How many movies fit that tag. Hit me with your best.
Poverty Porn
Other urls found in this thread:
Grave of the Fireflies
Winter's Bone
That new one by the Safdie brothers
Killer of Sheep
But this one's fit better
Watch a documentary about meth
American Honey
The Oscars 90
also the prequel Oscar 89
My 600 lbs american life.
Depicting poverty is porn now, huh?
Anything Brillante mendoza
Central Station
Lilya 4 ever
Not exactly, although there are some examples of exploitative depictions of poverty, if you have a better term for that what would it be?
It depicts how rich ppl see poverty not actual poverty
The Florida Project doesn't really give that vibe though
I wonder if we should feel sorry about Halley or loathe the way she acts, she's clearly an "awful" mother, but we don't know any of her background
pretty much everything by the Dardenne brothers
Haven't actually watched this yet, but to those who have, would it count?
Slumdog Millionaire
Good Time
Nobody knows
Trainspotting ?
This one broke my heart
Yes, it's a great movie. Though the focus isnt so much on poverty than it is on abandonment and ruined childhoods.
Understood. Thank you, user.
Slumdog millionaire
How is the florida project poverty porn?
I have my doubts, but see this and this
idk if you've ever lived with white trash but that is pretty much what it's like.
His earlier movie Tangerine is also great.
>Killer of Sheep /thread/
>That Will Smith sleeps in bathroom, millionaire movie
>The Jerk
>Charlie & Chocolate Factory
>The Road
Good time is 10/10
>not actual poverty
What is actual poverty? And why do you feel something like Florida Project is 'false' poverty?
Oliver Twist
and some other olivers
les miserables
>The Florida Project is poverty porn
Watch it again but pay attention this time
Could you explain why it's not?
some documentaries:
High on Crack Street
Black Tar Heroin: The Dark End of the Street
Montana Meth
seconding Dark Days, also check out Carts of Darkness about fucking homeless shopping cart racing
all good choices
as a poor people kino aficiando I can also recommend Children Underground, its up on utube:
Cidade de Deus.
thanks, it bring to my mind this:
Also this is also poor-children kino
The wrestler
The fighter
Million dollar baby
All have poor as fuck people and dysfunctional families as their main focus
also frank is my great-uncle
American Honey
is this on netflix still?? i havent fnished it since i started watching it like 4 years ago
The sex scenes in this were kinotastic.
city of god
This isn't exactly about poverty, unless you count Requiem for a Dream too
Umberto D.
poor old man ;__;
good stuff user
this and the documentary meth storm
good job with two days, one night
Nights of Cabiria
Mamma Roma
this but ironically
Just watched this kino on the recommendation of Hideo Kojima.
Willem Dafoe in this movie kinda pisses me off. Guy is a fucking millionaire and makes a living by being professional actor. And yet he takes a role in this movie, a role which could be played by unprofessional actor as well. There is something deeply dishonest in this.
this is good for the indie movie, because it gives more attention to it. He is not doing it for the money
This World S2013E01
is powerful small doc
so what
he can't have been paid for it, the total budget was 2 million. plus he was fucking great, he elevated the movie
This. Also this
while I'm at it, I want to reiterate that this kind of poverty does NOT exist in western europe, which is why europeans usually claim to be more first world than other places
what are you on? there's poverty everywhere, where there's money there's also poverty
maybe not as much but of course it exists
I've seen slums on france, spain, england and germany with my own two eyes
what i meant was the netherlands + denmark, but it felt shitty to say
seriously Dardenne Bros make the best poverty porn/leftist film for y'all
Everywhere is everywhere, there's poor people everywhere, there's too many factors to it
>from the creator of Kids
So you KNOW it's good!
you post a literally 30 (seriously) year old american fearmongering video about amsterdam. I live there. It's extremely inaccurate. there are a few homeless alcoholics, sure, but you'd have to look for them. you will surely be verbally harassed by some immigrants before finding them.
these are our truly poor people:
this is from a documentary from last month. these are basically the worst it gets. it sure isn't pretty, but it's no desperation on a literal inhumane level
new Flint Town series on netflix is pure dystopia peak-nigger poverty porn 3/3 I recommend
frozen river, its funny to see the kid from the middle in it
Ladri di Bicicleta, it’s like you dorks haven’t even taken a university Italian film course.
Psst --->
Taiwanese poverty
No puedo vivir sin ti
The Great Buddha Plus
There is probably more but I can't stand it
Mad World