'd fix most of the trolls: Remove her entirely.

She contributes nothing meaningful to the plot, and what little she does do can easily be incorporated into other characters.

you don't want to.

This. No Nepeta = no Davepeta.

Seeing as I think Gamzee is trash tier and ended up contributing very little to the plot anyways you are likely right.


What would Homestuck have looked like if the joke trolls were the important ones and the important ones were the jokes?

All the trolls are a joke.

Would the joke trolls in this situation have been taken as serious characters or still have been jokes but just with increased roles?



I blame Davekat.

People looking funny at Homestuck spergs is my fetish.

You've an odd fetish.

>Also the only trolls with known exiles.

>Kanaya stays dead, no rainbow drinker stuff
>Equius gets over his highblood fetish and thrashes Gamzee to protect Nep or Gamzee starts choking Eq only for Nep to thrash his ass
>Feferi vs Condesce scene
>Tavros actually gets the balls to stab Vriska
>Eridan doesn't go murder crazy and hate romances Rose
>Sollux sticks around even after half death, probably gets along with Dave

Dear sweet precious Fefeta

>no rainbow drinker stuff
You mean
>No Rosemary

Yeah probably not, presumably Hussie would kill off the "main" trolls to make room for the "joke" trolls.
Unless OP meant a universe where all the trolls are alive, in which case Kanaya might live and Rosemary but it would probably have no impact on the plot.

>no impact

Hussie would somehow manage it, because if you're not a main troll you're allowed to do maybe one relevant thing before dying.


Literally this Maybe kicking Vriska out of the way would work too, but that's the best set of trolls you can get.

>big titted jade playing with puppies

Yeah I'm gonna need the source on this.

Funny that this set for the most part except for Karkat and Terezi all had established psionic powers.

Vriska was irritating because Hussie went out of his way to write her into every important scene when half the fans wanted her dead.

If I asked your addresses would it be better to you post in this thread or in a throaway email?

And then she died and we still couldn't get rid of her.


Remove it.

None of the trolls added anything to the storyline but bloat and pandering to OC making Deviantartists. They exist to sell t shirts.

So do the kids.

Pretty much, yeah. Retconning a bunch of character development to shill Vriska harder was a huge mistake.