Why is this considered one of the greats?

Why is this considered one of the greats?

Other urls found in this thread:




>gorgeous animation with a striking visual style and amazing-for-the-time use of CG
>quotable dialog
>strong soundtrack and use of musical cues
>over-the-top dark humor set it apart from other shows airing at the time
>Zim's voice actor making every line his says hillarious


I get that people don't like some of the lolrandom humor or the screaming, but this show DOES genuinely deserve to have hardcore fans. For an episodic series, it's got a surprisingly engaging set of characters and storylines. The humor is generally great, and the visuals are absolutely gorgeous. The CG is some of the best 2D-3D compositing in a cartoon I've seen.
Don't let the cancerous Hot Topic fan base get in the way of the enjoyment.. If you stay the fuck away from it's rabbid fans, it's really pretty alright.

all of this, plus it has the excuse of being the thing that started the mid 2000s quirky deviantart/tumblr humor trend rather than being a product of it

I especially admire the worldbuilding

It was a good show

Clean yet surreal dark humor that's accessible to kids and has a unique art style with a subtle anti-consumerism undertone.
Why ask, retard?

It's a masterful cartoon, brah

>cancelled before skoodge became a regular

All of this basically.
The show has a strong case of "Seinfeld isn't funny" going on.

Zim thread? Zim thread
>fav character

Topic of the thread: Are you excited for the movie?

I think it's more admirable that the show gained such a strong fanbase while remaining so distinct that none could even approach the original's tone and humor.

>The Wettening
>Issue #16
>the mexico disco song you know the one

It was too adult and weird for a kids channel so got some outside attention, much like Ren & Stimpy.

>favorite character
Membrane, of course
Dark Harvest
The time travel issue
same as


edgey lolrandum unconnected episodes.


>sad sad tale of chickenfoot
>havent read it in a while but the one with mrs bitters possible origin
>any of the industrial metal background music

It came at a time when the viewing audience were edgelord teens that needed 'LOLTEHRANDOM' mixed into their pessimism and lighten the fuck up. Shame it produced a brand new generation of idiots that think random shit is the way towards easy comedy.

Not the best, but great for the time it came out.

Oh geez, i wasnt expecting to see that today

G.I.R is the best.

what does the g stand for



It was darker and more messed up than the usual shows you saw on Nickelodeon so it left a lasting impression on those watching it because they were so used to more traditional kiddie shows

Zim, Gaz a close second

A tie between Mysterious Mysteries and The Wettening.

Issues 12 and 16.

And same as




It had the doom song

nice digits

which of the schoolchildren was the other irken? was it melvin or keef?


>Zim's voice actor making every line his says hillarious

poonchy obviously

>every zim voice actor will die in your lifetime
>one already did

pic related
Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars
haven't read them yet

>Are we gonna ride the sun home?

As someone who had never watched it until last week BECAUSE of the HT fanbase, you're absolutely right

I guess Old Kid's an alien too, huh?
>How's it goin'?



Nice blend of 3d and 2d animation
Nice character design.
Voice actors fit the characters.
Satire subrle enough ro be missed by kids then.
More fun to watch now because you get the subtle jokes about modern society.
Advancing plot of the armada's conquest of the galaxy. There's actual progress.


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but Zim is really of the only shows I can think of that actually built upon the gross out style humor of shows like Ren & Stimpy to produce something with a little bit more substance.

While I don't necessarily agree entirely with the politics of Zim, it did use its darker tone to present a hyperbolic but still compellingly relatable and very sardonic depiction of post-90's American society. This is hardly unique to Zim, but in the field of animation it kind of stands alone in its grotesque depiction of a society obsessed with consumption and the distractions of the banal.

I think what's most impressive is that this is an apt description of a kids show. In many ways it shows the stark contrast between the early 2000's and the sugary sweet cartoons of today that people laud for their "serious" themes. Invader Zim was definitely an immature and flawed exercise in the expression of some pretty basic ideas, but it still stands apart solely due to its pitch perfect execution and unrestrained cynicism.

don't mind me, just posting best invader

canonically, this guy's the best invader


Masterful blend of the zany humor a la Ren and Stimpy that rocketed Nickelodeon to the forefront of kids animation and insanely dark satire of the consumerist world we live in, the level of which was never seen in a childrens show, before or since. You'd have one scene of Zim screaming some by-the-episode catch phrase, possibly while doing something violent, and the next scene he's surrounded by slovenly idiots laser focused on getting whatever must-have item is tied to the end of their sticks, regardless that a Hamsterzilla is rampaging or holy-fucking-shit-the-entire-planet-of-Mars-is-about-to-kill-us kind of deal going on. It was a show ahead of it's time, and probably would've had more exposure if it was on a network without shackles like TBS or the fledgling at the time Adult Swim.

Tie between Gaz/Tak
The one with the head lice was fun
Never read the comics, any recommendations?
>implying the soundtrack was memorable

>any recommendations
all of them


>Issue 25
>broken PAK

but if you like Gaz, issues 5, 14, 16, and 21 feature her heavily

Hopefully something good.


I can't believe zim is fucking dead


Zim is cool.

zim is cute

zim is scary

Zim is for Gaz

zim is lewd

What is the single funniest scene from the show?
What is the single funniest scene from the comics?


>*Gaz is for Zim

pic related

>"I hope the Irkens just happen to use the same operating system as me!"

how can zim be so many things? is he truly that perfect?

Nah, he's just a really good, memorable cartoon character. One of my favorites to be exact.

>one of my favorites
>one of my
You have ten seconds to explain why he isn't your favorite



>pic related


do I dare ask the source on that?

Even outside of its zany random humor, which still holds up well even with how it devolved since, the actual jokes are still 10/10

The animation actually isn't great. But everything else stands.


I don't play favorites. Simple as that.

Its a not nsfw, so your good.

His good?


Which unfinished episode do you wish got animated

The Trial. Dear God The Trial.

>Jolly Boots of Doom

The Trail, obviously.

Also 10 Minutes to Doom, Top of the Line and It Feeds on Noodles.


It's not what you think user

The Trial, because Miyuki

"lolsorandum" humor went unchecked back then. It was before we wised up.

Furthermore, it had a kind of Rick and Morty effect, where people thought they were watching a sophisticated cartoon. Like
>It's cool and dark. And the creator has a real edge, pushing the envelope on a kid's network.


>Fav character
Zim or Skoodge
>Fav ep
Hobo 13 is still one of my favorite episodes of TV, animated or not
>Fav soundtrack
Santa and his jolly boots of doom


Two. Bitters and the Mysterious Mysteries host.

Oddly enough, haven't read any besides the 4-page Zim Wins thing.
End credits

Movie - cautiously optimistic

>the Mysterious Mysteries host

Invader zim was just juvenile, not adult

The quintessential hot topic/livejornal/tunblr cartoon

Is Membrane the best Sup Forums parent?

He's kinda in the upper ranks.


Are you just retroactively creating a social commentary? Were you even alive during its original run?

It was genuinely funny, and still is.