DEFEND THIS trumpfags. This is not moral and is degeneracy plain and simple. At this rate I will be writing John McCain on my ballot.
DEFEND THIS trumpfags. This is not moral and is degeneracy plain and simple...
The only anti gay thing Trump has done was his veep choice, but he has a history of being down with the homo.
Well as a conservative Christian I can not in good faith vote for such a degenerate man.
>Trump hates gays
He is a piece of shit more news at 11. God I hate Drumpf and his deplorable voters. Hillary will grind him into paste on the 11.
Nobody cares about Trump having gay support. The people who paid you to post here are sadly mistaken.
>t. Gay
We don't need degenerate filth in this country
Vote for a cunt, who will bring thousands of mudslimes, who want to kill and rape gays and your daughters while planning to kill you later on.
>I will be writing John McCain
Sure thing, Kasich.
>We don't need degenerate filth in this country
Nice try, CTR.
ctr shills on suicide watch
He's gotta win the votes dude.
lol tryhard CTR
can't see noone gives a shit about 2% of the population.
time to assimilate.
Not voting for Hillary I am writing McCain on the ballot.
I am serious as a Christian I can not vote for someone who gives less than a damn about God or his principles.
I am a huge faggot and vote for Trump cuz he is a pro-gay for long time. Suck it up, Christcucks
suck it up
Homosexuality is a sin and don't give me that its not a choice crap because than you would be implying that homosexuality is a disorder that can be treated or cured.
what's the matter you dont like lesbians faggot
>Suck it up, Christcucks
Take it up with CTR and the trolls.
I'm a Christian and couldn't care less what gays do. Good luck, man.
One of his most vocal supporters is Milo. You forgot to kill yourself OP.
>At this rate I will be writing John McCain on my ballot.
Don't mind me, just posting to our numbers up.
>implying you're being conservative
There is nothing in the bible that says homosexuality is bad, all those things are blatant mistranslations.
But you wouldn't care about it either way, Because you just want your own indoctrinated bigoted ways to be reaffirmed by some outside source.
Well fuck off.
You're not a conservative you're a deluded extremist.
Also "degenerate" is literally a meme word for "stuff i don't like". Utterly fucking meaningless you degenerate scum.
This is a blatant shill thread.
>homosexuality is a disorder that can be treated or cured.
>don't give me that its not a choice crap because than you would be implying that homosexuality is a disorder that can be treated or cured.
yes, just like you can cure having downs syndrome right?
fuck off
If it gets him liberal votes who gives a shit.
What did he mean by this?
Milo is a nasty Jewish faggot.
>dat based gay from hungary
I am a huge fan of you and like to be your friend.
Nothing wrong with homosexuality.
Go back to bed, cuckservative.
>There is nothing in the bible that says homosexuality is bad, all those things are blatant mistranslations.
Leviticus 18:22-You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination
Where is the translation error?
It pisses off muslims and is an example of freedom. You will notice he is holding a flag and not painting the white house rainbow colored every night.
Gay men can be pretty damn redpilled too, especially about women. I've met some damn fine gay men from the old guard, they always had their shit together
Wrong, wrong wrong wrong wrong you Gay fuccboi faggot.
>Romans 1:26,27
>Galatians 5:19-21
During Israelite times gays were stoned to death. The thing is as Christians we are not supposed to hate gay people only their degenerate lifestyle.
Fags should be shunned, but they are a tiny speck of a problem. No time for caring about their shit. They're a symptom, not a cause.
We have to ally with fags to get our guy in office. Face it even Hitler had to have allies it's just a fact of life. Getting our Supremes and ending RVW will be worth it.
He's just doing what he has to do win votes until election day. As long as he doesn't support fag rights in the White House I'm fine with it.
Nothing wrong with homosexuality. Every great civilization had it.
The ancient greeks, the romans, the renaissance, etc.
Get over your insecurities, bro. There are more important issues at hand.
Complete bullshit. If you want to complain about mistranslations than you would of posted how the Hellfire and Trinity doctrines are actually pagan myths added to Christian doctrine by Catholics.
This is what freedom looks like.
ITT: Sup Forums defends fags
>He thinks /polgbt/ is homophobic
you mean, like that idiot kasisch?
yes makes perfect sense
at least he had the courage to brand that flag. hillary panders but literally has no balls
As a straight Christian male I cannot in good faith vote for a man who supports such degeneracy.
I am afraid this long term Trump supporter will be forced to change his vote and jump on the Hilltrain.
Homosexuality is influenced through media in my opinion but I don't care about who fucks who
>what if I told you there are worse things out there than dick in ass
>dat based gay
I don't actually know if i'm properly gay.
The more important part is
We have been against irrational decisions and actions since literally the founding of our country.
Some translate that as:
>You shall not lie with a man in a woman's bed, as it is ritually unclean.
There is also no account of anyone in the OT times being persecuted for being gay under this law.
Plus, you have to take it into account that the law of the OT is considered to have ended as it was fulfilled by jesus.
One of the apostles, who only really became prominent AFTER jesus died preached some of the "conservative" moral standards of the OT in his letters, BUT
-he was just one of many apostles
-it was unanimously decided by the apostles that the OT laws are NOT applicable to christians, just some "moral guiding principles" were offered
-the passages in the NT refer mostly to temple prostitution in all other locations where the same words are used
-even paul, despite his conservative moral views said that "loving your neighbor" is what makes the rules for christians "fulfilled", not living by the letter of the previous law.
a) Paul is one of many people who all had different opinions on how much the law should apply
b) these are mistranslated and refer to temple prostitution
c) they are moral guiding principles as the previous law according to the apostles and jesus and paul is aging and obsolete after jesus fulfilled it
d) paul himself considered the law fulfilled by loving your next as yourself galatians 5:14
hateful extremist cuck
HAHA I laugh at you
stfu scum
Sup Forums is an Atheist board. If you wanna discuss Christianity and God, then go to a fucking church.
Social degeneration is pretty bad.
>Trinity doctrines
no, that is ..... agreed upon by the apostles and the early church fathers in order to explain things. I also think that there are some references to this in some of pauls letters.
what exactly do you mean by this
Salam alaikum brother.
Hillary will bring the fags to heel.
The time spent on debating gay rights has been a complete waste of time for the GOP. It's time to move on and talk about issues that have an actual effect on society.
This guy knows his shit.
>inb4 samefag
>I don't actually know if i'm properly gay.
If you are heterophilic to any extent you should focus on that.
Eat shit, cuckservative. There is literally nothing inherently wrong with being LGB.
Let's make homo fascism great again.
Thank you, bro!
so you prefer muslims to gays?
*GAAAASP* oh no Trump has the support of the LGBT community, WE HAVE TO STOP THEM VOTING FOR HIM, said no one fucking ever, if LGBT's want to vote for Trump let them their ok in my book. :)
>I will betray my race because a book written by Jews irrationally hates gays
Kill yourself.
>t. Ahmed
Enjoy deportation.
Can we all agree that Sup Forums supports LGBT?
No, if you're going to abandon Trump at least vote for a third party candidate. There are over twenty five of them.
when tf did Sup Forums get so many christ cucks
Eat shit, CTR.
>I don't actually know if i'm properly gay.
Take your time. :3
>We have been against irrational decisions and actions since literally the founding of our country.
Impressive. I feel like I want to visit Hungary for its rich history and culture... Of course, Hungarian men - I hear that they are pretty hung.
Is there a better picture of him holding this flag?
President Trump is just indifferent to them.
Legal actions between consenting adults, do whatever you want, but don't expect new laws, or education and society to change to fit your own worldview.
His LBGTWBBQSAUCE stance amounts to neutrality and status quo.
Libertarian in the sense of hands off if it doesn't affect others, and in not increasing .gov size or laws for their special interests.
So, of course the regular ones support him in some senses, and he's ok with letting people know they support him without him pandering to them.
I am likewise ok with them in the sense that I am indifferent to the non-special snowflake people.
They go about their day, live their lives without seeking attention, and I would never even know they exist.
I don't even give a shit about trannies that pass in situations where they can pass. You don't get in a situation where you have to strip down, nor wear exposing clothes if you want to pass, then it doesn't affect my life in any way. They keep it private and I don't give a shit.
Freaks, snowflakes, and attention whores are the problem. Bearded men who want to use the ladies room, or effeminate otherwise passing males who want to wave their dicks around in showers/locker rooms are the problem.
Based Hungary.
OP vote Darrell Castle. Seems like the only candidate who seems to actually believe in western civilization and who has no tolerance for any kind of degeneracy. Trump is pretty much just a right wing liberal as you have discovered.
>if you consider Paul's teachings to be optional and disregard the majority of the Bible and make wildly fanciful assumptions questioning the clear meaning of explicit bible verses about homosexuality you can make the argument that it is okay
Just be honest with yourself for fuck's sake. If you want to be a decent Christian man do so. If you want to be a faggot do so. You don't get to do both though.
Thanks for the fap material.
Hello CTR. Please kill yourself.
As a straight cuckold male and long time Trump supporter i also can not stand for the Trump supporters using "cuck" as an insult.
I am afraid that I too will have to vote for Hillary.
Did you know that Hungary was the first nation that had laws saying that (at least some form of) witchcraft was not real, this leading to the prosecution of witches being basically nonexistent here.
Did you know that Hungary was one of the first modern nations to make Multiculturalism actually work? The first king St Stephen hung border defenders who attacked peaceful migrants. He also let in catholic christian influence, but did not violently combat paganism. He also had a german wife.
At the same time he crushed a rebellion lead against him by pagans, and when the germans attacked him he beat them back. Again and again.
I'm not.
I'm not really attracted to either sex completely, more to sexual acts.
The one demographic i'm attracted to (twink-ish guys) is also just a tiny tiny minority of males. It's like claiming you're heterosexual when the only thing you like is muscly bull-dykes.
>I feel like I want to visit Hungary for its rich history and culture
If you're into pretty cities, Budapest is neat.
Not me, but apparently everyone else is.
>hungarian men
TBQF i haven't really met any i would like. All the cute guys seem to be in london.
>you don't get to do both though
Our god is the god of logos. There is no rational reason in the modern society to consider homosexuality a bad thing.
Lol, so help elect hillary and let me know if you feel good about our daughters having to fight off trannies in the bathroom, how Christianity will fair as America gets more and more Islamist through her refugee policy. I bet you feel good about your tax dollars going to abortions at PP, Hilliards pals. Could on and on. You'll help elect a treasonous criminal who sold US national security assets to Russia for a multi million dollar bribe. Who let Americans die. Because Trumps words wahhhhh.
From what I know LGBT people support Trump because he takes Islamic violence aimed at them seriously and considers it disqualifying for entering the USA.
I think the judges he appoints will do the same thing with gay marriage that they will do with abortion: namely leave it to the States or the people where it properly belongs thus preventing the Supreme Court from becoming a mini-legislature as it presently is. It also takes the abortion/gay marriage social divide out of Presidential elections and Supreme Court nominations, which is a damn good thing and makes finding common ground easier.
Moreover, don't be fooled by left-wing campaigns aimed at making Trump look full blown gay-tard and this effectively a PC totalitarian, anti-free speech Nazi. It's not true and LGBT activism is Alinskyite in nature and is meant to divide and demoralize the general population. Don't let it work.
You are either a shill or a cuckservative retard who has hit cuck levels never thought possible.
This passage only condemns bisexuality though
STFU (((leaf))).
>as a conservative Christian
Guaranteed replies.
Shouldn't Christians be protecting the homos on the basis of them being "our" homos?
Don't tell me the knights of Christ have already surrendered their kingdom.
>John McCain
I feel ashamed having even read up to that point and not stopping sooner.
theres littlery nothing wrong with faggots as long as they keep their faggot shit away from me
>supporting individual rights
>having problems giving those rights to other people
i swear sometimes pol sounds like fucking reddit
instead of hating white people you just hate everyone
yeah, it explains why the phrase "biscum" exists.
No it condemns any sexuality that isn't between a married man and his wife. Both the old and new testament is pretty clear on this.
>Nothing wrong with homosexuality.
That's retarded. Homosexuality is not natural and has no basis in nature or reason aside from hedonism. Otherwise it is born of ignorance and confusion which lessons and can even remove the moral failing but does not reduce the painful or destructive consequences it unleashes by its very nature.
Our natural human potential sexually is aimed at establishing a natural communal family by uniting male and female. That is what sex and the sexes are *for* just as eyes are for seeing and ears for hearing.
Fag votes are still votes
You have to go back.
Sup Forums is a Christian board, you are welcome to participate but if you wish to destroy western civilization then you must do so on reddit, not here.
>Our god is the god of logos. There is no rational reason in the modern society to consider homosexuality a bad thing.
There is no reason to consider homosexuality as acceptable, religious or secular.
>waste your vote on a third party because irrational hate which literally originates from the Jews
Kill yourself.
Third thread I've seen in two days yet you faggots still respond to it.
>There is no rational reason in the modern society to consider homosexuality a bad thing.
That is also completely retarded. Reason is exactly what judges homosexuality to be a bad thing. It's by its very nature anti-social and, in a sense, anti-human as it denies our fundamental natural (mammalian) being. By the very fact you are either a man or a woman you are naturally and necessarily "heterosexual" by nature. That is the reason they exist in nature: it serves no other purpose biologically.
No it originated with God and know we don't hate gays just homosexuality. I know a few gays that repented of their sins after coming into an accurate knowlege of God. One of them is married with a kid.
>Sup Forums is a Christian board
Believe it or not, but Sup Forums is not one person. Most still regard a Christian as a cuckiest religion.
>Muh naturalistic fallacy
There are literally more important things to worry about.
It seems like for years dumb normies voted based on gay rights and abortion alone. Trivial things when there's hordes of shitskins invading if you ask me.
The Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman, and also that sex outside of marriage is a sin. Ergo homosexuality isn't a sin, but acting upon it is since the Bible doesn't acknowledge homosexual marriages; therefore, all homosexual sex is sex outside of marriage.
I'm not saying you're evil or even bad for being gay, but don't try to make it seem like it's not forbidden by the Bible.
Nice try, (((CTR))).