>Meanwhile on Bizarro Sup Forums...
Meanwhile on Bizarro Sup Forums
Natalie Portman is hotter than Jennifer Aniston.
Emma Roberts is hot!
i'm glad we have comfy simpsons threads that aren't tarnished or completely ruined forever
He said Bizarro Sup Forums, faggot.
He got his sticky and was able to move on.
Your waifu a shit, Emma Stone is best girl
Who else is celebrating the 9th straight year without shitty porn flooding the board?
I'm so glad we can talk about film here
Why doesn't the captain ask for their OTHER gun?
lmao frog faced skank, sure thing buddy. Stone looks like an old hag who has been smoking her whole life.
I can't believe Black Panther bombed at the theater. Its was those Black Nationalist that didz its. We Waz Kangz White Power!!! Fuck you racist black boys dis was hor time.
I like Peg from KOTH
I can't wait for Justice League: Apokolips Crisis! Man, Darkseid looks kinda funky, but it all still looks tight. I'm pretty hype to see this and the upcoming Booster Gold movie. DC just keeps delivering with these kino films. Even the recent Static Shock movie was perfect. It had no uneeded race baiting bullshit and the villain was even pretty relatable.
Man, too bad about Marvel's recent Avengers movie. DC's been going strong with the Justice League and DCU for years now and Marvel's finally gotten out the Avengers, and it's a big flop all around. Jesus, I guess they're gonna have to hope that the Namor movie does good.
I think we all want to see more black people in films
Fuck you. Avengers was shit but only because of the Snyder cut. Marvel should have let Joss finish the movie his way.
Wtf I love feminism now?
Deens Deef and Dees (Chormerly Fucks)
I really like Justice League.
Hey Sup Forums it's official! We're dating! I thought I was gonna be the last single guy on here haha.
I don't want to cum inside the new Spiderman haha
I'm so glad that multiple cultures are involved in the making of movies.
Thank God something awful didn't happen that would've prevented Synder from completing his capekino trilogy.
>I can't wait for Justice League: Apokolips Crisis!
Dont you mean the JL two-parter, Justice League: Apokolips, and then Justice League: New Genesis coming the year after?
You're a small guy
When do you guys think the first movie will pop about President Clinton banning weapons?
I know right? We totally need accurate representations of multiple cultures even if those people have little to no acting ability. Who cares lol
Star Wars Episode VIII. was so good, I can't believe Lucas did it again. It was so good to see Carrie Fisher alive and well too.
/leftypol/ please leave, we don't need your socialism here
I fucking hate BLACKED
Jimmy Kimmel did an outstanding job at this years Oscars. I hope they invite him back next year.