
The real list, and of course Sup Forums ignores it

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This is the true list of kinos

any bobs or vegene ?

>Return of the King above Fellowship and Two Towers

how can I cry about le roasties with this

all of tv agrees with this list.

IMDB rankings where men and women differ the most. What are Sup Forums's thoughts?

Why were you calling it the "top ranked list" when the women's top ranked films list is OP's?

>harry potter
oh boy

it's a list of the movies with the highest disparities between men's and women's rank

Except user had made the thread claiming that was the "Women & Men top ranked films list". Why were you trying to shitpost so badly?


i'm a woman and my favourite movie of all time is The Thing.
your list is wrong

I like Tangled and The Sound of Music (the only two worth watching on the women's list IMHO) and don't care for westerns... I wonder what that says about me?

This makes more sense. Women prefer fairy tales and stories about women and colourful storybook shit, men prefer hardboiled stories about manly men doing manly thing.

What you got there is a genuine list of "movies women don't understand".

good taste

Men truly are based.

>women are just as intelligent as me-


>This makes more sense

Why does not make sense to you?

Might watch these one night with a good vindaloo or korma

wtf I love xepeople/zepeople now!

>. Women prefer fairy tales and stories about women and colourful storybook shit

>Top 3 movies as rated by women
>The Shawshank Redemption
>The Godfather
>The Dark Knight
etc. etc.

If women prefer fairy tales and stories about women and colourful storybook shit why does the top films list not match this at all?

Lets be honest, the “she/her” list is actually gay men, as evidenced by Call Me By Your Name being in there. Do gay people think we’re stupid?

Because it's just the most popular movies and not the ones particularly popular to women.

>If women prefer fairy tales and stories about women and colourful storybook shit why does the top films list not match this at all?

You people might be statistics brainlets but if you're interested in what makes something uniquely important to a demographic you don't look at the common overlap between groups.

That most women like the overall most liked movies is so fucking obvious you should shoot yourself for thinking it's important. They're half the population.

Any other significant group you check in on will also overlap. If this were "movies most white people like" you'd see the same fucking thing, and the only interesting data would be where white tastes diverge.

Women confirmed a shit

>it's just the most popular movies

But that's the list of most popular movies as ranked exclusively by women, not as ranked by all users. Those are the ones that are the best according to women. You cannot claim women are not interested in this manly men doing manly thing when data shows they are.

Let's be honest, [unsubstantiated projection]

You either don't understand statistics at all or you don't understand what's different about the movies where opinions diverge.

I don't really know how you expect me to help you out here. You need to realize that the overlap is never as interesting as the divergence points.

>it's just the most popular movies and not the ones particularly popular to women
>list is ranked specifically accordingly to women's rankings

On the contrary, the overlap is exceedingly interesting here considering you are pretending it doesn't exist with your eagerness to shit-talk about what women. is a list of okay movies too, but you don't like those and most importantly you want to shit on women so you're going to dismiss any data that doesn't fit your view and pretend all women like what you hate and all women hate what you like. Despite proving you dead wrong.

Look how the fuck aren't you getting this?

If most people eat bread it's not very significant to find women eat bread. If you found that women and men significantly differ in that women absolutely love sushi and beans and men eat vastly bigger amounts of rice and chicken, and some retard comes up and says "yeah but women eat bread" he doesn't understand a fucking thing, does he?

It's not even relevant to the question of how the genders differ since you're looking at the overlap.

>eagerness to shit-talk about what women

And here's the absolute mongrel now to tell us "yeah but women eat bread".

I never said there was anything bad about it, did I, you fucking cunt?

Um sweetie, identifying as a woman and being a woman are two different things

>If you found that women and men significantly differ in that women absolutely love sushi and beans and men eat vastly bigger amounts of rice and chicken

Can you prove this though? None of the movies in the women list have a particularly high rank, so going by your analogy, they aren't don't absolutely love sushi and beans, they're just slightly more willing to eat it once on a while than men are. While both absolutely love to eat bread. So why are you claiming women can only appreciate "fairy tales and stories about women and colourful storybook shit" (the "shit" part merely being your irrelevant opinion)?

>So why are you claiming women can only appreciate

Find my post and quote me on that you mental defective.

>women like brokeback mountain more than men

>we/ze is the most kino
Wtf, based trannies.

are all the woman voting 12 and all the men voting 50?

Women love watching films about gay men.

>This makes more sense.
Implying doesn't make sense to you because
>hurr roasties can't appreciate my deep intellectual movies

>Women prefer fairy tales and stories about women and colourful storybook shit
As if any of things is an inherently bad quality, while all movies on that list are pretty okay and a few are genuinely good and classics (Beauty and the Beast for example since it's the 1991 and not the 2017 one)
>men prefer hardboiled stories about manly men doing manly thing.
As if any of those things is an inherently good quality, and women aren't interested in that too (despite OP proving you wrong)
Are you mad on you got pissed on your women-hating parade?

Gay porn is to women as lesbian porn is to men, everyone knows that. Are you retarded?

>believing there can be objectivity in the inherently subjective concept of reality
What are you 12?