low energy and very small crowd in WI, meanwhile hillary had a 15k crowd again
Tyler Wood
fixed awoo
Asher Williams
Ian Richardson
>when the qt catches you spying on her
Hunter Foster
Lucas Anderson
Slow and steady.
Nathaniel Taylor
This frightens me. I don't know why.
Robert Gonzalez
Gabriel Powell
Haha it's over Trump Chumps. Hillary's already won. Might as well not vote at all since Trump is losing so badly. SAD!
Matthew Roberts
What did he mean by this?
Jayden Gray
>hillary had a 15k crowd again Got a pic?
Chase Morgan
What is this shit? Fuck off with your autistic drama.
Julian Gutierrez
Liam Myers
Am I right, Sup Forums?
I used to think that the whole birther issue was silly and stupid and that Trump was retarded for pursuing it. People over here in Norway was kind of lead to believe that Obama is like Will Smith in Fresh Prince, like he grew up in a black community in core America, like he was the ultimate black American, the ultimate representation of a successful black guy... but now I know that his father is Kenyan, not American, and that his mother was English, not American, and by the way, she's white... so Obama is actually mulatto rather than black... and he went to school in fucking *Indonesia*, and he has a whole bunch of family abroad.
It's difficult to get more un-American and international than that... Obama doesn't have anything in common with your average African-American. (Except just a having dark skin tone.) Honestly, there was PLENTY of reason to question whether Obama was born in America. Hell, there kind of still is.
Pic semi related.
Samuel Martin
>7 days left >hillary falling down everest >only thing don has to is campaign, >NOT keep it real! >but he's never been able to NOT KEEP IT REAL >mfw
Easton Ortiz
that's her audition for Dancing with the Stars where all other B-list celebrities go to milk a few more precious shekels
Josiah Barnes
gets worse...
Charles Fisher
Shit tier.
Colton Reed
>post pic of 200 people at hillary rally >there are thousands in Eau Claire 2 hours before Trump is on stage Why do you post the pic that directly contradicts you? Wouldn't it be smarter to make easily refutable claims without providing the refutation in your own post?
Julian Hughes
>it's the bot guy again
Elijah Powell
What if this is Obama releasing a tape of Trump being racist back when he was a democrat?
Jonathan Morris
Somebody is butthurt again
BTW, guess who is your OP for today?
Adam Lee
Asher Ramirez
>again Lol she has never broken 5k.
Owen Nelson
Parker Cook
Liam Taylor
>scared >not high energy
Logan Perez
Cooper Martinez
Aw, they implemented term limits before Trump could get there.
Jaxon Fisher
Mason Barnes
>What's going on in this thre-
Gabriel Perry
Joshua Morgan
I'm afraid the Democrats will rig the election anyway
Matthew Wright
What has Obama done for America all these years?
All I remember is him playing golf and getting the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing
Nathan Reyes
Aiden Rogers
Chase Perez
Ian Bailey
those repeating numbers say he'll play it after his victory speech
Jeremiah Gonzalez
>back when he was a democrat? No no wait That doesn't make sense when was Trump a Democrat?
Looks like she's still gonna win. You mad, Trumpfags?
Cooper Ward
trump didnt find fault with miss universe oh they believe they lying media again
Parker Morris
From being in most of these threads I would say you and this OP has the same problem in that regard.
Camden Mitchell
All that makeup and the bitch still can't hide those liver spots.
Elijah White
>media no longer photoshopping Hillary to make her look less like the Emperor
So that's it, then. She's been officially dropped.
Bentley Rogers
> both Obama's just deleted all HRC mentions from their Twitter accounts and no longer follow her.
What does it mean?
Luke Parker
Cooper Gutierrez
What does this mean? Is Trump going to win MN? Or will MN be uncucked by the next generation of somalians?
Lucas Morales
Obama Care
Cameron King
>implying that wouldn't have surfaced the exact moment the FBI re-opened the case
Luke Moore
>yfw you spot the Serbian sniper...
William Jackson
Grayson Hernandez
Brody Brown
and if we do nothing we deserve it
ignorance values complacency
Bentley Miller
TRUMP is the wrench we throw in the corrupt machine.
FUCK the media! FUCK the Washington elite! FUCK the corrupt justice system! FUCK Wall Street! FUCK Ultra-Left Academia! FUCK the open border Globalists! FUCK the demands to tolerate the intolerable! FUCK the special interests! FUCK big pharma! FUCK big oil FUCK the military industrial complex FUCK the banks! BLOW IT ALL UP! DRAIN THE SWAMP!
Grayson James
evidently katy perry did too and that dumbshit was in fucking love with her.
Jaxson Morgan
Justin Howard
monthly riots in our cities
Nicholas Campbell
Man, I like you, but just leave it. It's really not worth it.
Henry Jackson
Just in time for Weiner to be assisted with 2 shots to the back.
Andrew Garcia
Leaned Democrat yes. Though given how much the Neocons took over the Republican party post-Nixon, I honestly can't blame him. Webb did the same thing.
Now the establishment has made the Dems go full retard, so he's tearing the whole thing down.
Christian Anderson
can you prove this?
Jack Walker
Fuck off back to NeoFAG faggot
John Fisher
Austin Evans
>It's November 8th >You are glued to your TV, CNN is on >on your laptop, you have 2 tabs open, one is /tg/, one is the presidential election sticky >first polls are about to close, you are anxious as hell >clock hits 7PM >You see the "Key Race Alert" indication on CNN >Wolf Blitzer starts speaking >"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's 7PM, and the polls just closed on 6 states. We are ready to make some surprising projections." >"CNN projects that Jeb Bush will win the state of Virginia >"CNN also projects that Jeb Bush will carry the states of Georgia, South Carolina, Indiana and Kentucky" >"CNN can't project the winner in Vermont for now, but Jeb Bush has the lead over Hillary Clinton" How do you react ?
Owen Stewart
Not them, but I like it.
Nolan Jones
>Hillary buying fireworks for her victory celebrations >Trump buying ad time in Texas because that's become a battleground state
Not looking good
Grayson Hughes
it was never certain, not that i've ever been a birther but people like you are retards that take things at face value, so thanks maybe you'll wise up in the future
Kayden Walker
Nate Shitter actually has Trump at 30% now
Nicholas Carter
Please be Hillary. Please be Hillary. Please be Hillary.
God that would end her.
Nicholas Bennett
Every news outlet here seem to treat CNN as a credible, unbiased source. It's painful.
Ayden Sullivan
Grayson Long
she hasn't slept overly emotional half an inch of makeup plastered on
Ayden Sanders
Trying to paint the FBI as biased and Comey as a Republican is their new marching order.
They're fucked. They're all going to prison for FEC and FTC violations.
Nathan Robinson
Meanwhile Trump only needs one medium sized morning dump to compose 10 shitposts that leave the media in a frenzy of disbelief for the next week
Benjamin Rodriguez
It literally looks like she is holding back tears
Christian Hughes
They might know she is about to become incredibly toxic to be associated with. Except Katy Perry, pretty sure she is still following and wouldn't have cause to know anything we don't know.
Henry Turner
Someone chalked a bunch of pro Trump at Rutgers the other day, so a bunch of immigrants and other undesirables held a protest on campus. There was a handful of based Trump supporters counterprotesting. I just got back. I didn't take any pictures or video, but some people did. It wasn't very exciting.
Juan Bell
also Trump supporters everywhere in Florida
Carter Miller
what data?
the stock market suggests trump is going to win the halloween index suggests trump is going to win momentum suggests trump is going to win dems if fucking freak out mode suggest trump is going to win also >politico