This is a good show

>this is a good show
>get to season 4
>it's liberal bullshit now

Did something happen to the writers?

What specifically is "liberal bullshit", user?

>not liking the stuff with Bojack's mom and grandparents

Todd's stuff was shit tho.

Dude, they spent an entire episode building up a thinly veiled allegory of Santa Claus as God so that Bojack could basically tell the little girl (and the audience) that God doesn't exist.

On a Christmas special.

And now you're surprised by the liberal bullshit? They may been more subtle in the main episodes, but the warning signs were there. I ditched the show before the end of season 2 and never looked back.

Part of this season seems like an after school special about how bullys/domestic abuse is cyclical.

>gun control
>evil men
>haha I'm a straight white male
>all men catcall
>we aren't equal, America oppresses women

most of that is from Diane, and shes supposed to be liberal

>being pro-fracking

They build the world around her proving her right in the shows world.
It'd be different if she just said stuff as opinion.

oh boy another conservative snowflake mad that his every opinion isnt being validated in every medium of entertainment they watch
fuck off back to your containment board, trash

Pleb: Bojack horseman is the best adult animated show. I love it!
Contratian: Bojack horseman is libcuck propaganda it sucks
Patrician: Bojack is a glorified soap opera

how? the world is affect by each character?

>implying Sup Forums is a conservative containment board
Oh, you sweet summer Tumblr child.

Ignore it. This is like those Rick and Morty threads that keep popping up talking about female writers and how the show has gone to shit.

When you check the actual rick and morty threads people seem satisfied enough with the season and it doesn't seem any different than previous ones.

This is just Sup Forums throwing out retarded bait.

I'm surprised you liked it before s4. it was always liberal bullshit.

>character who is liberal talks about liberal stuff

Oh no. And when a cartoon has a hippy character who doesn't eat meat they must be a shill for PETA because of the ones character.

This is a Sup Forums bait thread. A bad Sup Forums bait thread. Just ignore it.

They aren't conservative shitbags? Most intelligent people aren't.

>conservative snowflake
Do you even know what the term "snowflake" refers to?

Hydraulic fracturing allows for the extraction of resources used by all, and employs people and provides wages for families.

It could be done better, but it's one of the many goods provided by SCIENCE!

Most intelligent people aren't liberal shitbags, either. And yet, here we are with Bojack Horseman Season 4.

But when she says it the world around her proves her right.

>congressmen scene
>USA hates women more than loves guns
>haha I'm a straight white male thats why I'm so confident
>all the scenes of cat calling men

>liberal bullshit
It was their character since the beginning.

not implying a thing like that, just that this is clearly a politics thread by a Sup Forums piece of shit who isnt actually interested in cartoons, just wants his opinions validated
fuck off

Shocker, 99% of comedic writers aren't conservative almost as if the position requires to see the view point of other things and to subvert expectation. The exact opposite of conservative.

Find me conservative comedic writers that aren't shit.

It refers to nothing you retard. Calling someone a snowflake means they're sensitive, as fragile as a snowflake.

Or are you actually stupid enough to think it's a meme or some dumb shit like that.

are you really this sensitive to this shit? Shit user, adult cartoons have been pandering to liberal politics since the 80's. Where the fuck have you been?

It was more subtle in the other seasons.
Now it feels in my face.

They live in California. They work in Hollywoo. Many actors are liberal. Just look at the Emmys.

>Calling someone a snowflake means they're sensitive, as fragile as a snowflake.
I figured you would say that. And that's wrong.

The term snowflake is used because each snowflake is completely unique to any other snowflake. The term is used against lefties who get sidecuts and piercings in a vain attempt to be different, simply for the sake of being different. The irony of course is that you end up with millions of people looking the same in an attempt to be different.

The show is set in LA. Did you not expect this?

Neigh - has it not always been this?

ok snowflake we get it go back to your containment board

Boo fucking hoo. I think you're full of shit and just didn't care as much then so you let it pass, but suddenly you're on the lookout for it because something in this season triggered you.

You're too sensitive to this shit. It's not even heavy shit. If you're this easily put off by politics you don't life then just huddle in a tiny double wide trailer in the rural south listening to talk radio.

You know how conservatives and liberals would act seeing each others politics on display in media 20 years ago? They wouldn't unless it was directly aimed at them. Because they weren't overly sensitive pussies about it.

If this show is too liberal for you then go bitch at Sup Forums not here. You are really pathetic.

I want to fuck the mouse doing yoga. Is it so wrong?

I wish mods were more willing to do their fucking job and hammer down on obvious Sup Forums threads/bait. What do they even do these days? They sure as hell let the furries do whatever they want.

>joke over-liberal character is liberal
stop the presses

No, that's a special snowflake, and usually refers to the way parents would treat their kids like they were the most special and unique thing in all of the world, and the kid would end up either really sheltered or spoiled.

You're mixing two different terms you dingus.

Earlier today there were at least 10 porn threads up for several hours.

I'm going to assume 90% of the old mods and janitors have been taken off the site and replaced with shills since Hiro is a greedy selllout

So if all these straight white men are so confident and have everything go so well for them, why are they committing so many mass shootings.

I don't know about comedic writers, but I can think of a number of well-known conservative comedians:
>Brian Regan
>Jim Gaffigan
>Tom Segura
>Joe Rogan (debatable, he identifies as libertarian but is known to skew a bit to the right)
>Drew Cary
>Norm MacDonald
>Dennis Miller

And that's not even including guys like Bill Burr, who hasn't publicly identified as anything but doesn't seem to be a fan of the left.

Like what do you mean by gun control. The episode seemed to be pretty pro-gun rights as Diane learned how useful having a gun could be and even defended her second amendment when legislative was discussing about the occurance of one shooting done by a female. She suggested to them that they should make it so that woman can feel safer, and therefore wouldn't need to have a gun as much instead of banning guns, and then legislative outright banned them. Sure it's feministic af, but not anti gun.

>Jim Gaffigan



I mean, it's not hard to see
>FOR ONCE make a show that makes fun of everyone, more or less
>Everyone is a horrible, flawed character, thus the show is never actually taking anyone's side
>libruls get pissed constantly because theyre pissbabies
>servativs don't watch tv and certainly aren't giving this a shot or any support.
>they finally DO do an episode that they have explicitly said is a moral, and it's about how abortion is cool and okay and nobody should ever feel bad about killing their babies
>everyone who would have any further problem with liberal bullshit jumps ship
not sure why you didn't, OP, but I did.

Brap brap pew pew

Gaffigan is his own thing. he's sort of to the left what Teddy Roosevelt was to the right.
had no idea about Regan or Norm though. that's nice to know. I remember Norm calling up someone's podcast once and talking about how he had just now discovered gender-identity and thought it was ridiculous.. and he was like 5 months too late for anyone to be on his side.
whenever I think about it I'm always like "we got ben stein, doug tennapel, and the good parts of steve harvey and bill cosby. Shrug. good enough"

>Weeaboo faggotry

This is either 6.5/10 bait or you need to fuck off back to Plebbit. Not Sup Forums, fucking Plebbit, you unfunny memelord

I hate all of that shit as much as you but literally everything you mentioned is contained in a single bad episode.

This seasons 'Diane Episode' was the worst and certainly the most preachy but the rest of the season is great.

This is Sup Forums bait. They don't actually mean anything about any of those issues. The fact that an episode would do anything but praise conservative ideals is the only excuse they need to spam the board with threads bitching about the liberal agenda in cartoons.

This is like those hourly threads bitching about rick and morty having female writers.

It means nothing.

ptsd basically

Don't even bother. The term 'snowflake' triggered everyone left of center so badly that they're dying to try and "steal" it. Same goes for the word "triggered", even though those same people made up the word in the first place.

just as long as you know those people aren't real. they're just the clickbaity sorts of people who figured out how to manipulate the debates for ratings. the only politics they care about is making money on parodies and clicks

ugh don't remind me jeff or swampy said something like that
I'm sure he feels dumb now and has taken it back

If this supposed to reflect the governor campaign arc in Season 4, Chuck the governor didn't really feel he was supposed to represent Hillary either, just this actually benevolent reasonable leader. The writers just mocked the campaign and had it end with a leader the writers believe to be an actually capable leader.

I'm not sure I believe that because Sup Forums idiots make spammy threads here and on Sup Forums about other shit too that doesn't have any marketable value for clickbait. Your theory sounds like a real stretch of a conspiracy theory.

But it doesn't matter if you're right about it being clickbait website spammers or if I'm right that it's idiots from Sup Forums who are overly sensitive to petty nonsense or are trying to get others to agree with them that everything is terrible.

The end result is still the same. These kinds of threads are terrible bullshit bait and of no value.

not really

I mean if you seriously think there was some big allegory to Trump in this season please explain

but in all likelihood your just a thin skinned Sup Forums with a persecution complex so you see everything not blatantly praising you as an attack on you

Okay now that I think about it, there's barely any ideologies stances admitted by either sides I remembered aside from Mr. PB saying he's for fracking and even he didn't know what fracking meant back when he was pressured to take a side, nor did Chuck ever say if he's for fracking or not. The campaign arc was just there to mock campaigns.

>liberal bullshit
don't watch this show but there is a containment board for you Nazi snowflakes where you won't have to be exposed to opinions that trigger your sociopathy

I'm a libertarian thank you

user I can't stay mad at you.

Yes. If you get anything from watching Bojack Horseman it's that the status quo is beneficial and morally good.

I haven't watch this show since the first season and I want to know what you guys think of the show so far.

The real question is:
In season 3, why the FUCK was Todd so butthurt that BoJack had sex with Emily in season 3, when he didn't want to even hook up with her in that hotel room right before?

If it's anything it's that mister peanutbutter would've won the election (until he dropped out). Show takes place in Hollywoo so I'd already expect liberal bias from a lot of characters, which you could see in every season. Season 4 had more politic-centered episodes, with bojack and princess carolyn having the most apolitical plots, unless you could count casual racism against cats as political.

>bojack is popular enough to attract MUH SJWS Sup Forumsfags now
Time to leave the threads and never return. It was fun while it lasted.

Christ did none of you actually read his quote? He wasn't talking about season 4 (the one that just aired) he was talking about season 5.

>Did something happen to the writers?

no. you became "red pilled" aka a beta cuck snowflake

>Being this sensitive
Don't worry, when they're talking about men, they're not talking about you.

He never wanted to have sex with Emily, but he loved and care about her. Bojack treated her like another easy lay. Emily left due to how uncomfortable the situation made her feel. If Bojack didn't touch Emily, her relationship with Todd could've been healthier.

I don't know, Mabey he thinks Bojack inevitably destroys everything he sticks his dick into

this makes sense, but he seemed so defensive during the last scene of episode 10 that I thought otherwise
this is true

It's always been really heavily liberal and political. God, you Trumpies were politically born yesterday.

>Sup Forums in charge of basic education

Snowflake as a term referring to people who believe they are distinct, oppressed, or privileged in some way originates from Fight Club you plebs, which is a satirical story about the fragility of hyper-masculinity. If you're the kind of person who uses the term "snowflake" you are literally an oversensitive fuccboi.

Still good. Season 2 is a doozy.

I think he was defensive because he was thinking about every shitty thing Bojack has ever done. Emily was just the latest thing on a long list.

>Bojack treated her like another easy lay
She came onto him, and is clearly in her early 20's at least. She initiated it, not Bojack. You can only say Bojack did something wrong if you believe in the bro code, which doesn't apply here because Todd had no sexual feelings towards Emily, and more importantly they weren't actually dating.

Before Bojack and Emily had sex, Bojack knew that Todd had feelings for Emily. Granted they weren't sexual, but it was obvious he cared about her a lot. Bojack didn't initiate it, but he did accept it. It's like how it's still fucked up he fucked Penny. Penny's case was worse, but the circumstances are similar.


In what reality is protecting the land you live on seen as the hippy thing? Are you this attached to labels that you'd gladly forsake the survival of a nation just to condemn any and every stance the other guy takes? Are you that fucking stupid?

Best season by far. The story really progresses beyond the other seasons

Soap operas aren't funny, so it's not a soap opera

Yeah. They voted for Hillary.

>was good show until librul cuckfag season 4

did you forget this fucking episode

>Implying Burr is a fan of the right
>The man who married a black woman

I wasn't even being ironic. I'm from an oil & gas producing region and my whole family works in various industry sectors.

Maybe your family should get new jobs since that shit's going out of vogue in favor of renewable energy which is literally getting cheaper and more reliable all the time

Fracking is just squeezing blood from a stone, spending more money to get less oil with more serious negative effects on the environment

I'm sure whalers were really concerned about their livelihood back in the day too

Soaps are hilarious though.

What's it like being the actual cancer killing the world?

American Conservatives aren't White Nationalists you fucking retard.

Yes, many are. You fucking retard.

Hey Hilldog

After watching like half of season 4 I'll concede that the political stuff became way less nuanced.
Instead of Diane having leftist opinions(which she's always had), they literally use the world to validate her beliefs. Like that whole "America hates women more than guns" episode, where they basically say that women live in constant fear, reference "manspreading", reference America's toxic gun culture, reference both white and male privilege, ect.
And before someone mentions it, this has literally nothing to do with muh Sup Forums bogeyman. It has to do with weird awkward writing.
It's just super fucking preachy and actually hard to watch.
I also don't like Hollyhawk and I don't know what the fuck is happening to Todd's character. The dronethrone thing wasn't even remotely funny.
The show isn't horrible, it just feels way more forced and kind of lost it's quirky cosmic nihilism.

Nah. The entire modern world is constructed out of plastics, which are petrochemical products. And petroleum and natural gas are still number 1 & 2 energy sources in the US.

In that case Emily is in the wrong just as much as Bojack is because she knew Todd had feelings for her.

It hasn't really changed it just wasn't as funny this time.

The worst offender was the gun control episode, actually started off with an interesting idea of Diane not being completely retarded and exploring a new idea but then just got cut off for the the real punch line "oh wow I guess this country hates women more than it loves guns." Just came off hamfisted and shitty. Same with the "lol I'm a straight white male" line from the same episode, felt real lazy.

Also didn't like how they tried to justify Bojack's mom in a way. We already had the "look this bitter old asshole actually is dealing with a lot of trauma that's why they're such a piece of shit," it's Bojack's whole story. Just played the same card again with his mom, except this time you have Bea's father who's just complete trash with no redeeming qualities and her mother who's just some innocent bystander. Cheapened it for me somehow. Beatrice is still a cold heartless bitch, and the scene with Henrietta actually felt out of character to me.

How many petrochemicals went into the production of the device you're using to shitpost, hypocrite?

Hey I like fucking retards!
Stop kink shaming me!

If you think the republican party is the face of white nationalism you're delusional.
The American right is a bunch of autistic Israel supporting baby boomers.

I just think you're politically illiterate and believe right wing=racist.

I agree with pretty much everything you said except:
>I also don't like Hollyhawk
You can fuck right off. And it's Hollyhock.

Hey, I'm not the one who intentionally hampers any attempts to get away from your shitty industry. Don't use the necessity you people enforce as a way to group everyone in with you.

>right wing=racist
I don't inherently believe this, because I'm old enough to not classify an entire group as ____ for the sake of argument. Don't put words in my mouth