Hey Sup Forums name my band

Hey Sup Forums name my band.

The Real Eagles

High Energy

Doc Choc And The Maga Men

Donald Trump and the Deplorables

Sleepy and The Rape Train

Poor little black guy 3

the Trupen Car

Pepe & The Wojacks

looks familiar

Love it

Six Hungry Holes to Fill.

the keks pistols


Uh-oh Oreo

The almost baldy

the old farts

America First

Cuckservatives who're still unable to takoe over the statist media.

Enjoy your blackening. Cucks.

CNN will always encourage your daughter to get blacked.

The Back Spic Boys

Praise Kek

This is by far the winner

Stefan Burnett And His Fatal Grabs

Dopey Happy and Sleepy

The Coal Toll

bretty gud


None of these kids will get it though.

Beady Eyes

Pence was actually Carson's choice for his own VP.

Trump actually wanted Carson as his VP. Carson didn't want that, so he gave Trump his VP.

Doc Parson's Christmas Spitroast

The slave totin' goobers

Rage Against the Machine

it's an unfunny joke though

Uncle Tom and the Great-Makers

bands grow up over the years

The back tax faggots
Corporate buttfuck anomaly

The Latino curb stompers

This is horrifying

>Pence, Trump & Carson
>I see D.C.

Nah, time to go to bed.

3 good boys


Came here to post this.

[Andy is Trump, Zach is Pence, and Stefan of course is Carson]

Kekkity Kek

>>I see D.C.


Seriously no one thought about
>the deplorables

Earth, Wind & Fire

Grumpy old men and a nigger


RNC speedwagon

The Plantation Owners ft. Vintage Farm Equipment



ass thumbers

The Rat Pack.

Morning in America

The wall builder and the owners

Don't care what you name them, but they need to cover Night Ranger's "You Can Still Rock In America".

I was thinking Andy would be Pence

Neither of them really look like Trump desu