I like pretty much everything about Trump except one thing: FUCKING ISRAEL!

I like pretty much everything about Trump except one thing: FUCKING ISRAEL!

Why the fuck does he support this shit? Why do we keep GIVING them money? I don't care about them at all. If they want to defend that shitty patch of sand until the last living jew, I don't give a single fuck. But that isn't out problem.

I'm not a NO JEWS REEE faggot, but I just don't get why we need to "support" Israel aside from saying "they have a right to defend their land" and SELL them weapons.

Fuck Israel.

Other urls found in this thread:


israel is very good

He doesn't. He's pretending, he just wants there to be a place for all the liberal fuckwad Jews to go to once he takes office.

Besides, it's best we have them all in one place.

I swear people use German proxies to post this cuckoldry bullshit.





His boy Sheldon.

Wonder what they talked about.

pretty much this

He doesn't. He's jewing them and (((they))) know it. (((they))) are made up of by (((bankers))) on (((wallstreet))). They are way more in bed with Hillary.

>Why do we keep GIVING them money?
Because we are your unauthorized and unmonitored massive nuclear silo in the middle east that the fags at the UN are too homosexual to confront

>a ghetto for the kike
>all gobalists will die
>israel will be spared but only israel
It's a massive containment field and allows us to contain them and destroy those who stray outside the sandbox.

Name one US president who did not support Israel.

Its a pre-req to become POTUS.

Shut the fuck up, we're in this predicament because you couldn't accomplish the one productive thing you tried to do last century.


>tfw Shillary is Israel and Donald is just shilling out for muh monies

Because he's obvious controlled opposition?

>Not supporting the worst thing to happen to Muslims since the crusades
fuck off ahmed

Fuck off stinky lizard jew

Youre only beginning to see through the illusion

Its not just Israel

Trump himself is a jew through his great grandmother katherina kober and by extension and jewish tradition, his grand father frederick trump

Trumps has taken 160 million from soros

He owns 93 percent of a rothschild rockefeller cia front company

all his kids marry jews

get a load of his main office's centerpiece

Ben Carson has one too

Because you stopped them, Amerifats.

Maybe its a ruse and when he becomes president, he stops it.


and Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina too

these awards were given long before the election


Trump's dad has been given awards by the jews like this too.

Its in the family, the election is a facade

Oh how the mighty have fallen. I wonder if Germany will ever restore Prussia.

did he tuck his payot through his gauge?

kek beat me to it

I'd imagine mostly for geopolitical reasons. Also don't American christians have a thing about Israel, it's probably also just to get those voters