>"I require only that you kneel"
well you heard him Sup Forums, kneel!
"I require only that you kneel"
Other urls found in this thread:
I want Xerxes to powerbottom me
>scissor me timbers
I'm already kneeling. You're too late Xerxes.
I want Cate Blanchett to powerbottom me nohomo
>"I require only that. You, Niel."
Why would he refer to Leonidas as Niel?
Fellow men of taste, I see.
Didn't Xerxes have trannies in his harem? Forget Leonidas, I'm going to go mad after catching syphilis from my harem of persian femboys.
I’ll do something better.
*starts sucking his dick*
Did you know he was the office worker Laura Linney went home with in Love Actually?
Was the phallus shaped shadow going through the triangular stairs symbol for a penis going into a vagina?
Not even memeing, why is Snyder so perfect, lads???
Why did Frank Miller try to imply that the uber-gay Spartans who raped little boys on a regular basis were homophobic, but then create sexual tension between Leonidas and Xerxes?
more like zirxes am I right? what gender is this thing?
>the uber-gay Spartans who raped little boys on a regular basis
How did this meme even start, Xenophon says that the Spartans repudiated pederasty
Nobody cares about your imaginary fanfic characters, retard
>"My Sup Forums friends, you bow to no one."
He has genuine visual talent
>mfw I found out 300 was a true story
"may you live forever"
why the FUCK did he meant by this
kino post, friend
>not to men like you
to live with his shame forever, to be rewarded for his betrayal by being a live coward when the spartans were dead brave men
Bruce Jenner wanted to be a Spartan and Spartans want nothing more than to die in battle.
True spartans die in battle and get rewarded in the afterlife. He was telling that manlet to fuck off, he wasn't a spartan.
>Shitalian plays an arab
What did they mean by this?
will we ever see how he gets BTFO?
Thanks OP, saw the thread and remembered this movie fondly. Downloaded in 1080p and just firing up now.
He was actually a pretty reasonable fellow.
Kill yourself faggot.
Woman detected
What fresh hell is this?
VERY postmodern
The structure is taken from kabbala. Somebody replaced all of the Jewish magic nonsense with memes.
Maybe but Spartan boys were fucking so much between themselves that in Spartan marriages chicks had to be shaved bald to appear more masculine so having sex with a woman for the first time wasn't so traumatic.
>not knowing about the Battle of Thermopylae
Just how dumb were you?