Plans post election

No Matter who wins we need to do something IRL I think we should staple shit about the jews White Genocide Et Cetera ,some decent Redpills. All about public places and also in universities where ever you want. I'm not instructing anyone just an idea.

The Idea is that if ,God forbid, Trump loses people will still learn redpills and if he wins it'd just be good Craic

Pic Unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:

Come on you faggots Post

We really need to leave the EU and join the commonwealth you Terrorist sympathising wanker

The Ira were Communist Bastards but were good Meme Material. The I prefer the Republic but I think the EU is cancer.

"White genocide" is bad rhetoric. It's an appeal to victimhood. Which is basically using the same tactic as niggers.

But it works with the the average person appealing to their Emotions and no adays emotions are very important hence why Trump is being rejected is vigorously by some. He saiys mean things and that is worse than causing americans to lose their lives


My Thread was a waste ah well. Thanks for being here

tiocfaidh ar la

>starting a thread with an IRA image
>expecting other people to give a shit

Anyways whats the story lads?

still don't want to stoop to their level.

i'm stressed out about the deathwatch game i'm supposed to GM tommorow i really don't want to dissapoint my players

any advice mate?

Irish are fucking niggers.

fucking hate you murdering balaclava scumbags

Only women and fags get stressed out. Stop giving a shit and just roll with it m8


drop dead

Thats True.


I have never fucked a nigger in my entire life.

I've been posting these in at least 100 establishments in an around kalamazoo mi. Pic related.

Nice at least one of us is organised.

i'm not a nigger fucker allright

We have an operation setup post election. I can't specify what this plan is but if you are on Nov. 9 you will see

Be sure to expose Central Banking and how that scam enslaves all workers to the Elite members of Industry, Military and Banking.

Then slip in some white nationalist philosophy and the Jewish Question and, Boom! their minds will be opened.

I know of one Operation but I think more shitposters need to get out

Fuck yeah, Michibro. Swing this fucking state around.

>muh banks

Autist found. No, you start culturally and then work up.

If you want details email me [email protected] with proof you are OP. I don't want many to see pre election results

Potato niggers.

A Fucking Fern

Since I haven't recieved an email I assume disinterest. Very well, wait for November 9 and help our operation when it starts

great idea
let's make america great again

>> kek needs your help

Sorry pal was trying to get a temporary email

Please note: in order to reach the 10000000 mark by election day, roughly 4400000 posts need to be made over the next 7 days. this is about 628572 a day, or 26190 posts an hour.

apparently this board gets an average of 7000 posters throughout the day. this means every man, woman and underage faggot must make at least 4 posts an hour in order for us to hit our target by election day. this is easily achievable.

if you want to sleep, get your shitposts in earlier. you will need to hit roughly 96 posts a day, although obviously more is preferable.

godspeed lads. regardless of who you're voting for, your board needs you


Ah, I have recieved the email never mind

I assume you're Typing and not try to doxx me right goy?

god damn. why are the irish such niggers.
everywhere they go.

I just sent it. Don't worry lol I'm not fed senpai

We need to get Universities to set up clubs for Nationalist movements dedicated to building the discipline of it's members through fitness training and marches. They should also promote bravery in the face of danger by going on excursions to the North to attend Orange Rallies in Republican gear.

Agreed. We won't be dealing with as many restrictions under Trump, which is a plus, but we need to network with pro-white organizations and militias. Plan assemblies with groups no less than 1,000-10,000 strong.

Most importantly, I think, we need to target propagandists. The BBC, CNN, Salon, etc., and the shills spouting lügenpresse bullshit for them, all need to be made examples of what happens when they go against us. Don't let them whine on with their -ists, -phobias, or other made-up words they use to silence us. Start knocking out teeth.

>hurrr ok internet tough guy

Consider how long each of us have been here, all observing the same shit being perpetrated against Western society. How many women and children have become victims to Islamic perverts in our own countries, how many suicide bombers have come after us at our own gatherings. Now consider this: Trump wins, the left is winded and utterly demoralized for god knows how long - that's when you organize and keep kicking them while they're down. Do it while the iron's hot. YES, beat them if they come causing trouble. Beat the hell out of as many of the little fuckers as you can reach. They've been hellbent on seeing your race wiped out and have openly celebrated it for years - remember that going into it, and any one of us should have the audacity to go out there and take a swing.

Diplomacy has failed. You can't have Trump signs without them being stolen, or bumper stickers without your car being vandalized, you can't express your opinion without being assaulted/robbed/ostracized. Diplomacy hasn't worked, and won't work. This is the part where we resort to violence. Beat them all as soon as they give you half a reason to justify it in court. That's the only way I see any of this working. Pic related, remember those faces.

watch the armed protests start to gather if Hillary wins

Fuck the EU
Fuck the commonwealth
Fuck the RA

When some anglo says you aren't white so you bomb his kids school

You know if you ran a small to mid sized factory in the early 90's to 2006 you wouldn't be hating on the EU

No bother man


Remove the IRA.

Destroy the Republic.

Unify Ireland back under the Crown.

>attend Orange Rallies in Republican gear
noun: idiot; plural noun: idiots
a stupid person.

synonyms: fool, ass, halfwit, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, cretin, moron, imbecile, simpleton;
informaldope, ninny, nincompoop, chump, dimwit, dumbo, dummy, dum-dum, loon, dork, sap, jackass, blockhead, jughead, bonehead, knucklehead, fathead, butthead, numbskull, numbnuts, dumb-ass, doofus, clod, dunderhead, ditz, lummox, knuckle-dragger, dipstick, thickhead, meathead, meatball, wooden-head, airhead, pinhead, lamer, lamebrain, peabrain, birdbrain, mouth-breather, scissorbill, jerk, nerd, donkey, nitwit, twit, boob, twerp, hoser, schmuck, bozo, turkey, chowderhead, dingbat, mook;

vulgar slangasshat

"that idiot was driving way too fast"
antonyms: genius

a mentally handicapped person.

>potatoes with opinions

I don't really like this idea, get rid of the RA if you want, bunch of fucking commies. However know that Eire will never submit to the crown.

Article 1 you fucking bootlicker

Eternal Anglo at it again.

>t.eternal aryan

>These retards that think the IRA and the OIRA are the same thing
Protip: The Marxist commies you're complaining about aren't the IRA. The IRA exist explicitly BECAUSE of how Marxist the OIRA were.

Father Alec Reid gives Corporal David Howes his last rites - Northern Ireland, 1988.


noun: moron; plural noun: morons
a stupid person.

synonyms: fool, idiot, ass, blockhead, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, imbecile, cretin, dullard, simpleton, clod; More

t. butthurt Anglo burger

It's on its way. One moment.

Wrong the OIRA and PIRA and INLA were all marxists.

Race war

You silly white people will bow down to your Chinese overlords once we're done with you

>I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about but I want to post anyway
PIRA are not Marxist. That's why the KGB gave weapons to OIRA but not to PIRA.


Proxy? I love General Tso's chicken btw.

yea it was a leaf and shit it did post

Canadian shitposters are Asians. Everyone knows this.

I've got a wild idea lads... how about we protest on, or dare I say "occupy", Wall Street.

To think that we will live to see this.

We are truly a blessed generation.

Literally perfect

Protestants are being bred out of existence in Northern Ireland.

She's (((dirty)))

fixed. For God and Ulster, lads.

>fucking commies

Because Ireland was doing so well under capitalism. Go back to Britain fucking loyalist

Just as well, Catholicism is the way to go.

Well you lot better sort out that new wave of rebellious teens that hate Catholicism down there then.

You can be an independent nation without communism you fucking retard, just look at Finland.

She can't even pronounce her own name correctly.

I'm doing my best.

Lads why is the Humans of the Sesh spouting anti-Trump meme shit.

Does even craic have to politicised these days

1922 was a tragic mistake.

Come home to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland you southern cucks - don't you know the only time Ireland was united was when it was all British?

>Muh Catholicism

Yeah well done; the Pope accepted English covereignty over Ireland centuries before those Anglo-Irish (pseudo-'Oirish') wankers decided to go on a civilian murdering spree in 1916.

A few days ago some user make a thread about using the Sup Forums machinery to push a plan to migrates the white africans from Rhodesia and others to Canada.

I bet it could be a nice plan. They are having really hard times in there. They are being bashed and all kind of nasty shit.

New youth are leftist as fuck these days, you can thank RTE for that.

So this is what wee Billy gets up to once his Twadell campsite is taken down.

You're wrong.. I've met enough sein fein members.

They danced with any communist group that would give them guns.

"Gerry Adams was seen as a leading figure in this "anti-capitalist" campaign, if not personally involved in the crimes. In the early 1980s, when he was angling for leadership of the political wing of the republican movement, Adams was propagating hard-line Marxist views which were at odds with the far more conservation Southern-based republican leaders."

The OPRA, PIRA, INLA, IPLO, UVF. UDA are all scum

We're not all knackers

Yeah, I don't know what you're on about. They ain't religious down there any more. Just a wee gust of the Divine Ulster wind will be enough to blow them over.

You want Monaghan and louth beause they are shit enough to be one of your six counties?

Good luck with that...........

OP, you live in IRELAND. A terrible place with a severely cuckolded government full of Eurocrats
As a diaspora mick, it makes me sad to see the emerald isle going to hell with all the damn Nigerians and Syrians coming in to fuck up the home of my ancestors and their homeland. 1st thing is 1st, all nationalist Celtic groups out there need to band together and take their countries back. Separate sovereign nations untied in arms taking their countries back!
I've played around with this idea for a while and here is as good an idea as any to propose it.
Celtic Brotherhood? I mean when the dust settles we can have a block of nations allied together that meddle not in each other's internal affairs, but yet comes together to discuss defense, trade and foreign relations. Celtic Union, it can be called. Unlike the European Union, it'll be more of an alliance rather than an economic conglomeration that later turns into a new USSR. The military wing of this alliance can still be called Celtic Brotherhood

Bullets are stronger than words. Thats all im sayin.

I hate rte news, every night there is some anti trump, anti assad/ pro refugee, anti brexit shite headline on.

I'm uncomfortable with the amount of potato niggers and niggers that are on Sup Forums.

Something must be done about the Irish, black and Arab infestations we have going on here.

All yank terrorist funding commie scum must die.

You deserve to be buttfucked by peig in hell

Shut up faggot


And feminists.



I know, my blood boils and then I wonder, what kike is working behind the lines to induce such leftist rhetoric? Could it be Shatter?


Dog fuckers have now been added to the list of deplorable youths right alongside the potato niggers and mudshits.

Day of the rope is coming.

>I've met enough SF members
I don't give a fuck. SF are not the IRA, no matter how much Paisley screamed it. There was and is a massive cognitive dissonance between the pair. SF is fucking hemorrhaging votes right now precisely because they're steering further and further left, whereas you'll still hear supportive murmurings when some drug dealing twat gets kneecapped.

>Stealing a horse is Marxist

>I don't know what you're on about
Pic related shoud help.

I will never understand why all the Irish posters on Sup Forums are always loyalist. I have been friends with many irishmen before, most were RA sympathizers or were indifferent at the very least. Very confusing.

>tfw friend who would get drunk and rail about the troubles on steam is no more

They sure are when they hit civilians.

We watched that for 25 years.

And what have you got against us potatoniggers?