THIS is your post Episode 3 Palpatine. Say something nice about him?
Disney ruined Palpatine
>Disney ruined
everything. They've ruined everything.
>Both of the male leads get killed off in the final season of Rebels
>Both of the female leads are the two main characters at the end
>Twilek x human kid joins too
What DID Disney mean by this?
>Star Wars Rebels -> Fanservice: The Show
>a cartoon for children having child-tier writing
And you neckbeards are surprised by this?
I don't understand it, where are the fucking scars?
Anything other than OT and Genndykino isn't canon
>And you neckbeards are surprised by this?
TCW became darker and mature as it went on, why didn't Rebels?
Shut up Genndy.
Except it is shown to be a ruse and he goes back to ugly, robe-wearing Sheev in less than five minutes. Stop trying to false flag. You're a failure.
Its a false projection Palpatine puts on to look nice and unassuming for Ezra because he's trying to tempt him toward a foolish action. His real appearance appears after Ezra rejects his temptation.
Ezra is alive and stranded in the Unknown Region.
Don't make me laugh.
I also haven’t seen this. Is he using the force to mask his deformities? Doesn’t the public already know he got scarred with the battle at the temple a long time ago? He even held a conference about it.
>Retards who didn't even watch the show complaining about things that don't happen
i stopped watching this trash after based vader showed up and BTFO some children
someone spoiler this shit for me is it true thrawn gets killed by literal space animals? spoiler everything
>Is he using the force to mask his deformities
No. It's literally just a hologram. We already have people masquerading as 13 year old girls in vrchat, is it so inconceivable that a hologram can project someone as not being what they really are?
He didn't have scars with the real form either.
It is not true, and fuck off.
>Star Wars
don't make me wheeze
fuck you faggot are you going to tell me star wars rebels is the best show you've ever seen now? fucking child
Op a fag. That's a hologram he's using to hide his true self to the orange kid in the show.
Nah, TCW was better, but it was worth it for your salt.
Show me.
>spoiler everything
Fuck that
I could find enjoyment in TCW and I tried watching Rebels but eventually I realized it's fucking trash, then I looked at all those adults losing their minds over a shitty kids cartoon featuring helicopter lightsabers and I had to reconsider my life.
It's partly true, he survives.
Ezra told his pals to use a frequency that would attract gigantic space whales that have biological access to hyperspace (it's cooler than it sounds but only if you're into pulp)
The whales attach themselves to Thrawn's ship and they jump somewhere.
The series ends with Sabine and Ahsoka preparing to look for them post-Endor.
so he looks identical to return of the jedi emperor?
Yeah, so how Palps improve his face from Episode 3?
In pic related Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center??