Sup Forums, what can non-whites such as myself do, to contribute toward saving the white race?

Sup Forums, what can non-whites such as myself do, to contribute toward saving the white race?

The white man has always done right by me and my family, and I want to do the same to them.


Kill yourself

Kill your family first

kill yourslef whiteboi

dont vote Democrats

Fight communism, socialism and marxism.

Understand that Christianity has brought freedom to the world, without it. The world would not be the same.

what race are you?

Infiltrate radical anti-white groups, leak any valuable information to us.

Also, mate, we don't hate all non-whites. Any civilized person regardless of their race who are able to integrated correctly into the country they are living in are more than welcome.



>don't commit crime
>don't fuck white women
>build up your local poc community

It's basically all the same as you'd expect from getting along in any community, except your community is a bit away from the white community. It's just like houses. You live with your family ( either your parents or your wife and her son ) and other people live with their family.

Slav probably

Don't give me those Rhodesia feels with that FAL and shirt.

deux vult convert any non-christians

Just act civilized and don't fall for leftist rhetoric and trickery.


Literally don't be a liberal. I'm sure you've seen Sup Forums praise minorities who don't fall for jewish tricks.

Why are you such a cuck?

This is the biggest bitch-tier comment I've ever read.

Thanks though. This is good motivation for me to leave this site.

Just don't buy into the anti-white hate mongering. Be proud of your own race and culture, raise them good and with integrity. Educate them well, stay away from crime and drugs and contribute to society.

Sometimes I think, we should demonstrate together against the anti-white, anti-European and anti-western agenda and the islamification of Europe. But Sup Forums is maybe not the best place to organize for this.

you know what a nigger is right ?

Just don't racemix. Have sex with people of your own kind and you'll be fine. Saving ALL the races is the best way to go.

I'm a legal Flip. First generation 'murican to be more specific.

>he can't be motivated to leave a Mongolian fingerpainting forum

speak out against leftists. They can't call you racist because you are not a a fucking white male

post more qts

>he can't be motivated to leave a Mongolian fingerpainting forum

I'm not sure I'll ever be able to leave this place. ..

Can I be part of the cool kids if I'm only half white?

Kill commies.


Remember, Pinochet wasn't white but he is loved here for his commie killing prowess.

Do right by yourself. Pay taxes, get a good education in a productive STEM or medical field. Buy a gun. Enroll your children in a private school. Love your sons and raise them to be powerful men. Go to a traditional small town church. Volunteer for a civics organizational like a rotary club. Teach your children to hunt, fish and camp. Volunteer at your children's school. Respect and show appreciation for educators. Teach your children firearm safety. Love your wife with honesty and show your children the model for their future relationships. Build something, furniture, a car, a gun, show your family that you will guard them with your life and you will always provide for them. Respect law enforcement. Vote.

Love this country with all of your heart.

Stockpile weapons and ammo for the revolution and distribute them among whites. Keep a bunch for your community too just in case you get betrayed by degenerate skinheads. Firepower = peace.