Has Canada Gone Full Retard?

"Would President Trump wait for a pipeline? No. Waiting for a safe and legal pipeline takes too much time. Annexations for oil resources are much simpler. Just ask Ukraine.

Given Trump’s connections to Putin via ex-adviser Paul Manafort, and his pro-Kremlin foreign policy positions, it’s not a daring leap of imagination to consider that Trump might put Putin’s tactics to use regarding Canada."


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Wtf leafs?

>implying we want any of your shit land
we got the only good part a long time ago gook

hush, we're just having our weekly "oh god pls annex us already" fantasies.


>trump troopers

It's beautiful.

And what part is that my dark skinned fattie?

>Implying murica invading is not better than China, India or anything in the middle east.

Yes Satan, ignore us and our vast natural resources. Ignore our abundance of uranium, oil, timber, and our control of 2/3rds of the world's fresh water. Ignore the opening of the Northwest passage, which will be the most efficient and profitable shipping route in the world.

>invading leaf land to steal their oil

I can get behind this

God, yes! Please! Liberate us!

You should see the shit here about BLM.......

Sad day, my friends, when Canada has abandoned all sense of responsible journalism.

I think the Trump hate is worse here; almost everyone who supports him does so secretly.

I love Canada, and Canadians are pretty cool face to face. What the hell, though? Do they go inside, turn on their computers and just develop brain damage?

You'll give it to us through favorable trade deals anyway.


What would Canadians be even able to do to stop a U.S. invasion? I mean, a U.S. liberation.

>Annexations for oil resources are much simpler.


It's time to end Canada' persecution of Christians and sane people generally.

I'm thinking the same way. I'd consider moving to Texas and start a big Ol'e family if Trump wins with a big catholic family full of feminine girls.

>and our control of 2/3rds of the world's fresh water
the great lakes are ours.

Let us, so they win.

>What would Canadians be even able to do to stop a U.S. invasion? I mean, a U.S. liberation.

Having gone full PC dictatorship, I think tons of Canadians would even welcome it so long a we promised to end the PC stupidity.

>leftists whine about fearmongering
>proceed to fearmonger this hard


Is this satire?

The Beta Lord has spoken.

You're shilling, but taking over Alberta would actually be very similar to how Putin took over Crimea. The Canadian constitution allows secession, too.

american land is all shit

>Annexations for oil

How full of shit is your head m8?

Crimea has been Russian military regional base since America was invented
>Sevastopol was founded in June 1783

oil... kek

>Canada is a country worthy of invasion. Canada has abundant resources of fresh water, oil, coal and timber, all of which will be increasingly important as climate change continues its death march across history.

No it isn't a country worth invading, for America. Any of those resources have to be harvested by companies and then bought from the companies. It doesn't make a difference to the US whether the resource is in America or on foreign soil. It's still acquired the same way. Real life isn't like an real time strategy game where you collect resources like that.

But I wouldn't fight to protect Trudeau's post-national, soulless, degenerate, multicultural state.

Thats a whole new level of daddy issues you got there, leaf country. As much as you seem to long for big bad America giving you a good spanking, it's less likely to happen with trump than with Clinton. Trump is a business man and knows too well how bad an unstable region is for investments.

i can taste the salt from here fellas


no they aren't

stop whining

Can't wait

more than half of it is leaf

>"Yeah, okay, even the Muslims born and raised in Western countries commit terrorist attacks, but that is NO reason to limit Islamic immigration or turn down millions of asylum-seeking Muslims!"
>"Putin invaded Ukraine, why WOULDN'T President Trump invade Canada if he's friends with Putin, and Putin invaded a weaker neighbour?"

Ever been to a campus here? Anti-white stuff every week. Only genocide talked about is white genocide.

No mention of Saudi Arabia's invasion of Yemen, how they exoiplit Indians and Phillipinos to do free labour after stealing their passport.... no mention of Islamic colonialism.

Reasons? May cause racial hatred. Yeah, 'Cause hating on white people every year has been great for us,,,

But if we steal Canada's land and resources, they win.

>Yes Satan, ignore us and our vast natural resources. Ignore our abundance of uranium, oil, timber, and our control of 2/3rds of the world's fresh water. Ignore the opening of the Northwest passage, which will be the most efficient and profitable shipping route in the world.

America doesn't need to annex anything. The shipping route is open to all and the resources have to be bought. You can't annex land and take resources for free. They are extracted by companies and then bought.


fkn cuck


Just Liberal hambeasts living in Toronto. Seriously, look at her article history.

>Pipelines bad!
>Green Energy good!
>Kelly Leitch (right wing politician) sucks!
>Be nice to your pets!
>AI is bad!
>muh violence against women!


Yeah because we would be a part of the USA

We're not the fucking Ukraine M8. Try to annex us forcefully. I fucking dare you M8

>What would Canadians be even able to do to stop a U.S. invasion? I mean, a U.S. liberation.

Why should I even try? Trudeau's post-national, multicultural, feminist state isn't worth defending.

Unless someone starts genociding the Métis Nation I don't have a pony in the race. If Canadians wise up and promote their own real Canadian identity then maybe I'll care.


Nope. Serious opinion piece. Check out other authors work.....

You should see the other stuff here. Any back-lash against BLM is automtically racist, and " all lives matter" is white supremacist.

It gets worse, the Muslims have a website that databases any anti-islamic thing possible. A bad tweet? Added. A woman has an anti-hijab comment? Added.

And, I shit you not, " due to Anti-Muslim sentiment fuelled by Trump, mosques are now funding self defence classes for Muslim women."

I've got links if anyone wants them.

Not supporting this, mate. Informing others what shit passes as journalism in Canada.

Trump YES!

>Is this satire?

No. Journalists in Canada are that stupid.

They worry about Trump starting wars while they support uber-warhawk Hillary.

Holy shit, it's real: the left has gone full autism rage mode on Russia now.

Whenever you think Jewtin and Russian federation is just as bad as the west, just take a look at the hate of the left for them.

And he has an arrest warrant out for Soros.

Kek. I love that part when two soldiers in power armor executive a Canadian live on TV in fallout 1 intro.

>Try to annex us forcefully
They'd naval block-aid all shipments to our from our coastal ports, ground all our air traffic via air superiority, and halt all cross border shipment of food.

They could starve us out in a under a year.

Also, they'd be able to bombard most places with artillery while their supply chain still remains on their side of the border.

Canada would get absolutely fucked m8, just be realistic for goodness sake


Yeah I don't think there would be a fight. Most Leafs want this. If you don't need I remind you that our Liberals are coming when Trump gets in. JOIN US AND WE'LL BOOT THEM FROM THE ENTIRE CONTINENT!

We almost did.

But then we decided to have a civil war and destroy our nation and free niggers.



They ignore anything brought up. The " no-fly zone", her " treating cyber attacks with serious[....] military response.

Very easily obtained social ostracism and bullying if you come out as a Trump supporter to the wrong people here. At least in Ontario.

don't see that flag everyday

what a faggot

>weedman leaf know's he's going to get annexed.


I hope so.

With the trade deal he signed with the EU, nothing will be gained. Not to mention the incoming 300k immigrants next years. All for the sake of the economy.

You faggots can't even control a few hundred goat fuckers in the desert, you're delusional if you think you'd have a hope in hell in a land invasion in the Great White North.

>lel america 60% white fucking pathetic

>MFW Trudeau thinks he can stop the coming fire

U wot mate?

Your liberals can fight? Implying Trump wouldn't ensure conservatives secured power in those regions?

Kill yourself my dude

Here's a tip, liberals are only on the coasts. The rest of us are armed frostbacks familiar with the terrain. Good luck Tyrone.

Leafs, a serious question, is he retarded like a medical diagnosis retarded?

Yes. We will turf him in 3 years and re-elect the conservatives.

Enjoy your Asian and "Asian" migrant wasteland.

He's a leftist whose father was best friends with Fidel Castro and ratted out based Yuri to the soviets: what do you think?

Why fight us Leaf, we just wanna play hockey with you, however your faggot leader has to go.

Everything here is " poor immigrant".

Guy fucking racks up 57 offences and people are boo hooing he has to stay in jail, and that Somalia won't take him.

Not the most intense article, but really telling of the midnset here.


You really don't know how shitty our entire army airforce and navy is.

our country is cucked.

welcome the trump trooper liberators.

We would shit on you chang

Enjoy your permanent violent underclass of black youth.

Well, we can agree on that. If you elect Trump I propose a cuck exchange program.

If they decide to invade you you have shit to do.
Even your special forces are a living joke.


>Couldnt take out starved rice farmers
>Couldnt take out starved dune coons
>Couldnt take starved cubans
I mean lets be honest we'd mop the floor with you pussy boys

Last one. Anti-Muslim hatecrime map.

If you say " I don't like hijabs" or bother someone, it gets reported to the police and it pops up on here.

Leafs complained Harper wanted a hotline for " barbaric cultural practises" like FMG, child-brides, and plotting terrorism and ripped him apart over it.

I was a dumbleaf and forgot link.
Sorry, friends.


>tfw gay muslim mayor
>tfw liberal woman as premier
>tfw weed smoking retard as prime minister


Sad really.

>Anti-Muslim hatecrime map.
>If you say " I don't like hijabs" or bother someone, it gets reported to the police and it pops up on here.


>He's a leftist whose father was best friends with Fidel Castro and ratted out based Yuri to the soviets: what do you think?

you forgot something

An example pulled from 2016 verbal.

"Ottawa, Ontario (51) - October 20, 2016
ON, Canada A student running for elections at the University of Ottawa had his campaign poster vandalized. Below vote, the student's name was crossed off to read: "Vote for ISIS or Die." Reported on: Social Media. Link: nccm.ca/university-of-ottawa-vandalism/ Status: Under investigation"

All maps are here, friend. I was not happy to find it.:nccm.ca/map/#

>whose father was best friends with Fidel Castro

Not with that attitude...Jesus Christ it hasn't even started and you're fucking surrendering.
It's like you don't even want to try and win.

300 Greeks stood against and army of Persians. They knew it was hopeless and they did it anyways.
We look for ways we can win, we don't focus on all the ways we will lose. God dam pussies.

We're fucked

Well memed, friend. Top kek of the week for me.

It's been bleak in Canada land.

>What would Canadians be even able to do to stop a U.S. invasion? I mean, a U.S. liberation.
In the end no. But the question is at what cost?

If you really wanted to make the war ugly on both sides we would see the electric grid trashed, most navigable water ways damaged or destroyed, wild fires burning from coast to coast, oil spills and toxic pollution, upstream dams dumping water fast enough to wash out bridges and burst dams.

If Canada really wanted to be spiteful they have enough nuclear material to poison the land and water on the East Coast.

Also don't forget that massive sulfur block in Alberta if they lit that on fire it would produce enough sulfur dioxide -> sulfuric acid to poison all of North America East of the Rocky Mountains and turn the Gulf of Mexico into acid. Very likely killing most plant life down wind and turning the soil into an acidic mess, then running into the ocean.

Sure the military force wouldn't be a match but it would likely be the bloodiest war the US will ever fight, until they go after China.

feels bad senpai, I've voted against all of them

ITT: North Americans try to banter

Anyways what a retarded article that ignores the necessity of Russia retaining Crimea. Another juvenile fantasy of a leftist about the possibility of war between NATO countries they unironically think can happen

This is why you don't get interns to write for your website

Well, that fat piece of kikeshit is pretty much everywhere and in bed with everyone of the current year establishment and western institutions. The worst part is: even if he dies, his network is so big and he has so many children, that it will all continue.

I'm okay with an American liberation. Come in, remove Trudeau, Harper, and Mulcair, abolish the senate, and then leave.
I'll applaud our American liberators as they parade through my backwoods village

we both know it has shit to do with the economy. They want to fucking reduce our wages to ashes and fuck the workers over harder. God bless liberalism :--DDD

Can this please be a Canada hate thread. I wanna post the usual copypasta.