What went so right?
What went so right?
>cuck shit
Left more than anything, honestly.
>Tripfag thinking his opinion matters
This is Sup Forums, none of your opinions matter.
>Brainlet insists on posting
You're not fooling anyone you know, we can all read how many unique there are in this thread in the bottom corner.
Guts guy grown all over wall
Spooky bear
not much
The last 20 minutes.
Alex Garland is a great filmmaker. That's what. I don't know why anyone was surprised after Ex Machina. You don't make something that good and immediately go on to make something bad.
I liked the movie, but they never explain why the team of scientists is all women.
Also why was that one lesbo nurse on the team considering she was a loony drug addict with no qualifications?
>but they never explain why the team of scientists is all women.
They had exhausted all other options, as well as all other candidates.
It was an experiement. You have probably already sent alot of army soldiers and men in. Just try something different and see what happens. Why they picked the nurse is another question entirely of which I have no good answer.
This film opened my third eye. The last 20 minutes were incredible.
>You don't make something that good and immediately go on to make something bad.
Duncan Jones would like a word with you
Okay. I hated Ex Machina, I thought it was a 6/10 sci fi B-movie pretending it was this genius Kubrickian meditation on what it means to be human. Annihilation I dislike for similar reasons, except Annihilation doesn't even have the pluses of being a decent B-movie on the flip side. Other than great sci fi visuals why is this movie any good at all? As a sci fi movie it fails in taking its ideas to an interesting place on an entertainment level like something like Inception, and as a character drama/study it fails to make its themes engaging on a dramatic character level like Solaris beyond bits of dialogue explaining the themes and a couple flashbacks. Like, this movie is a solid 4 or 5/10 but since we live in capekino times I feel like a lot of people are convincing themselves its a 7 or 8/10 because its not utterly fucking brainless.
lol didnt read
The bear
nothing. nothing went right. it was an awfully-made movie. the director obviously did not read the novel or did not understand it.
Didn't they someone say that all of the teams so far had been army, so they were all men, so they were sending women just to see if it made a difference?
The director flat out said he read the book once, and then wrote a movie inspired by the book. Which is probably why bookfags have liked it less than others that have seen it.
Neil Blomkampf would like a word with you
what the director created is an absolute mess. i the director is backpedalling claiming "it was intentional", "i do not want to spoonfeed" and all those meme excuses.
I just finished reading the book last weekend and the movie was far better. Kill yourself.
Man, the last 20 minutes was bizarre. I did a 1500 mg dose of pure dxm once, and that was what the end reminded me of. Like I was experiencing something that was way beyond my ability comprehend, and was simultaneously beautiful and terrifying.
That’s exactly what he did though
good post
This movie hit all the right buttons for me. I loved how I felt the growing dread and unease even with the beautiful environment. I don't think I was on the edge of my seat like this since 10 Cloverfield Lane.
Plus the bear scene chilled me to my fucking core. Just the shot of the bear's face staring into the camera, screaming with the chick's voice. Fuck, that's some class A spook.
move your cursor before you screencap
M. Nightshamalamadingdong would like a word with you
I swear as soon as they entered the shimmer it felt exactly like an acid trip.
her fucking the black guy
you are an imbecile. kys.
If I liked the movie will I like the book? Also how much did Garland change in his adaptation?
Ex Machina was shit though.
The book was pretty bad, my man. The movie kept the best parts of it and rightfully changed the rest
I realized this movie was a Stalker remake about 30 minutes in and that threw me for a loop. It's a better homage than Interstellar was, I'll say that.
+ looked good
+ natalie portman was okay
+ cool monsters
+ some paramilitary accuracy (some semblance of a ruck plan, one-point slings appear after a little while)
- lots of paramilitary inaccuracy (They had enough MREs for ten days in those bags? Why didn't they have slings for the first 20 minutes in the Shimmer?)
- bad soundtrack
- bad editing/unnecessary flashbacks and reaction shots
- bad dialogue
- redundant and bloated team
- should have been two males and two females since duality is a theme
- seriously I can't remember more than one or two things about the other three girls
- couldn't decide if it wanted to be Predator or Stalker
Overall I rate it a strong 2 1/2 stars, maybe 3 if I'm being generous. Definitely watchable.
>Boring first hour
>Fun STALKER chunk (even if the cast does really dumb shit for plot convenience like setting up their lookout on the ground when they are sleeping in a watchtower/going alone to find the body/thinking that Natalie killed the other girl for absolutely no reason)
>Stupid ending that flashed lights and acted weird to make idiots think it was deep
Really cut out the start and ending and it was 8/10 but the rest drops it to a 5 or 6/10
>bad soundtrack
admittedly that acoustic guitar motif that they used too often was kind of annoying but other than that it was one of the more interesting soundtracks I've heard in a while. Especially the last 20 minutes.
There was a brief scene regarding this. Portman's character said "All women?" The leader said, "All scientists."
My interpretation was that sending in military members (mostly men) wasn't working. So, they wanted to try sending scientists to try and understand the phenomenon. I guess we're supposed to believe that it was just coincidence that they all happened to be women.
About the drug addict, I think all of these people were volunteers. They all knew that the previous missions had failed, so the job attracted damaged people that may not have cared about dying.
THAT BEING SAID.... you're going in to a hostile area and you don't want one single man coming along? You need at least one swinging dick to drag people out of harms way, and women aren't generally up to that. MAYBE a specially trained women who really knows technique, and who's in great shape can handle that. But these women weren't that. These were collegiate types that they handed M-16's and threw them in a hostile area. Fucking incredible.
I was relieved that it ended up not really mattering to the plot, other than incidentally.
I think I recall them having good trigger discipline.
>hurr love is the most powerful force in the universe
It's another fucking Interstellar
Tripfags am i rite?
>Stupid ending that flashed lights and acted weird to make idiots think it was deep
Just fucking off yourself. The ending is the best part. You're finally confronted with something profoundly alien and beautiful. The shifting, fractal, DNA devourer and the synth music pumping. It was like from 2001 when they finally come in to contact with the alien intelligence and you see flowing, shifting colors.
It's fine though, dude. Like whatever it is that you like.
>There was a brief scene regarding this. Portman's character said "All women?" The leader said, "All scientists."
Nice, so they went from what at least kind of made sense in the book to something retarded.
What did the book say about it?
>It's fine though, dude. Like whatever it is that you like.
>just fucking off yourself
holy kek batman
The difference between a good mysterious and alien and a bad one can come down to how well you established that your story has something going for it beforehand. This movie did not. The characters were dumb and obnoxious, the flashbacks and whole first boring hour was a waste of time. Too much dialogue was jerking itself off (what did you see??? IDK x100) and too many bad cuts for this to come across as genius instead of a smokescreen
Just saw this and loved it. The only parts that truly bugged me were that stupid fucking guard post they decided to set up on the ground while they were asleep in a TOWER and the psychologist's acting in the beginning.
You don't think the scene with the alien was compelling because the rest of the story sucked? It's fine if you didn't like it overall, but I don't see what one has to do with the other.
Was it, like, you just didn't give a shit anymore about the movie by the time to alien came around? Cause I could see that. But, taken by itself, the alien was still pretty well done.
I can even get on board with criticism of the movie. Like, the recordings the last team left behind. Just a wordless video of a guy getting cut open and showing worms? Why didn't they say anything useful about their situation to help out the next team? Anything at all. It was dumb and kind of removed me from my immersion. Like it was just, shock value for shock value's sake.
What about the alien scene exactly didn't work for you?
jews falling on their on tricks. natalie hershlag gets BLACKED
Yeah that gets it. I had lost faith in the story by that point so I couldn't connect to the alien part. I do think it could be a good scene if the rest of the movie was better but the sort of foundations were just not there by the time it started
Is there a torrent yet?
I mean, it >is< a horror movie. I’d be pretty horrified if that was my sister or daughter getting booga’d.
It's established in the beginning that whatever crashed into the lighthouse is the origin of the shimmer and the majority of the movie is spent showing the ridiculous surreal effects the shimmer has on the environment it covers, more than enough to be an intriguing mystery
Why did alien Oscar Isaac get better when the shimmer vanished?
>she left mcu for this
5 days
Basically a shit version of Twin Peaks
I'm not going to see the movie because of it. Adding in a character that wasn't in the book, having the wife cheat with said character and making it a nigger? Smells like propaganda.
Moon was good, not great.
District 9 was good, not great.
Ex Machina was a truly great piece of sci-fi for the ages. It was confident and precise. Moon and D9 were neither.
Natalie got blacked
You do realize that the ending to 2001 is only profound awe inspiring because the beginning establishes the movie as literally the most epic story ever told, a story that will take you from the moment humanity began to the moment it ends. It tells you this. It tells you this in a single cut. So when it comes you know what you are seeing, all of humanity has built to it, to this completely unknowable moment. It feels just as epic as the movie promises you it will feel. Annihilation is pretentious shit that is on its knees begging god to be as good as Kubrick and failing in every possible way. It thinks its Solaris, it thinks its Stalker, in reality its a very underwritten indie drama that thinks if crazy sci fi stuff relates to barely touched on character themes it means itll be really deep and genius like Kubrick right? Wrong. It's a bad unengaging drama and a dissapointing high concept sci fi world that weigh each other down and come out the other end a 5/10 waste of time with pretty good if badly handled visuals.
>Ex Machina was a truly great piece of sci-fi for the ages. It was confident and precise. Moon and D9 were neither.
I think the biggest factor in this is that this particular mission was Ventress's pet project. They had tried every combination of military men and scientists, so she put together an all-female team of people she knew to be her own team while she personally led the mission.
The fact they brought the drug addict nurse along was because it was hard to find soldiers for a suicide mission.
I'd imagine they chose not to bring a man along because they have literally no idea what has been killing the people inside and they strongly suspected that the teams turned on each other. Bringing a man would make the mission potentially more dangerous for the team.
>Ex Machina was a truly great piece of sci-fi for the ages
lol...no. It's confident... yea, and it mulls over the same ideas every AI film has considered since the first AI film. I call that confidence pretentiousness. The film is a decent B-movie thriller/drama about AI but its shot and edited like it's fucking Kubricks blessed child. That's called thinking you got more clothes than you do. Look at a movie like Primer: Time travel movie covering the same dramatic elements as any other sci fi movie, but its low budget, quick, dirty, smart, fast talking, "realistic". Its memorable for all those reasons. Imagine if Primer was shot like Barry Lyndon and screamed in every frame and line of dialogue "this movie is epic and deep, think very hard about this movie". Take out everything that made Primer good and that would be to Time Travel movies what Ex Machina is to AI movies. Student film, essentially.