>character is drunk after 5 shots
Character is drunk after 5 shots
Other urls found in this thread:
I've never seen a movie where they do five shots, it's usually one beer and a shot before they cut to the character throwing up in an alley
>135 lb woman out drinks a 250lb man
>character is drunk after 1 bottle of vodka
>character has more than two drinks
>character doesn't go into an absolute frenzy looking for cocaine
Some realism would be nice every once in a while
>character is drunk after one romulan ale
>character drinks plenty of beers and shots
>someone visits him in the bar
>character is completely coherent and not drunk in the slightest
>leaves the bar with a full beer and an untouched shot
>doesn't pay the bartender
>gets in his car
>drives away no problem like he didn't drink all night
>character pukes after 4 beers
>character does cocaine
>doesn't want to kill himself after a while
>character has a few beers with the boys
>doesn't devolve into drug fueled night full of regret
>character later doesn't begin to wonder if he actually has a serious drug problem
Kill me pete
>Character gets a can of beer thrown at him from across the room
>It doesn't explode when he opens it
>He immediately drinks what has to be pure foam without puking a little back into his mouth after it expands in his stomach
>no film where the main character spends his evenings and nights drinking excessive amounts of alcohol on his own while browsing the internet
>character smokes weed
>doesn’t want to leave his friends to go home, jerk off, and go to sleep
>character smokes weed
>hallucinates and trips like he's on fucking acid
>character does cocaine
>his dick doesn't shrivel up to half it's size and he has sex
the worlds end
Literally me
>its another americans suck at drinking episode
What does being drunk feel like?
What is The Wire, Alex
>It's another european is proud of being an alcoholic failure and wants an excuse to shit on another country with no provocation because he's insecure episode
like being filled with bags of sand
It costs like 3 dollars bud just go try it
...That was a man? I watched ROTLA a bunch especially when I was a kid, I always thought it was just a really fat lady
Same actually.
The fuck are you drinking that gets you drunk for $3?
>never actually drank with people for real
>drink a quart of straight vodka every few days because insomnia
>develop resistance
>go drinking with friends to celebrate new years
>finally see what a shot looks like in person
>it's like a sip
>they get drunk in 4 shots
I drink a decent about of russian eagle and its not much more.
Four rolling rocks 20oz are 2.95 at the gas station near me. I don't get smashed but I get pretty comfy
One 16oz rolling rock is $1.20 where I live
I get beer that’s actually good for $16 a 12 pack. Shit us dank as fuck.
>character is a heavyweight drinker during his late teens early twenties and all his friends find it impressive and makes him the life of the party
>character is now in his late twenties and it takes him 50 to 70 dollars worth of booze to even get a buzz on and he can't even enjoy a night out on the town anymore
haha i hate that trope haha
Fuck you bitch. They were always drunk
>character drinking alone at bar
>doesn't go get heroin and a hooker afterwards
>character is literally me
wew that's a hell of a deal
>It's a Truman can't get drunk off beer anymore and just feels full and a bottle of bourbon only makes him feel drunk if it's downed in a couple of hours or at the tail end of a multi day bender episode
>character wakes up surrounded by half-empty bottles of liquor
>doesn't immediately start drinking to avoid the hangover
>Character is hungover
>Doesn't spend the entire day on the couch drinking water and powerade and constantly fapping
what is it about hangovers? i fap like 3/4 times a day when i'm dusty
I see you are both familiar with the hidden technique as well
Same. I can't stop fapping when I'm hungover. It's something about the plummet in serotonin which fapping obviously gives you a burst of.
Fucking hell. Four days sober and this thread has really made me feel like drinking. I just can't though. I've been doing nothing for like 6 months and I'm down to my last $3k. It's essentially been an extended Summer of George. I need to get a job and I just put off everything when I'm constantly drunk.
>mfw I spend $600 worth on liquor/month
>lately closer to $800/month
>mfw I can feel my liver screaming for me to stop
>mfw been feeling my that sensation for over a year now
Good night anons, see you in the next life.
better than sex
alcoholics really are pathetic, especially the ones in this thread who seem proud of their sickness
>first time getting drunk
>17 shots of vodka before I started to get the crash
No headache the next day either. Its my subhuman Slav alcohol resistance. I can reach 25 now.
what drugs legitimately make you hallucinate?
Holy shit, it's not only me?
the obsessed meme is real
Can alcohol be enjoyed in moderation?
What constitutes moderation?
>character gets drunk
>Isn't alone in their apartment trying to shorten their time conscious so it feels like the bad times are passing faster
Pulls me right out of the flick
when I did x I saw trails on lights and everything seemed really bright and saturated. I was always scared to do any psychedelics
>character doesnt take 3 grams of phenibut, etizolam, and vodka then wakes up 32 hours later violently shaking on a verge of sheer panic
Shrooms if you take enough
phenibut + alcohol instantly makes me sick
i remember those days. now that i got healthy the four shots would kill me
Who /drunk/ here?
god i wish that were me
>the hidden technique as well
Expand on this please
either she was cheating or that guy was drinking before they started
Just abuse a different substance that doesn't effect your liver for a couple of months, then switch back to booze and repeat
>character has anxiety and disassociative disorders
>has to stop drinking or doing drugs out of the fear that the last threads of his sanity snap
fapping helps distract me feeling bad from hangovers while im waiting for hydration and whatever other remedies to kick in, unless the hangover is deathly bad
maybe this too
>character smokes weed
>Doesn't spend the next hour thinking he's having a heart attack
Immersion ruined 2bh
>character smokes weed
>doesn't want to fuck every woman in the room
come on
alcohol is such a shit drug its really not hard to avoid abuse.
lots of full blown heroin and meth addicts can control their drinking before and after getting clean from their drug of choice.
the only reason most recovering addicts try to avoid alcohol is because it reminds them there are good drugs out there that actually make you feel good.
light drinking is for social occasions thats it man.
I can get drunk of 5 shots and tipsy of one bear sometimes.
>maple leaf taxes are so high a 24 pack is over $40
just fucking rake me now lads
Sure it can. I think you really have to try to become dependent on it. I've been drinking heavily every day for years and I'm not alcoholic.
>I've been drinking heavily every day for years and I'm not alcoholic
top kek
Usually mutts. They can't take their alcohol. Reminds me of when I took a mutt out on the lash over here, he was absolutely fucking slaughtered after three pints of decent scrumpy.
Every time I have to go to the bennies office o take 5 shots an hour before. Always have a nice buzz in there and its never annoying or unpleasant.
>mfw alco-NEET
damn, been there man
>pour triple shot
>feeling a little comfy and warm
>pour triple shot
>starting to feel bretty nice, but basically the same as a moment ago
>pour triple shot
>not fully hitting me yet, getting diminishing returns here
>pour triple shot
>suddenly, morning
>character starts drinking at an early age
>character doesn't start abusing Xanax, alcohol, and cocaine, leading to many blackouts and arrests and 2 kids with 2 different ugly women before he finally sobers up after a decade
Come on guys keep it believable.
>talks about mutts
>looks like
i'd be drunk after five shots : \
haha yeah, I'm drunk after two :)
the most insane drug ever, inspired jacobs ladder. seriously can't believe i never hear people mention this shit
fucking this
thread theme youtu.be
>makes you hallucinate and lose body control and feel like shit for forty hours but then makes you feel refreshed
wait, that happens? why?
wtf what state
>does coke
>doesnt kick out everyone and have 8 hour marathon spank session using up half a bottle of lotion snorting a full ball along the way
am i an alcoholic if i get pretty tipsy off of two big glasses of wine every night
>Wake up one day and try to pull up any of the few coherent memories from high school to now.
>Realise how much time you've thrown away.
>Think about all the people you've abandoned and that abandoned you.
Vast majority of the time this feel will just make you get fucked up again but goddamn if at some point it doesn't finally make you go after any other hell but the one you're currently in.