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Great film. Why didn't IFC release it last year? It would've gotten some Oscar nominations easily. Adapted Screenplay for sure and possibly supporting actor and costume design. Instead they're releasing it too early in the year for it to get any attention.
Why did Russia ban it over Zhukov when he was shown as an intelligent, badass, alpha who basically saves the day?
an excellent retelling of a poignant time in history in an interesting way
similar to i, tonya in a way
much like china, psudo-dictatorship/kleptocracy leaders cannot tolerate any form of dissent or degeneration for fear of losing their stranglehold
even when it comes to silly things like a movie
>a film that Sup Forums unanimously likes
Somethings up. That never happens.
Lack of communists of Sup Forums
>Jeffery Tambor
*pukes uncontrollably
You're right. It doesn't. It was average.
Soviet aesthetics are dope.
Was in St Petersburg a year ago
red army choir is playing on stage
singing tom jones hit "Sex bomb"
try hard not to laugh in case the gulags
are still in use
Does anyone know the music when characters are being introduced with their names subtitled?
I liked it for the unique setting and subject matter but I didn't think it was very funny. It tried sure, but the only part that kinda made crack was the bits with Zhukov
Surprisingly good. Zhukov busting and beating the shit out of Biera had me lolling. All that political posturing was funny as well
I really liked it but I want a prequel focused on Zhukov, he was the best part.
I thought it was too dry for a parody. The humor fell flat.
As a film it was decent, did a fine job telling the story with some pretty good performances.
I think I'd have preferred it if they'd just played it straight and left the attempts at black humor aside.
Say what you want about our foreign policy, but America has definitely won the cultural victory of this AoE match.
In 1950, in the only accident in Russia comparable to the Lokomotiv crash, virtually the entire national hockey team died when its plane went down in a snowstorm as it approached the Sverdlovsk airport. The crash was covered up by the team’s manager, Vasiliy Stalin, the son of the dictator, who feared his father’s reaction. The younger Stalin immediately recruited a new team, and his father apparently never knew the difference.
You sound too low brow to find it funny
I fucking lold hard at the representation of how little disregard towards human life soviets had.
Good movie.
What is this, some gay code?
Its inappropriate for jews to make this movie. Like if a white guy made Roots with himself as Toby. Totally disrespectful to the millions of people they murdered and starved
Go to China
Sickening, literally makes a joke of all the people that died under Stalin. An okay movie otherwise though.
>Jews weren't victims of Stalin's regime
what the fuck
where the fuck is this supposed to be showing at? March 9th is 2 days away and I can't find any show times at any theaters anywhere for it
They found a very Soviet solution to that.
maybe eventually but this is the kind of movies I actually like going to the theaters for, rating and subject should keep all the kids and otherwise undesirables away
Liveleaks of chinese dying gruesomely isn't funny, it's just sad.
Seeing all the workers in Stalin's mansion getting executed just 'cause is funny.
it's like pottery
Who /basedzhukov/ here?
This is just an alternate poster showcasing other members of the cast. you'll notice that Tambor wasn't the only one substituted in the second poster.
Only Stalin.
Armando Iannucci is Scottish Italian
Is this a motherfucking loss reference?
I'll you Carlos