The twatter account for the FBI Records Vault came to life for the first time in a year and has been tweeting out all kinds of links to files on Tesla, Fred Trump, General Petraeus and the Baltimore Protests amongst other things. Help dig through this shit, they're trying to tell us something.
Adam Edwards
They're signaling
Luis Bell
Austin Hill
>FBI needs to arrest clinton because they found far too much dirty on her >If they do now it will cause massive popular turmoil because it would make the election unfair. >If they do it after she wins, it is a national disgrace and a massive political crisis. >So they are trying to leak all the dirty they have on her so trump wins and her arrest causes less political drama.
Jayden Richardson
Goddammit anons I'm seeing more filthy redditpedes working on this than we are. Get your shit together.
Noah Cruz
William Kelly
tweeted 11.01 11am
what does this mean?
Wyatt Thomas
It means she was warned user
Samuel Stewart
bump when does Wikileaks phase 3 start?
Dominic Howard
This is a part of it.
Wikileaks isn't the only piece moving on the game table.
Xavier Price
Dont know. But if they would trying to syncronise with veritas leaks, then starting from tomorrow, if ever.
>Between 1950 and 1951, the FBI was involved in planning for and beginning to implement a program to identify and train personnel who would act in a clandestine capacity in Alaska should the USSR invade the area. This Stay Behind Agent Program, also called STAGE by the FBI, was to be done in concert with other government agencies. The FBI abruptly ended its involvement in September of 1951; the reason why is not indicated in the materials released.
Stay behind operations anticipate an occupation government. Why would they post this?
Charles Rogers
Don't let this slide you Inglorious Faggots
Henry Clark
>Alex, What is a "Google Image Search"??
Bentley Hill
Jose Mitchell
Clintons should have known not to fuck with FBI, FBI is a fucking beast of a machine.
I hope they arrest her.
Jace Martinez
Does the FBI need our help to bring law and order to America?
Let's fucking do this.
Dominic Flores
Unverified account is unverified.
Charles Martin
Get digging lad, post what you find here.
Robert Lopez
Jose Hughes
sometimes i wonder how many of them became frequents after beeing here for jobrelated things
Austin Johnson
shamelessly c&p'd from t_d but I thought it was a good theory
[–]indianapwns2 30 points an hour ago
I think if you look at all the things this account has posted since it suddenly became active again two days ago they are trying to tell us something specific. This is like a coded message. The person in charge of the account can't publicly say anything, but he's dropping some huge hints for us. They are giving us all the information we need, we just need to connect the dots. Some of this stuff might be old, but we need to look again and put the pieces together.
A post about Trumps father showing that he's an upstanding citizen. A post about FBI usage of social media. A post about Nicola Tesla. I think this is subtly calling out that FBIAnon is real.
There's stuff about the proper handling of government documents, followed by stuff from an investigation of Hillary. I think this is pointing out that she purposefully mishandled classified information.
Documents related to FBI domestic investigation procedures, ethics and integrity. Fairly loaded message there.
A document related to the use of the FBI seal to show official approval by the FBI. That seems like a loaded message.
A document related to the FBI's collection of reference firearms, followed by the final document about an investigation of the Clinton Foundation. That's like they are saying "here's the smoking gun -> Clinton Foundation".
Those are just the ones that make sense to me so far. There's also stuff in there about General Petraeus, perhaps that is just code for "email scandal"? There's drone footage of a protest in Baltimore, perhaps this is code for "big brother is watching", or "we have secret footage of something"?
We need to be picking this apart to try to understand what someone in the FBI is telling us.
>I think this is subtly calling out that FBIAnon is real. I'm really starting to think FBI user was legit, Comey just did something unpredictable
Jaxson Harris
Landon Phillips
same mate
Lincoln Roberts
Good shit
I think Comey had his hand forced because the NYPD found some of the recent email evidence and he couldn't just ignore it because they'd blow the whistle on him.
Alexander Murphy
I imagine these guys have a chair propped against the door as theyre uploading shit to the fbi site right now with their bosses trying to kick the door in.
Evan Gomez
top lel
I didn't think I could hate the clintons any further
Charles Perry
Henry Moore
I broke the code.
Dylan Fisher
This is all from the FBI, it is legal to view
Daniel Taylor
go on
Gabriel Myers
This is so fucking old why is this even being discussed?
STAGE or w/e it was called was a program to create a system of informants, saboteurs, resistance fighters, and spies to subvert a soviet invasion/occupation of alaska. Alaska was chosen because 1) its obviously an invasion front being literally next to the USSR 2) Alaska has strategic resources and location and 3) the geography of Alaska would make occupation and keeping an organized force supplied very difficult, if not totally impossible should the locals organize resistance.
Basically caches of radios, explosives, weapons, rations, etc would be hidden fucking everywhere before the soviets invaded, and special forces would be imbedded throughout the state to organize militias and train the population how to fight a guerrilla war - the assumption was that the conventional NATO forces would be unable or very limited in their ability to operate in Alaska without months of preperation.
We still do this in foreign countries (IE: Lybia, Syria), where our green beret/special forces train the locals to fight asymmetrical warfare using US supplies and intelligence.
Its a safe fucking bet to assume the military has contigency plans for the continental US that follow the same lines, although they probably are collecting dust.
Its also a sure thing that such operations would take place against the federal government should push come to shove - which is why any MOS that deals with training, explosives, and any special forces - all are heavily monitored by our intelligence agencies.
Jayden Bailey
Drink more Ovaltine faggot
Jeremiah Turner
Please fix it.
Kayden Thomas
they posted it on twitter you dumb nig
Jacob Scott
Brayden Bell
>PROTESTS IN BALTIMORE Whats that, video proof of Soros busing in people?
Ryder Moore
eh, debatable. some of the stuff i saw in a thread here or on r*ddit was classified till the 2040's, but I don't know how your official secrets act equivilent plays out there.. Pretty sure it would be illegal for me (UK citizen) to view UK classified materials without clearance.
But you're right, it's from the fucking FBI, looks like this shit is happening either way so.. yolo
Cooper Edwards
PAGE 65&66&67
William J Clinton, in his final day as President, granted a full and unconditional pardon to Marc Rich, a fugitive...
[REDACTED] has been a major political donor for the Democratic party, and these donations may have been intended to influence the fugitive's pardons...
Public records also indicate that [REDACTED] has contributed approximately [REDACTED] to the William J Clinton Presidential foundation, a foundation to support the Clinton library.
FBI user confirmed shitposttng Clintons into prison
Brayden Reyes
So what is this Records Vault account anyway? Does it have legitimate ties to the FBI?
Gavin Myers
Oliver Walker
Are you fucking serious?
Isaac Reed
don't be a dummy, hitler - it's legit
Oliver King
Ya bro.
Andrew Gray
It notifies of releases as a part of the Freedom of Information Act. Links directly to scanned FBI documents on the FBI website
Joseph Collins
jumped to a random spot in part two where they are disclosing that Hillary gave several of her close team mates her old electronic devices just to be rid of them, without first wiping the devices. "when he opened the device the home screen said "H's" Ipad, so HANLEY wiped the device before continuing use."
John Price
I bet there is a relation between this stuff and the 7th Floor Group that the FBI exposed a few weeks ago.
Mason Russell
And it seriously hasn't been used since its inception in Oct 2015?
Benjamin Flores
FBI confirmed /our guy/?
Eli Anderson
is pagliano stoneturd?
I take it that is not normal?
Thomas Flores
B !!defL22WSHKN
Wakey wakey Future user you fucking nigger we need you right now.
Mason Watson
THIS. Fuck this shit. I'm going wikileaks until November 8th.
Jordan Thompson
use the redacted code.
Asher Watson
>tweeted 11.01 11am It says 9am for me.
Christopher Lee
This is like telling people how to resist if the counter-coup fails !!!
Mason Ross
FBI never forgot the bullshit Bill and Hillary pulled when they were in power. They KNOW Hillary and Bill will be vindictive as fuck and are pulling out all the stops to prevent them from taking power again.
I'm behind you boys all the way. If you need some extra bodies, just leave me a half eaten twinkie in my mailbox with an address.
Adam Murphy
The people are with the FBI. the dark knight rises
Angel Flores
Nigger, freedom aint free. The internet gotta be littered with the blood of big data and mass surveillance. Snowden AKA "PsyOP crisis actor Snowed In" is not my hero. Facebook and Twitter not stormfront and endchan. ::--DDDDD Praise Kek, invader of normie safe spaces.
Ethan Myers
any of u guys taken a look at the footage from baltimore they released yet
Ryan Bennett
so somebody requested they release shit related to the trump time traveler meme for epic meme laughs and such?
Anthony Ortiz
Juan Martin
Not yet, anything interesting?
Why the fuck are they releasing their FOIA policy?? Are they trying to tell us they'll hand over whatever we ask for now?
Drop quicklook on it. There are 30+ videos captured from helicopters. I dont think it currently bears any significance
Austin Myers
im only on first vid, it wont let me fast forward and is streaming fucking slow as hell, i guess its footage from a drone or plane? looks like they were just watching
It looks like they are all included, but they tweeted these all in caps on Oct 30. The files in the recently added documents list seem to have been added much earlier, but now they're tweeting them to get attention on them.