Does Trump has any chances turning it red or is it democrats bastion?
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Trump will turn it red, kek confirms
Less than 1 in a thousand chance according to Nate Polonium.
When's voting in California faggots.
We have more registered Republicans than any other state, but sadly there are just an overwhelming number of Mexicans here.
>Does Trump has any chances turning it red or is it democrats bastion?
>Clinton +21.3
Trump has zero chance of turning California red.
Anyone that says otherwise is utterly delusional.
Case in point.
I've seen more pro Trump stuff than Hillary in my travels about LA & IE
met some libs from northern cal.
they say they don't have any red signs there.
Maybe if trump goes full organic, starts listening to edm, and openly talks about his experiences with ayahuasca
Only if the FBI discovers Bill's sex dungeon filled with dead kids.
My digits confirm that Trump will turn Commiefornia red.
you tried
He has a chance, but it's not in the bag by any means.
California more than most of the country seems like it has alot of quiet Trump supporters who don't want the public shame of supporting Cheeto Hitler.
so close to trips
it'll be 51/49 for hitlery
If only legal citizens could vote, it would be red.
we mostly stay quiet because we don't want our property destroyed.
Maybe you should booby trap a Trump sign or something
It's goin red baby, by Kek.
I live in LA. You'd have to go to Mos Eisley to see a more wretched hive of villainy.
I lived in Southern California my whole life (now in Virginia -- mailed in my ballot to CA).
I would love to see it red. I just don't think it will happen. Universities there are liberal as fuck. In So Cal there are illegals everywhere. There are more Mexican restaurants than steakhouses or BBQ places (mex food is amazing tho). It's just too immersed in outside culture. Add onto the liberal universities HOLLYWOOD and all that BS and you have a ton of people who are straight up idiots.
California can't identify itself as a unified culture. It's not like Texas where people are proud to be Texans.
But Northern Cali needs to become Jefferson to give the GOP a better chance
Cali makes it incredibly unfair for Republicans, especially since they count illegals as the population to increase the electorate count
No, far too many spics and degenerate whites for Trump to even have a chance
Correct me if I'm wrong but California college liberals seem like the type who might support JILF
>CA is 30% white
Think hard about this OP.
This. The whole surrounding area near Chico is predominantly trump and all fraternity men in our school systems are pro-America which translates to pro-Trump. Even back in the Bay most people I've talked to are pro trump, you just don't hear about it because the few Hillary supporters scream so damn loud about their retarded beliefs.
I live in San Diego, closest big city to border. Probably the most conservative city in CA and its still half and half here. Even have doubts the city here will go red. But there is a big republican population out here, even our radio and tv are all conservative.
However, too large of a hispanic population for it to show. Count CA out, sadly....
You're right. My only guess would be that an independent reaching office is just so unlikely that it turns people off.
Nah it's mostly sorority women and GDI's (god damn independents) that support Bernie and Hillary, mostly by default bc Trump "says mean things". Damn near all the rest of men on campus are pro Trump
I struggle to understand why the US doesn't decide it's president on the popular vote.
Voting for the senate, or the house of representatives then state by state makes sense. But what's the logic in giving 100% of a states electoral vote to one candidate even if the opponent won 49% of the vote.?
If CA was split in a couple smaller states the democrats would never win again.
Gerrymandering and illegal beaner voting have made this impossible. Not to mention the suicidal dems in SF and LA.
We need a purge.
>thinking hard
Kek confirms red california
Reminder for Commiefornians to vote anyway, especially on the ballot measures, ESPECIALLY no on prop 63.
We all know this wouldn't have been feasible for most of our ~250 year history. However, with technology now, I don't see there being any excuse for us not to have a popular vote
>that support Bernie
Alot of Bernie supporters are going Green this election. Expect left-wing vote splitting.
This whole sanctuary city bullshit is fucking killing me. And the new gun laws/tobacco laws/etc just little by little stealing individual freedom
It gives smaller states more power otherwise NY and CA would be picking the president every election.
But muh "Bill Clinton is NOT running for president"
I saw that one on there...hell NO on that proposition.
I voted yes for to banning plastic bags, yes to cig tax (I smoke cigarettes), and don't remember much more.
>modern technology
Actually on second thoughts what you have is fine
I'm hoping so. I've been trying to split people through word of mouth and anonymous posting throughout the major cities. It's pretty funny to watch the collective rage as liberals lose their grip on social media.
I really hope Trump cuts funding like he says he will and that idiots here vote no on the new taxes so we can starve Sacramento to death.
I want this state to crash with no survivors.
Can't gib gibs if we have no money.
Here in norcal, can confirm. No one even close to red up here
basically this
Everybody would have exactly the same voting power. 1 person 1 vote.
400,000 votes in Idaho will make a difference when added to the 5 million republican votes in California.
At the moment democrat votes in Texas and Republican votes in California might as well just be thrown in the trash
Split the vote by convincing Bernie bros to vote Bernie
>voting yes on any tax
>voting yes on the expensive weed prop
Congrats, you're a dumbass.
retina scans
facial recognition
Californians will by the numbers have the most votes for Trump. At the very least California Republicans will secure the popular vote.
I live in Southern California but my family is spread across northern.
It's all 3rd party and Hillary here. Only Trump supporters I've seen are a handful campus Republicans and Quincy California.
>yes to cig tax
what the fuck why
Nah, I'll vote to take leverage away from the Mexican cartel
>vote Trump
>assets are immediately seized pending investigation for terrorism
No such thing.
We can vote now
Tin foil hat is now real tea for us
Sad times
California no, Oregon, just possibly.
Trump will paint the whole country red with the one exception of the ultra-cucks in Minnesota.
They're already moving onto other drugs, mostly amphetamines. You wouldn't be doing shit.
64 just makes weed expensive for the consumer and will eventually stifle any kind of competition in the market. Good job.
Another San Diego based user here. There is no chance CA will go red. Probably not ever again, but certainly not in the next decade. Demographic changes are brutal.
It's a real shame, because the state is one of the most geographically blessed places on the planet, but its politics are just an absolute shit-show.
I think the state will turn red. All the gays in the Bay Area I have spoke with are not voting for a Woman who wants to import Sand People who want to kill all gays.
The blacks and latinos wont vote as ususal because they cant even be bothered to find a job.
And all the left overs of what was once the republican party will be voting Trump.
We have seen what this "welfare sanctuary city" has done to this state and we are pissed off. Especially the Mexicans who came here legally. They dont like the "beaner filth" that comes here.
Califag here. I voted Trump.
I think you mean Utah.
Its possible, though not probable
We are allowing bernie sanders to be a sanctioned write in candidate, and there were alot of bernouts in this state.
Ill be doing my part to MAGA on the 8th
No, but I sent my ballot in with a nice MAGA vote.
california was made to be red.
nate polonium meme needs to die
Any chance? Of course there is a chance. How much? Who cares? Just go vote. I already sent in my ballot.
More likely than Hawaii but still a long shot. Illegals can vote there.
Hillary could be revealed to be a child-murdering serial killer and she would still win California.
If San Andreas goes around Nov 7th, sure. Otherwise probably not.
Still voting Trump, wifey votes by mail, she already voted Trump.
This is literally all I want for Christmas
If California can go red under Reagan, it can go red under Trump.