As you know, we're facing a man-made global warming crisis. Beef and the methane they release is a major greenhouse gas. Purging beef from your diet would be healthy for your body and the environment!
Ban beef when?
Other urls found in this thread:
fake and gay!
>people are afraid of water levels rising
>doesn't want us to use more water
Hello Pajeet
Nope, it's absolutely true. Trust me, I watched that new Nat Geo documentary with Leo Di Caprio about global warming.
How are those glaciers doing in the Alps? Do you notice they are getting smaller? Could it be because of GLOBAL FUCKING WARMING?
>water requirements for producing a certain food product matters in places where there is overabundance of water
Go ahead.. We can barely grow one crop a year. I'm not gonna give up on eating meat.
Ok, but what about the fact that methane is a major greenhouse gas. What say you Sven?
beef production uses up almost half the countries land
Fuck beef
>eat meat
>Sweden gets warmer
It's a win win
And shit third world places will die out of the excessive heat too if global warming is real.
Imagine this crap. Middle east is literally hell on earth with temperatures of over 80 celsius, while Canada is a tropical paradise.
No, it is true. Watch Cowspiracy. I'm a Trump supporter as much as the next Sup Forumsack but in the past month I've become vegan because of issues like this. Health reasons, environmental reasons, and ethical reasons, veganism is good.
Animal agriculture uses a shitload more water and resources, furthermore it is the largest proponent to global climate change.
I'm literally a liberal's worst nightmare. A vegan atheist but I'm an economics student who supports Trump hardcore.
If you're interested in veganism, watch Cowspiracy and Forks Over Knives, interesting stuff. Trump 2016
Fresh water, bud. OCEAN water levels are concerning because of the polar ice caps melting and it can destroy habitats and over many years the rising sea levels can affect human habitats.
FRESH WATER is what we are concerned about, that's the shit we need to conserve.
You are talking out of your ass.
Prove me wrong.
This water thing is fucking bullshit. Water is not depleted when it's used in many areas around the world, even if it's evaporated it comes back as rain. There is absolutely no water shortage in Central Europe for example. It only needs some power to pump and clean the water, but it's not that much compared to other things we waste energy for. (However if the water is heated for example for a bath this needs a lot of energy)
Also there is no food shortage, only a problem to distribute food in some areas of the world.
What about leather though? A versatile product.
And simply install biogas plants at the major feedlots.
Methane put to good use, and it doesn't make a global carbon footprint like vegetarian products and wind turbine components
>As you know, we're facing a man-made global warming crisis
>As you know
haha I sure don't
i don't understand how we can use to much water when it gets evaporated anyway
There is no way i'm eating the soy jew, i like my testosterone tyvm
eating meat is blue pill
Soy won't lower estrogen levels, it contains phyto-estrogens or plant estrogen, which is shit out.
This is true. I encourage everyone to start watching Vegan Gains. He lays out truth bombs like a motherfucker.
They even have to flush the sewer here with lots of fresh water from time to time because people are "saving" water and the sewer designed for a higher flow rate.
It might be a problem in areas like the Gaza Strip where they lack freshwater (and are not able to build a freshwater pipeline from another area), but in many parts of the world it's not a problem as long as there are proper sewage plants.
>water isn't reusable
California is responsible for all this retarded bullshit.
>implying water consumption is a problem in a well managed country
Water doenst just break down and go away. You can filter it and reuse it.
Nah, just kill 5 billion of the world population. Think of all the water and resources that would save
>eat lots of meat
>don't die from all the stupid shit poor countries die from
>die from heart disease because literally only the weakening of old age combined with my rich life could kill me
dog bless America.
I would rather want to see the plot of % of the amount of meat in the diet. People who eat more in general probably also eat more meat. People who eat more are most likely fat. And being fat it was causes a higher risk from dying of heart diseases.
>Join my leftist-liberal safespace! Ditch all of your conservative friends and family members! We have (vegan) cookies!
Yeah, no.
>FRESH WATER is what we are concerned about
you can make fresh water out of salt water
If you really want a good explanation, watch the documentary Forks Over Knives.
Doctors, you know, MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, conducted studies in which they were actually able to observe cancer cell growth rate changing when adding more or less animal products to a diet.
I'm a hardcore Trump supporter and I've been vegan for the past month. It's pretty swell and it's helpful to the environment, your health and it's ethical.
worth it
>clickbait site accidentally looks up how the Germans made fuel during WWII
>8 posts by this ID
go easy on the vegan shilling, breh
>muh water
>muh greenhouse gas
kys my man
They control for that in the studies obviously.
My uncle died at 48 from heart disease, that's pretty much the same life expectancy as African average. Also omnivores and carnivores literally cannot get heart disease unless they have their thyroid removed.
Sorry, bruh, I get excited.
who cares about glaciers, nobody lives up there anyway
Pinche paco ignorante. Mejore dedicate a cocinar tacos.
Veganism is inherently conservative because it requires you to go against the low IQ pleb mainstream.
Do your research
oh, I know you do.
The day you ban beef is the day I go full 1488 and start genociding nonwhites.
Your country has some of the toughest environmental laws out there! I envy your country!
>Purging beef from your diet
Already there been one for 10+ years.
Yeah faggots lets kill some fucking species, those fuckers are drinking our water, Let's extinct them all!!!
>it's a 0.1% increase
>I couldn't maintain a 200g of meat a day average, even if I tried, just to spite vegans around me
>Comic Sans
come on, now. Do vegans think people go around eating nothing but meat all day?
Nigger just watch the video, there is many many studies on this.
Oh I've been waiting ages to post pic related.
Thank you OP:
Frankly, I probably have at most another 30 yrs to live. Will I give a shit after I'm gone? No, my brain will be dead. Water shortage? Only because some are to fucking dumb to drill a well.... The sun will eventually expand (way after we are gone) and then the earth will have a water shortage. It's not evaporating off into space as of yet. The same amount of liquid has always been on the earth. You do understand "change of states"??? Furthermore, in about 5 billions years the whole universe will go into a deep freeze. Just how do you plan to stop that one crusader?
How can you be vegan and be for Trump when he doesn't even believe in global warming?
Meh, humans will find a way. I mean we have some billion of years.
What can go wrong?
not an argument
not an argument
Go choke on a bratwurst you kraut.
veganism is a gateway to pegging and other degenerate behaviour
Strict veganism is only for crazy people. Vegetarianism with few animal products is plenty. Don't go strict vegan, Odds are you will fail then some people give up and completely revert back to eating meat and junk food all the time.
Please show your findings for the correlation of methane and temperature.
Make sure this correlation can be demonstrated on a consistent basis for at least 100,000 years.
>Implying the oceans won't become easier to desalinate if we melt the ice caps.
>veganism is a gateway to pegging
Fuck you, don't put my, admittedly degenerate, fetish on the same level or below as this mental illness. I also make sure to dominate her more than I allow her to dominate me, I swear!
Oh yeah, through the Einstein Rosen Bridge. They'll actually be able to pull it off with the existing elements we are stuck with? Also providing string theory has ANY truth to it. Yeah, Yeah, M-theory provided the other "flavors" .,',/./.,.,>>
Let me just tell you vegan faggots something you should know.
Soil bacteria is far more important than water, also use of phosphorous for cropping is long term a far bigger threat to life on this planet than current freshwater usage.
Tilling the soil does far more damage environmentally in the soil and run off sense than pasture for cattle.
Now. IF you Vegan FAGGOTS really want to fight wasteful practice start with THE JEWS!
>telling people what to do with their land
The effect of red meat on cancer growth is well known because of the growth hormones they contain. I try to eat much fish and white meat like chicken (probably ate 3 whole chickens over the last week, lol).
The cardiovascular problems however are probably bullshit, of course they can correlate with certain diets that contain much meat, but the real problem are some kinds of fats and of course too much food.
>They control for that in the studies obviously.
They should, but did they really do? This wouldn't be the first time that some bullshit correlation is shown just to make a point.
you forgot to mention the pesticides and other chemicals. But these idiots are of the belief that we can feed a planet of 6 billion without those and genetically engineered food. In 1835 we only has a ww population of one billion. Think what it will be in 20 yrs.
Please prove the correlation between CO2/MH4 and global temperature.
>comic sans chart
>no source
The land has a very delicate cycle of replenishing everything needed to continue plant growth.
It's becoming increasingly more common that we add artificial substances into our land to promote plant growth.
It's the exact same as what started with mass meat production.
Pretty soon the runoff from crops will match when we were releasing animal portions into water supplies in mass, let alone adding growth hormones to plants (we already do, but in larger quantities).
sounds like alchemy
so shit nigga, does this mean all my welfare pork chops gonna be drying up!? I scared now and abouts to run from the POlice!
>mfw my family's cattle herd probably pollutes more the environment than NYC traffic
Don't cry for me, green faggots.
These figures include all farming infrastructure including rural road development, logistical infrastructure like ports and airports, water infrastructure.
You have literally just included all agriculture infrastructure in that 70% figure.
So you're argument is literally:
>See how the Beef and associated cattle industries for Domestic and International markets support all other Agriculture in America.
By the way your beef taxes and tariffs help support corn subsidies. All American Agriculture benefits from such a strong beef industries, but faggots like you probably want to see teh US switch the the environmental rapist of Soy and compete against every 3rd world shithole on the planet.
I aren't angry at you, I don't blame you, you just never got enough meat in your diet so can't see things through a cognitive and informed viewpoint.
Why don't you go to McDonalds buy yourself a cheeseburger and play in the ballpit with the little kids to get your neurons firing to a 6 year old level?
It's not, just really inefficient and needs lots of energy. Maybe useful if there is too much solar energy at some parts of the day.
Damn, got an extra room for rent?
Half these vegans have never set foot on a farm in their short millennial lives.
They have no idea about the intensive demands of cropping nor just how many years it takes for rotation cycles to be achieved naturally- if they can at all.
We are now growing the most nutrient thirsty plants that have ever existed in Earth's known ecological history.
you know most water is just recycled, right?
>Implying we are running out of land
>Implying we are running out of water
>Implying they haven't found ways to reduce the methane output from cows using a certain diet
>implying correlation is causation
The only pro-vegan argument that makes any logical sense is the animal rights stance.
Dubs, trips, dubs
He speaks truth
>Purging beef from your diet would be healthy for your body and the environment!
True, but most People wouldn't give a fuck. Proposing a ban on beef would be the Death of any governments in the world (except maybe India).
You would do better in Australia, I already occupy the shitposter position in my house, heard aussies have more room for that.
Cunt, make a sentence from the following words.