And now for something completely different

we interrupt your Rick and Morty shit posting to bring you Questionable Content. Which is so consistently bad, no questions are needed.

Other urls found in this thread:

Didn't this used to be about trannies and shit?

Yeah, but after he fucked the tranny, the only way he could top that is by fucking a robot.

did we skip over fucking the autist?

only because the autist was so un-invested emotionally that it didnt really matter


This is a severe improvement.

>draw a comic about stupid bullshit
>dumb assholes like it
>buy my shitty merch
>whoa I can make a living off this horseshit
>have a "breakdown" about my "issues"
>can't handle bants from tumblrtards
>fuck up hand, get sympathy from retards
>have over 5,000 dipshits on Patron supporting this shit I crank out in half an hour
>who said you needed talent to be an artist

seriously, fuck this guy.

Oh thank God for this thread, I thought I had to suffer this comic alone but now we can suffer together

>super awkward guy that is shit in relationships suddenly becomes a super smooth guy and the relationship with the trap is perfect

Fuck that was a missed opportunity. He didn't even freak out over it, just said he needed to think about it and next thing he's having breakfast with the mom.

i pretty much exclusively read the comic on Sup Forums because i dont want to give haques and click revenue. i know i'm just pissing in an ocean of piss but i have my principles

You must be new here. Shitting on Captain Stabbin is a weekly event.

Has anyone ever tried storytiming QC from the beginning?

You could probably condense it into a paragraph.

I discovered QC back when StumbleUpon was still a thing. I dropped in at about the middle in some comic with Steve, Hanners, and Martin drunk snowboarding which seemed pretty comfy. I read up to the then-current arc (Hannelor's spaceship home), then I went back and read from the beginning to the part where I started.

You're forgetting there was a time when this comic was being drawn before Tumblr existed and before Jeph surrounded himself with an echo chamber angry guilt. It used to just be nothing but indie band references with actually pretty cool characters like Steve, the drunk bar writer, the Bros, Pizza Girl, and Sven. It died when Tumblr was born.

Do not read Questionable Content.

Droid o6 porn when.

Interesting to think that this thing is so old it predates Tumblr by several years, 2003 vs 2007. For me the beginning of the end was The Breakup around 2010. Not that I was dead set for the coupling, just that the disassociation took the comic's focus with it and wasn't replaced with anything. At some level Jeph knew this and introduced the interns, as a type of shotgun blast of hoping something would stick. After that the decline accelerated.

But that's Punchbot, not Fistbot.

No, it was about a garage band

mostly shit