It's getting faster, moving faster now, it's getting out of hand

It's getting faster, moving faster now, it's getting out of hand

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Cuz you're the king of wishful thinkinggggg

Someone make one of those stupid vertical and horizontal spellings of the word:



Nice use of that joy division quote

we are moving at a rate of over 7% a day. By the 8th, Trump should have approximately a 100.3% chance of winning


Is nate /OurGuy/ now?

^ I A L

This is the map if Trump gets all leaning Republican states and all 50/50 states. Even then he'll have to pull a miracle in Pennsylvania or Michigan.

We've known this for a while. His easiest path is through Colorado, although Pennsylvania likely ends it.

Nevada is looking more and more locked up for Hillary everyday. Might have to flip that one around too.

Although I will say that we could see some surprises on Tuesday because of how much lack of enthusiasm there appears to be for Clinton. Just saw a rally with about 50 people max. Absolutely sad.

NH f a m

It was 29% and hour ago. Is Nate Nickle saving his as? We all know Mr. Argon is always hedging his bets

>libshits actually believe Hillary will get that close to winning

he keeps adjusting it every 5 minutes, I think he is having a nervous breakdown

It's like polls predict other polls

Total feedback loop

This happens every presidential election. For months before the election each polling place puts a huge bias toward their preferred candidate then dials it back to reality in the two weeks before the election. See: RCP on Romney and this election.
That should should be illegal because, as we've seen this election, polls have been used to influence this election in favor of Clinton.

This is true to an extent. There is always a good chance that the polls mean nothing. Maybe Colorado or Michigan will flip to Trump. Doubtful, but possible.

I honestly think Hilary will be hard pressed to win all of CO, NM, WI, MI, PA, NH and ME's second district, she is struggling in the polls and losing so much momentum, at least one of these will flip red I'm certain of it

Every single state poll that comes in causes a readjustment just like it should. Don't refresh it every 15 minutes or you will go nuts.

This is the first time the MSM actually has said anything negative about Hillary and voters are confused as fuck.

It will be hilarious if it turns out the Jewish elite turned on Hillary at the 11th hour because they finally believe Trump can make them more money. I think it's reasonably possible considering Hillary's tweets are getting more and more desperate and sad. It's like she KNOWS she's fucked.

It is set to check and update every 5 minutes goy. He doesnt just sit there and add them by hand, that would be stupid.

I agree, but think about this. All the estranged Hillary voters aren't going to just not vote for her over all of this recent stuff. Best case scenario is enough of them just stay home and let Trump take a couple of their states.

ME and NH though.

And he has a shot in NM.

Exactly. He just needs one.

Just like when Putin was re-elected!

He sends it to the house by taking NH

underrated post

IIRC he's up in NH since this morning?

But yeah, dems have a MASSIVE electoral advantage every 4yrs insofaras they're guaranteed to win something like 18 states, which puts them at 258-ish. Florida or NC loss means death.

He has a shot if everything goes right for him. If a miracle happens, another greater miracle still has to happen. Believe me, I want him to win. Right now I am just hoping the polls are flawed horribly.

>shot in new mexico

aye cabron

>mfw niggas want to break up california
cry more

I don't see any reason to be worried about the results of polls significantly