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Most Trump supporters hate Bush and Cheney. Try again.

Hey shit bag. These cunts are endorsing Clinton

Get fucked you cunt.

They endorsed Hillary


>Hillary didn't also help kill hundreds of thousands of people
>Obama and Hillary didn't also help wreck the economy.
>They think we like GW Bush, instead of considering him to be part of the same problem.
Aw, that's cute. They think they have a point to this argument.

We know that politicians are corrupt. We obsess over these emails exactly because it is proof that politicians are corrupted.

>Americans care more about tortured sandnigger terrorists than the wellbeing of the entire US

This is precisely why you will soon cease to be a superpower.

True MAGA and Kek followers can't even look at those two fuckers.

They're on the same boat that Hitlery and the rest of the war monger globalist that are still Juuing around.

>democucks and republicucks
>all part of the false illusion of choice

You thinking we're republicans is why you can't understand that we're winning


I love this shit.


Both Bushes are supporting your candidate.

Clinton is supporting your candidate.

Romney, Ryan and McCain are supporting your candidate.

Obama is supporting your candidate.

Every single violation of the people's freedom you want to levy at any former administration or potential former administration lands directly at your feet.

BTW, I was anti-Bush and also 14 at the fucking time so fuck you for this whole "WHY DIDNT YOU CARE BACK THEN LOL"

>wrecked the economy

You're welcome. Now take your blatant attempt to render the sacrifices of all those brave men and women completely meaningless, and get the fuck out of my sight.

The last refuge of the liberal.

>over a million


Most Sup Forums faggots vote GOP down their ballot so yes you fags are repcucklicans

Not mention that he deleted over 22 MILLION emails but they obsess over Hillary's 33k. Fuck Conservashits and fuck right wing retards

>Hillary didn't vote for the war
>Biden didn't vote for the war

oh wait, they did

Sup based Obama leaf ? How are you feeling about Hillary winning the election ?

Great, they can go to the same place Hillary is going. They can wear matching outfits and everything.

>most hated president in recent history who was endlessly criticised while in office

What's their point?

And Hillary voted for it.

That's a hot source my man.

Doesn't mean any of them supports bush, you fucking window licker.
Shrubuya let American troops die for the sake of PR, after that mosque got shelled. He's a fucking cuck and would be considered a traitor in any sane state.

>Implying anyone on Sup Forums will defend George "Gas the Iraqis" Bush and Dick "I would rather torture 10 innocents than let 1 guilty go free" Cheney

you're making the dangerous assumption that most of Sup Forums wouldn't like to see both Bushes and Cheney hanging alongside Clinton

>Bush is worse

well then faggots, why didn't your democraps do anything about Bush's war crimes when you had the House, Senate and Executive branch?

why? libtards are not allowed to bring up Bush because you did nothing to bring his crimes to justice. You were just jealous of all the power he created for the Executive Branch so you said nothing while Obama wrote 'Signing Statements', using them as if he were the legislature. Hypocrites all.

When George W. Bush was in office the media wouldn't shut up about

1. Dick being the evil master mind behind the President
2. FEMA and Bush are racists
3. Afghanistan is another Vietnam
4. There were no WMD's
5. Bush is actually retarded, he talks funny.

8 years of incessant bitching with no clear telling of all the facts. It was either lies or half truths. MSM destroyed Bush for 8 years. There is no comparison.

You still vote for the GOP establishment , cucktard

lol are you David Brock?

Clearly none of your retard millennials would even know what any of this shit means.

Ah, now you have come to the end CTR. You've run through all of your bullshit cuck arguments. All the "ist" and "phobe" labels, culminating with "Muh.. Bush/Cheney". You have to either quit now or actually use your brain to come up with something.

But I'll give you one fucking hint that you really need to finally let sink in:


Bush, Clinton, Obama are the ESTABLISHMENT. We oppose the establishment.

Liberals are actually educated unlike liberals trailer park trash tinfoil trumptards

Clinton did that too.


Trump counts as "GOP establishment", you dense cunt?

Trump is anti-establishment, bush and clinton are the establishment.

Please note: in order to reach the 10000000 mark by election day, roughly 4400000 posts need to be made over the next 7 days. this is about 628572 a day, or 26190 posts an hour.

apparently this board gets an average of 7000 posters throughout the day. this means every man, woman and underage faggot must make at least 4 posts an hour in order for us to hit our target by election day. this is easily achievable.

if you want to sleep, get your shitposts in earlier. you will need to hit roughly 96 posts a day, although obviously more is preferable.

godspeed lads. regardless of who you're voting for, your board needs you


No I'm specifically voting for Trump because he's an outsider. I've never voted for the GOP before because "MUH JESUS" wasn't valid for me.

I'm sick of this bullshit where everyone completely ignores and forgets ON PURPOSE that Trump's M.O. from the beginning was being anti-establishment. He just gets smeared with the rest of the Republican's shit even though his whole platform is about changing the Republicans. It's so intellectually dishonest to treat Trump like the rest of the Republicans.

Don't worry, they're next.

I don't even live in the US and even I can see that Hillary Clinton is a fucking piece of shit. And I live in a country where we had a female Prime Minister for over 10 years and I can honestly say she was one of the better PMs we've ever had. I don't hate her for her sex, she's just a god awful person and absolutely should not be trusted with the fate of the US.

>he thanks the conservative vs. liberal dichotomy still holds relevancy anymore

Meh. Saddam could've gone on oppressing Iraqis and the Taliban could've kept on throwing gays off buildings and stoning women; I really couldn't care less. Didn't like Bush and don't like Obama, who are they supporting in this one?

spicy meme 7\10
next time include how George bush lost 22 million emails and no one cared about that

This. Obama vs McCain was the first election where I was old enough to vote, and I wrote in Ron Paul.


Praise kek

I think what liberals are missing is that Bush and Obama are now allied against Trump, so they are on the same side. Yet libs think that making Bush the bad guy will somehow hurt Trump.