Give me proofs, that the holocaust didn't happen

Give me proofs, that the holocaust didn't happen.

I want legit sources, not some stupid memes.

The holohoax is the last red pill i didn't swallow so far, because i didn't se any real evidence that all that is just a hoax.

Red-pill me or btfo finally

Other urls found in this thread: census of 1950&source=bl&ots=FG8wijRcSl&sig=0Qfcd_VVTW2RavSvTv1jP-4H7II&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8nMzDyurOAhVMKB4KHXWJAToQ6AEITTAI#v=onepage&q&f=false Digitalizados/026 - 1947 - Cuarto Censo General de la Nación. Tomo 1 Poblacion/PDF/1947 tomo1 - 1ra parte.pdf

It did happen.

if you can find any evidence of bone fragments or ash buried at or near treblinka, let me know.

there you go

in amewrica. those are all staribing irish and polish immigrants who the government couldnt afford to feed and were to emaciated to go fight

so they made propaganda films. how the fuck else would america get their hands of the films?

especially since pre war german just deported romanian immigrants they called jews who had flooded in while germany was experiencing hyper inflation. no deaths

The holocaust was the expulsion of Jews plainly put. I don't think anyone denied that was happening, rather they deny that there were gas chambers and that they were making lapshades out of their skin and such. The pictures you see of starving men weren't because the Germans were deliberately trying to starve them to death, rather it was near the end of the war and the Germans had run out of resources even for their own troops, their supply lines were bombed to shit and they could no longer service the prison camps to keep them fed. Of course the prisoners were last priority and starved at that point.

>Not available in your country
What a fucking surprise

completely debunked

seeIn fact this "excavation" is what redpilled me , because I saw it as sure proof but completely fell apart when I did any research into it

I don't think any intellectual denies that it happened, they simply dispute over the details, also the Holocaust as a word does not really define what happened properly. See David Irving on YouTube as an example, he's an infamous historian who's decided to write books on historical events only from direct sources, never copying from other books and citing them like most historians tend to do. I think you'd enjoy his work.

does this work?

it happened, but it wasn't a deliberate planned mass genocide. they died in the camps of starvation and disease when the war turned against the nazis and resources were very scarce. probably the number is inflated.

Look up Witold Pilecki

MY GRANDAD was in the camps you racist pice of SH*T!

>if you can find any evidence of bone fragments or ash buried at or near treblinka, let me know.
literally google your sentence, you retard

They have micropenises, lol

was he a part of the Aushwitz Orchestra?

>The Holocaust Hoax Exposed - Steven Anderson

It happened. Sup Forums just needs to do some double-think to keep their worldview intact. "The Nazis were super master race + they hate Jews" has to somehow mesh with "they didn't kill the Jews systematically" and "the super race Germans were cowards who abandoned their supremacy in order to somehow lie about performing the holocaust for the trials." It's just moronic.

You won't find any evidence to the contrary because the Holocaust fucking happened. Stalin did it, the Ottomans did it, but nobody questions the authenticity of thise genocides. The only reson people doubt the holocaust is because a few traumatized Jews exaggerated their experience in the camp and people cling to this in a ridiculous attempt to disprove the whole thing.


man you're gonna beleive a bunch of no good dirty jews instead of us trusted anons? ok then

Yes I can watch it, thanks

Now the real holocaust.

Don't believe something is real until there is proof that it is real.

>1 post by this ID

idk why Holocaust deniers are so sure of themselves. Humans are constantly doing things like that and anti-semitism was very clearly a thing in Germany at the time.

Even the people who say that it was exaggerated, what would anybody gain from saying it was 6million vs 1million? Is the latter really that much worse in anyone's eyes?

This is my last redpill as well. I'm not convinced but I'll watch some videos. Although admittedly most of what I know it's from highschool.

the only reason 6 million is mentioned is because they have records that 6 million jews lived in germany and surrounding area's. Birth records ect.

And because many of them cannot be found. Bam.....6 million

Do I believe 6 million. nope

I believe it was in the millions though
1, 2, or 3 million.

Ya. there is no doubt.

No it isn't. You're just lying to try diminish the severity. The number is attained through both population data as well as the fact that the Germans kept meticulous records of the camps.

tiny penis. gross.

It was definately exagerated. Jews now use it as a defense/victim argument and anyone who does wrong to a jew is beyond horrible and literally hitler

Ask yourself, if you had the resources and manpower of the third reich at your hand - and the goal was to genocide the jews, would you really go at it the same way they did?

>Aushwitz Orchestra?
you have to prove that this was available to the jewish inmates and it was available during the whole war. pro-tip, it wasn't ;)

post by this ID
no, 2 posts now.

i don't deny holocaust and the hate of pol against jews is retarded.
i agree with most of pols opinion, but the conspiracy bullshit against jews is stupid above the charts.

nobody has ever found a kill the jews order from hitler or any of his higherups.

jews were put in concentration camps but the "gas chambers" were just propoganda films that showed a mix and mash of both the delousing chambers that were suposed to kill lice ans shit that would spread typhus(which causes vomiting diarrhea and all that shit that would make you lookk like a walking corpse) and the actual showers that were used to shower people.

those showers they say were the gas chambers were actually regular showers since zyclon B came in pellets and had to be heated with the special devices the DID have in the delousing chambers.

germans are awefully good at hiding mass graves.

also kikes often say "it was real in my mind" when shown evidence that their holocoaster tale was fake.

6gorillion is too many bodies to burn in cremation chambers seeing as modern chambers only burn something like a body an hour.

jews have an eternal victim complex that has been leaking through the media into the mainstream consciousness where it has corrupted generations into being hedonistic whores and retards.

>completely debunked
>no reliable sources
Who do you think you're fooling here?


the only reason these morons deny the holocaust. Is because they dont' want neo soc to look so bad, under hitlers rule. So if the holocaust is a lie, what else is a lie, sorta deal. See. they were not that bad. Blah blah

Point being, It happened, 1 million, 6 million who gives a fuck, it happened

1 million even if we use a low number like that...think about it. Truly, think about it
For all of you that do not live in a city of more than 1 million
EVERYONE would be dead, you, your neighbours ...everyone.
we bat around 1 million like it's nothing
1 million souls....jew or not. Still. It's fucking wrong, man.


Yes it was

Here are inmate testimonies about being in the orchestra, the soccer team and the theater

Do any of them even look like Jews? No, they're slavs, victims of the bolshevik revolution.

Yeah but that would work just as well if they only murdered half a million of them. The intent to eradicate is still there, so the need to protect against antisemitism is still there.

I get that all people everywhere demonize their fallen enemies, but going from 'trying to eradicate a race and partially succeeding' to 'succeeding a bit more' seems almost useless for propaganda purposes.

literally not an argument. What the fuck are you trying to say?

>Hurr durr cavemen are a Hoax. Just think, if you were a cavemen, would you hunt with sticks?

Cant disprove a negative.

First try to prove to us that the Holocaust DID happen. You'll wildly varying and inaccurate stories filled with mad recollections and emotional overtones.

They can't even settle on a number

i know it's hard for niggers to understand but humans can hate something and not want it in their home without chimping out and trying to kill it.

I believe it happened but also believe the numbers were inflated for political purposes during the end of ww2. The nazis killed Christians, jews, gypsies, blacks and whites in the camps. The camps were a source of free labor to the nazis, as soon as the supply lines were cut from the camps things went south quick and they started exterminating people to manage the camp.

Except a lot of other religions also experienced the tragedy and it wasn't solely a Jewish persecution

total deaths were closer to 500,000 and that included non Jews.

The biggest killer in the concentration camps was typhus not gas. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, it just didn't happen on the scale the western allies claim it did. They needed to use all the propaganda they could at that time.

You only need common sense to debunk it. The "excavation" is all captured on camera and made into a documentary

They dug out or planted this tile in Treblinka. Then they claimed this was the star of david because the gass chambers were disguised as Jewish prayer rooms, so jews would feel comfortable entering the gass chambers. They made a whole story about it.

turns out this is the logo of old polish tile factory called Dziewulski i Lange porcelain factory in Poland

This and more ridicilosu shit are in the video I linked

>Give me proofs, that the holocaust didn't happen.

People with communist sympathies actually do question the authenticity of the USSR's genocides. I've seen this in person multiple times with people I had characterized simply as 'leftist' not even as radicals.

prove that it was not 6 millions.

it was available to RAF british pilots, you stupid fuck. Not jews. And it quickly ended when times got rough

Why are deniers always so stupid?

>literally not an argument.
Of course not, it was a question.

Not funny
This is an outrageous lie!

ANYONE who believes the Holocaust and MURDER of innocent Jewish citizens is a LIE, is completely BRAIN-WASHED.

You're all Sup Forums tier trolls

10, 1 million 18 gorillion what does it matter goy they were evil no matter what!

And yet there are Jews in the video I linked who remember fondly playing soccer and being in the orchestra and putting plays for the children? Is the guy at 6:14 lying?

Yes its wrong. Do you want to talk about the countless other concentration camps there were from other countries which killed a lot more?
And who gave them the right to self proclaim one land? And make Palestine their concentration camps. Oh the irony. The native americans have more right to proclaim Texas or some other state by that point of view,
It was wrong what Hitler did, Jews were breaking down the economy and the german industry. Killing them wasnt the solution, they used that into some dark excuse to wage war and have top spots around the world

I know it's hard for holocaust deniers to understand, but there is overwhelming evidence for the holocaust having occurred, and that the higher ups in the Nazi regime planned and orchestrated it. Selectively cherry-picking long since debunked "facts" to defend your little safe-head space doesn't make it any less true.

>First try to prove to us that the Holocaust DID happen.
Where are the polish jews?

The blunt of the Holocaust was taken by Poland who had one of the biggest jewish population of the world, around 3,000,000, which can be verified on the Polish census.
>Judaism: 3,113,933
Now, if we look at the 1960 census, could not find the 1950 in english, we see a dramatic reduction of jews. census of 1950&source=bl&ots=FG8wijRcSl&sig=0Qfcd_VVTW2RavSvTv1jP-4H7II&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8nMzDyurOAhVMKB4KHXWJAToQ6AEITTAI#v=onepage&q&f=false
>30,000 jews

Where did more than 3,000,000 jews went?
I checked on the U.S. census for information about immigration but the increase is not really that much.

>Jewish congregations: 4,081, 242 Page 64
>Jewish congregations: 4,641,000 Page 27

Argentina census doesn't reveal much in that aspect. Digitalizados/026 - 1947 - Cuarto Censo General de la Nación. Tomo 1 Poblacion/PDF/1947 tomo1 - 1ra parte.pdf page 86

>1895: 6,085
>1947: 240, 330

And the israeli census since 1948 doesn't show a huge increase in numbers, more like a gradual increase taking into account the expelling of jews from arab countries.
>1948: 671,00
>1960: 1,862,600

>stormtards will never answer to this

Concentration camps did happen, what didnt happen is gas chambers
Your pic is the typical state of concentration camps inmates, you can find similar pics for British boers camps and prisoners of war camps

A lot of interned jews (in the hundreds thousands) died of starvation at the end of the war due to Germany's shitty situation, but no industrial gassing occured

>nobody has ever found a kill the jews order from hitler or any of his higherups.

you're kidding right? or are you really that ignorant?

>i agree with most of pols opinion, but the conspiracy bullshit against jews is stupid above the charts.

Was he killed, did he fall out of a gurad tower? r u Germanon?

I say so


>it did happen...and the next one is coming soon.

>And yet there are Jews in the video
which ones are the jews?

All of them? you got any source on it?

there has literally been zero evidence found of that.

There is only one primary document that mentions gas chambers and it merely refers to the de-lousing chambers

>you only need common sense
logical fallacy. I stopped reading there. Convince me to continue.

Speaking of german record, you should check this one.

The high ranking officers of the labour camps even had a kind of "rule book" which is interesting because it contradict with the testimony of the bad treatments supposedly inflicted to inmates:

Ursula Haverbeck - The Panorama Interview with English Subtitles

You should also check the "Haavara agreement", lots of "dead jews" surely went to Israel, and probably got counted as "holocaust victims" dissapeared from europe...

I know a lot of old Jews with sick forearm tats. They're pretty faded now though. Should get them touched up with some tribal swirls and like. Oy-gevalt.


60+ million people died in ww2
6million or less were Jews, who the fuck cares?
only reason people care is because the Jews control the media, Hollywood

it happened dude. maybe not 6 million but a few million defo/

>In 10 seconds
>In 20 seconds
>Eric Hunt: Majdanek
>Eric Hunt: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor
>David Cole
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Steven Anderson
>The Haavara Agreement
>The 6 million
“You shall return minus 6 million"

You cannot prove a negative moron.

Prove to me unicorns dont exist.

yes it has. what the fuck is wrong with you?
there is tons of evidence

Yes all of them

Source of the video are testimonies from the USC Shoah Foundation.

They used to be thousands of them all publicly available but they removed most of them because too many Jews were just being honest. They mostly highlight the liars like Irene Zissblat who claims that her tatoo was removed by Dr Mengele because she was selected to be a lampshade

There is this one dishonest moron who illiterately calls himself Nationalist View, who is an actual "gulag denier," I have seen him several times claiming that Stalinism wasn't so bad and the people sent East deserved it. If nothing else was changed, but more people understood more about Stalin, nobody would babble about Hitler like one is expected to.

>who the fuck cares?
deniers, jews and it makes some sweet touching stories for hollywood.

Outside of that literally no one gives a fuck

Did you expect anything else? We are living in societies which lock up holocaust deniers (tm) and lets rapists, torturers and killers free on probation. And soon they will come for you and your posting on the internet: just look at Germany, it's already happening.

>In 10 seconds
>In 12 seconds
are you a historian because you can't count

Oh wow! You found out that Hitler himself wasn't the one who suggested the final solution! Sherlock Holmes over here! Except after their reach expanded Himler and others changed the tone. I love how your kind always tries this type of argument. Pretend A didn't lead to B and try assert A remained the paradigm.

Can you prove your pic? How would I know they aren't pows from the rhine lager?

you're retarded.

so you have no source? So should take your word that all of those guys were jewish?

Give me a single autopsy report that proves that jews were gassed to death.
There is no such thing.

Hollowhoax debunked


it's not that there weren't atrocities, as all war have them, it's really just the amount dead has been exaggerated and most of the deaths that were attributed to torture/gassing were actually starvation and infections since the supply lines were bombed by the allies.

the main reason it's important to point these out, is the leadups to conflict. jewish boycotts of german goods and character/national defamation in the press. somewhat similar to now, which is the only time I can agree with the usually wrong assertions between trump and hitler.

my two cents anyway

The Holocaust is falsifiable, and you can prove it's a hoax. No evidence or records of this proves it's a hoax. You can't incinerate 3 million jews and leave behind nothing.

The six million was written about many times before the war even happened.

In the description there is a link to the library of congress where you can look for yourself.

This is the second chance you pass up on just posting said evidence instead of going full Carl.

like what?

What a dumb thing to say

Germany nowadays is an extension of Holocaust guilt, something that never even happened

David Cole is a great documentarian on this.

He's a Jew, but an honest one. (Since you have to be a Jew to talk about the holocaust or otherwise you'll instantly be namecalled to death).

He had to change his name to Stein because of angry Jews sending him death threats.

that's why you're linking us to it.

>since the supply lines were bombed by the allies.

>You can't incinerate 3 million jews and leave behind nothing.
They didn't. You just have to dig up near treblinka. Or just go search for the polish jews.

None of the men in that picture are circumcised.

Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet. This is where to start. This guy is even a jew.