Why does everyone here hate her? She didn't do anything you wouldn't have

Why does everyone here hate her? She didn't do anything you wouldn't have.

Skyler's freaking out about the marijuana is when I started disliking her

I would've helped out with the business and rolled in the cash when Walt bites the dust in a year.

>implying pot is good
only degenerates think that


Shame on you

I would never fuck Ted

Remember when she, like, was a single mother in, like, six feet under, and Nate fucked her a couple of times?


her and walt's circle were total normies

>gives you lung cancer and makes your son retarded
>id do this

weed is for normies

>destroys a man's life

because she was annoying.

she had one job.

count the money

she couldn't even do that and just bought a ware house to stuff it

skylar is worst character

She would be a good breeder

no, cerebral plsy child.

>have more than enough money for 10 cancer treatments
>decide to be a greedy faggot and fuck everything up
>defending this retard

yes, stop nitpicking

tfw soon a walt jr gets his money, she'll find a way to spend it

is that why i can't get any? is casual sex for normies too???

She was right about almost everything. But the cheating was too much.

>cancer treatments
For what purpose? He'll croak anyway, might as well make as much cash as possible for his retarded family while he still can.

she'll have smoked herself to death by then

You had one job.

Yes on both counts. Most normies know at least a couple of people with access to weed, just like most normies fuck at least a dozen people in their life.

hey she couldn't help it if meth is really addictive

>pressures walt to buy shit house with money that could have gone to billion dollar company
>smokes while pregnant despite cerebral palsy child
>fucks boss
>helps boss get away with tax evasion
>dumbass gives said boss 600,000 of walts money
>bitches and nags endlessly
>treats walt like a pushover bitch until he snaps
>literally expected him to suffer with cancer treatment
>didn't work a single job
>walt worked two jobs
>walt takes a few days away and she loses her shit.
>told to count the money she volunteered to do, couldnt do that right
>blames walt for the shit and play victim
>wasn't even smart enough to keep 100k in bug out bag

dumb neckbeards think WW is the good guy