What was the greatest decade for movies?

What was the greatest decade for movies?

>I get my morals from big budget moobies

The 70s

christ this dude is retarded

jesus christ sometimes I am glad I wasn't born a normie

Oh wow, this is the cringiest.

la goblinidad...


Imagine being american and basing your cultural identity on movies

Imagine being American

Imagine being American and thinking you have a cultural identity

Early 2000


>dystopian nightmare of violence and persecution
That's a bit of a stretch of the imagination


What a boring faggot. He has to take his ideological ideas from hollywood and pop culture


the dick inspires the pen

OP has a fucking anime avatar


imagina being a Sup Forumsamer

Except the people that wrote those novels and the people who enjoy them fight FOR a dystopian hellscape future.

I think the problem is that you raised a generation of kids on dog shit like Harry Potter and Marvel which imparted ideals to them that helped CAUSE dystopias.

Spree shooters also think they're the heroes of their own story, funny how that works out when you convince a bunch of unstable impressionable young minds on SSRIs that they're destined for greatness in this shitpile of a society.

Retards like this helped drive more people to Trump and helped the Dems loose.

t. pissed off Bernout
