Louisiana senate debate

David Duke will attend the Louisiana senate debate tomorrow.

Whos got a stream? Can mods make a sticky?

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Sup Forums is a board of peace not a white nationalist board

try stormfront

This. Also that fucker is gonna burst out of his human suit any second

kill yourselves kikes


I'm just worried that this fucker is going to say something stupid, that could hurt Trump in some way.

back to /r/the_donald with you

7pm central


Ill make a thread tomorrow. Will he go full nazi or control himself? Hes polling at 5% so he isnt going to win anyway

>David duke single handedly controls the outcome of the US election

Wow, you really seem to think highly of him.

>Hes polling at 5% so he isnt going to win anyway

But the leader is only polling at 19%, and there are tons of candidates

Any further thoughts ADL?

The only people who post that shit are are retards who believe Jews are good guys or they are simply shills. Duke is one of the few "popular" people who calls them out while Trump is jewed up even sacrificing his daughter.

I had the honour of speaking with David Duke briefly, he's a great guy. I've read My Awkening a number of times.

Does it not bother you that he was convicted of defrauding his followers by spending donations gambling? Seems like a pretty shitty thing to do no matter what you think of his cause. Or is it Jewish disinfo?

Hey ADL!


You loosers!

wow m00t looks like shit these days

The polls are qustionable, since Most People can't openly Support Duke, but will still vote for him on election day. Lets just assume the five percent would be right, if you Look how many are compeding five percents are still a realistic chance. Most white People in lousiana will know what he is Talking about and many of them will consider a vote. You can't live in lousiana with all the blacks and not have suspicions, about equality and the like, even if you try to look away.

He definitely will, that's his job. Especially now that Trump is doing well in the polls

I just hate his association with stormweenies even though he doesnt act like them, in public atleast.

Its funny reading all of the local articles here in louisiana. They plastered with FORMER KKK WHITE SUPREMACIST NEO NAZI DAVID DUKE nonstop.

This is on CSPAN, being broadcast nationwide.

dis gone be gud

David Duke is a fucking CIA plant. I fucking hate his guts for this exact reason.

>Have gambling problem
>Eventually get it under control
>Put aside money that I previously would have gambled
>It accumulates into a nice fund
>Donate some of it to Daivd Duke
>He gambles it away himself

You couldn't make that shit up, but ultimately no it doesn't bother me that much. He had problems, he should have sought help sooner, but he's reformed now.

I assumed the tactic would he following: " Silence everywhere in the nation, because it must be containted, but all out in Lousiana immense shilling agianst Duke and smear against everyone ever seen less than 100 feets around duke

You kike

Fuck so much fuel for Hillary campaign videos. Ugh

that's his dad

The war is lost, give it up old Dave.

Disagree i don't believe they want a streisand effect. It depends, if he makes his points and doesn't fucks up, which is unlikley, because he is a decent debater, Trump won't have any Problems.

he's gonna drop so many fucking redpills tomorrow. its gonna be great.

Why the hell do you want to see this loser? He couldn't even maintain his composure against Alex Jones, for Christ's sake.

Fuck outta here with this clown.


Hi, David. Love your efforts against the Jews. HOWEVER . . .

I don't think a 60-year-old should be using the word 'cuck' in his 'tweets.'

60-year-olds should stick with 'pussy' as in:

>That pussy behind the wheel should grow a pair

That's about all. Peace out.

Daily reminder that Dr. Duke is the real red pill. Donald Trump is a zio-cuck nigger-lover who is using dog whistles to make the blue pill go down easier.

Trump is doing what Duke could never do. He's on a whole different playing field. Don't D&C like an honorary kike.

He isn't a doctor; his degree is a sham used to make stormfags and his less intelligent detractors assume that he has some intelligence.
Bing it yourself and find out.

Can't nuke the duke

I support Dr.duke

He's finally getting to have some fun with the cyber m8.

Vote for David duke

he probably is on pol now kek

Donald Trump isn't doing a fucking thing for White people, you stupid nigger.

Be more subtle in your shilling David

>Bing it yourself
No thanks.