370 economists sign a letter slamming Trump for promoting 'magical thinking and conspiracy theories'

Prominent Economists, Including Eight Nobel Laureates: ‘Do Not Vote for Donald Trump’

Donald Trump is a dangerous, destructive choice for the country. He misinforms the electorate, degrades trust in public institutions with conspiracy theories, and promotes willful delusion over engagement with reality. If elected, he poses a unique danger to the functioning of democratic and economic institutions, and to the prosperity of the country. For these reasons, we strongly recommend that you do not vote for Donald Trump.

Full letter:

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Jason Abaluck, Yale University
Dilip J. Abreu, Princeton University
Daron Acemoglu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Amir Ali Ahmadi, Princeton University
Mohammad Akbarpour, Stanford University
Stefania Albanesi, University of Pittsburgh
David Albouy, University of Illinois
S. Nageeb Ali, Pennsylvania State University
Hunt Allcott, New York University
Douglas Almond, Columbia University
Daniel Altman, New York University
Donald Andrews, Yale University
Isaiah Andrews, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Andres Aradillas Lopez, Pennsylvania State University
Kenneth Ardon, Salem State University
Timothy Armstrong, Yale University
Nick Arnosti, Columbia University
Kenneth J. Arrow, Stanford University
Gaurab Aryal, University of Virginia
Arash Asadpour, New York University
Susan Athey, Stanford University
Andrew Atkeson, University of California, Los Angeles
Maximilian Auffhammer, University of California, Berkeley
Mariagiovanna Baccara, Washington University, St. Louis
Jonathan B. Baker, American University
Laurence Ball, Johns Hopkins University
Abhijit Banerjee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James Bang, St. Ambrose University
Chris Barrett, Cornell University
Jean-Noel Barrot, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John C. Beghin, Iowa State University
Jess Benhabib, New York University
Lanier Benkard, Stanford University
Alan Benson, University of Minnesota
Ronald Berenbeim, New York University
Dirk Bergemann, Yale University
David Berger, Northwestern University
Daniel Beunza, London School of Economics
Joydeep Bhattacharya, Iowa State University
Alberto Bisin, New York University
Emily Blank, Howard University
Francine D. Blau, Cornell University
Nicholas Bloom, Stanford University
Simon Board, University of California, Los Angeles
(The list goes on)


Same people who think NAFTA is good for America and didn't see the 2008 crash coming.

Is this the cast for slum dog millionaire?

big deal, do look at global GDP estimates... wrong every year

if i was that bad at my job id be fired

There's that word again

>promoting 'magical thinking and conspiracy theories'
yeah, just like Sup Forums

Lots of people on that list said that Brexit was going to immediately crash the economy.

Sounds like a bunch of losers to me. I mean, when Barack Obama gets Nobel prize, it's pretty clear it isn't worth much.

Yeah well why don't these super great economists fix everything then? And what makes them think Hillary is better? Presidents also have economists and staff around to help them so I don't see how this matters.

These are the people who got us into the mess we're currently in, it would be best to do the opposite of what they say

I'm on my mobile, so I don't have coincidence detector. How many of those names echo?

krugman tier econoshits


I bet 95% of the people on that list don't even lift

Daily reminder there is no nobel prize for economics.

>not psuedo-intellectuals.

I can't wait to see Trump cut all of these faggots grants.

Pretty sure their attitude would turn around pretty quick.

There is no nobel prize for economics.

Stupid atheists

I wish I had my parentheses going rn.



On the one hand, things Trump said could hurt the economy. On the other hand, he says some things that could help the economy. Only time will tell.

>Where's my Nobel?

When will the "education" meme die? A group of faggots who probably waxing philosophical about Keynesian economics without even being able to properly pronounce it. I'm sick of these liberal echo-camber faggots with their self-appointed "scientific authority". Fuck right off with this kike shit.

Whoa, traitors going ape shit on the last hundred meters. Who would have expected? WOW, they are even part of the most marxist infiltrated univ. out there. You guys should surrey listen to Yale and UC professors!

Can you feel the rapture mister Crabs?


Is this a meme field?

>370 economists
Yet not one can ever tell us how to fix the economy or even make accurate predictions....

370 economists want to bravely follow in the footsteps of the fools who predicted Margaret Thatcher's election would result in disaster and that unilateral disarmament, widespread nationalization, omnipotent government weren't implemented as the insane extremist left, and Communist allied/traitorous, Labour weren't elected instead.

Why do I care less about what an economist has to say about the economy than I do about that crazy sounding guy that calls into talk radio shows at 3AM?

Maybe because that crazy guy hasn't fucking crashed the world economy more times than Bill Clinton has had sex with Hillary.

Ya and how many r jews

I don't care

>Keynesians accusing others of magical thinking

Yup. And the only meaningful winners of the fake Economics 'nobel' were Hayek and Friedman - every other winner just sucked up to political establishments using pretty math which conveniently 'proved' that left leaning socialist policies were always correct.


They're basically all kikes or muslims ROFL. They are about to be fucking BTFO by the all-powerful Aryan white male.

it's not even a proper field. it's just dipshits jerking each other off about how evil "Reaganomics" was (a term/idea they completely hallucinated in the first place.).

Cool, enjoy your 370 votes.

Or for math, which might be telling.


And as in Sup Forums the magical thinkings work and the conspiracies turn out to be right.

Kek'd out loud. Took a break from Sup Forums and I'd forgotten how funny this shit can be

hory shit, that's some ugly mug there

I'm sure all 370 could tell you exactly what to do and why it woks.

The trick is to find two that agree with each other.

>Mexican economists

>taking a economist seriously about anything

just a meme field, they cant predict shit

Ah, "conspiracy theories". Aka, "theories placed under taboo by the mainstream".

The thing with these "conspiracy theories" is that some of them turn out to be true.

That's an endorsement if I've ever seen one.

Ptobably a lot.
OP, I hate Trump now. You converted me!

These are probably the same people that would say the economy is doing great and nothing bad will ever happen with the economy, fuck them.

"An economist is a mixture of 1) a businessman without common sense, 2) a physicist without a brain, and 3) a speculator without balls."


Fuck those dumbass nerds, what the hell do they know


dude, read the literature. NAFTA is good for America, NAFTA has been good for every involved party.

I know you WON'T actually research the topic because you're an ideologue and an idiot and you don't care about what constitutes good policy.

”If I were wrong, then one would have been enough!"

—Albert Einstein, on the book 100 Authors Against Einstein

Look at all these people basically admitting they are involved somehow. It's a wonder how they get away with crimes at all.
I bet every single one has received/donated to the CF in exchange for something.

here are five

>Conspiracy theories
Like Russia rigging the election through Wikileaks by hacking and having a secret internet connection to Trump's office?
The FBI director being a Russian agent?
The Kremlin blackmailing Trump because they have a sex tape of him which was filmed in Moscow?

These are all Hillary shills mad about how Hillary is about to lose because of her corruption. Trump has been saying a lot of stuff that even Obama has said in 2008 but they had no problem with that?

Wow take pride in being a fucking retard, good job.

"i'm so sick of 'experts' with 'degrees' and 'research experience' telling me shit!! hur dur dur dur"


Yeah good for certain stock holders not the regular people.
>muh service economy
Get fucked

Choke on your own blood, kike. I shot a Democrat last night and I'll kill another one tomorrow.

'Member when economists caused the Great Depression?

I 'member.

Do these people think they'll get away with this after Trump is elected and his plan improves the economy? Do they think he'll just ignore this later and not cast a spotlight? Signing your name on a public list like this is not the brightest idea at this point. Trump will undoubtedly bring attention to this list when his plan succeeds.

>dude, read the literature.

You have to read fiction to back it up? Neat.

Because alfred nobel hated a certain mathematician who would likely have won it at the time.

If you were nobel and you hated einstein at the time, would you make a physics prize your enemy would win?
The prize comes with a million dollars too.



Go slit your own throat into the sewer. Let your blood run in with the shit and piss, it'll be right at a home.


You'd think these smug elitists would learn. This is exactly why people are voting for Trump, because they're tired of ((((((intellectuals)))))) telling them what's best for them.

370 faggots that didn't do anything to stop NAFTA or TPP

Lowered wages, destroyed towns, destroyed manufacturing.

Wow enjoy being fucking retard. Maybe read some data about prices or total compensation or productivity or inflation or HDI or GDP per capita instead of "m-muh defense mechanism memes!"

"wow I can't believe this meanie got on the INTERNET and told me i'm wrong! Wahhhhhhhh!!"

And I'm sure their were plenty of well off economists writing letters to the revolutionaries trying to ensure the colonies remained that way.

you have to be retarded to think that "read the literature" refers to fiction only. The RESEARCH literature you stupid idiot.

I was born to love no one
No one to love me
Only the wind in the long green grass
The frost in a broken tree
I was made to love magic
All its wonder to know
But you all lost that magic
Many, many years ago

i came

trump will win

Le intelectuals meme

>370 economists failed to sign a letter as industry was shipped overseas and the middle class was buttfucked to oblivion

wew, good thing they are signing it now :^)

Taleb's pretty much an IRL shitposter when it comes to mainstream economics and economists

jesus christ you're such a fucking retard. Have you read literally any paper by any one with a degree in economics talking about the effects of NAFTA? Or do you just suck alt-right cock?
Are you happy being manipulated by retarded pathos arguments revolving around your low-self image?

>NAFTA is good for America
Says people who think GDP is a good measure of economic health, and can't distinguish between two people trading million-dollar head pats fifty times with a thousand people earning $100,000 each building good cars.

Are you retarded?


I dont see karl icahn on that list.

Fuck the rest.

You are confusing "America" with the 0.1%. NAFTA has been good for the wealthy elites, not so good for ordinary people.

>Have you read literally any paper by any one with a degree in economics talking about the effects of NAFTA?
>"Yes, the Rust Belt has been economically and socially devastated by the decline of manufacturing and the flight of its younger generations to the coasts and major cities, but hey! Economic growth increased by 1.5%!"

>no based University of Chicago
this paper is trash

He's right. There is no Nobel Prize for economics, established with the real Nobel Prizes by the will of Alfred Nobel with his dynamite money, there's only a prize in memory of Alfred Nobel to shill for the respectability of the pseudoscience field of economics.







Meanwhile you

12 year old edgelord detected.

It literally crashed by coincidence detector

This reminds me when (((intellectuals and economists))) said that what Syriza pretended in Europe was the correct thing.

Ooh I member

Trump's ideas on trade are pretty moronic but idk why they didn't just stick to economics and had to basically call him a liar. If you want to actually convince people by writing a letter, you can't do shit like that which would instantly make anyone with a shred of support for Trump instantly disregard everything you have to say.

Dear Keynesians,

You're wrong.

Best regards


does it have paul krugman? the guy who said isis is fine but climate change is dire? he won the nobel prize somehow!

>Prominent Economists

So, Keynesian retards.

Real economics is Austrian economics and prominent Austrian economist Dr. Walter Block has endorsed Trump.

Basically: Trump's policies closely conform with Austrian economics and are -- therefore -- economically efficacious and you should fuck off and die.

>nobody from chicago university

Lol who cares


There aren't enough parentheses in the world.