Are black people really that bad?

Are black people really that bad?

Every black that I have met has been pretty cool. They might be relatively stupid, but I find them hard to hate. Most blacks I've met I was hesitant towards them at first and warmed up to them. They're not really that different from white people.

Now Jews and Muslims on the other hand, I understand the hate for them.

Other urls found in this thread:

You haven't been around them in large groups have you?

Single blacks aren't so bad as long as your in a well lit place and in public. Always make sure you keep an eye out for the niggers with gym shorts because they are ready to run and do nigga shit.


Also, blacks will almost without fail fuck you over for their own benefit, whether it's stealing something valuable of yours or simply stabbing you in the back in some other fashion.

I'm black. I work in IT and from my experience most people follow logic, so if most black people in america act violent then I cant get angry at white people for using pattern recognition and following safety. It does suck though, I'm friendly and there is a stigma against me. But I'm happy enough with life to not care and have the friends that I have. Blacks aren't that bad, but a lot of them make it hard for us to seem normal.

When I worked in retail the biggest demographic of people I had a problem with were black people. They come in packs and are always rude.

They make every society worse. There is not a single society in which their presence have proven to provide a net improvement.

Let's be real here, Sup Forums only hates niggers because they were bullied by one in middle/high school.

Indians are way worse tbqh

Every single one I've met are awkward and antisocial. They're only good for food recipes (not actually cooking) and to be cucked from their women.

Most blacks are fine, but it's a large minority who aren't. About 30% of blacks are socially dysfunctional, or even violently anti-social. The problem is filtering those 30% out is hard, and black people won't help you do it, because they have too much solidarity with each other. This is why the problem ends up being with all blacks instead of just some blacks.


There's probably some truth to that. Much in the same way that liberals love blacks so much because they've never had to live around them
But as soon as the blacks move in the liberals move out

Absolutely this. Well said.

Pretty much this.

I don't hate all black people personally just for being black. I admit that in large groups their tendency to violently chimpout and destroy cities is what leads me and others here to be apprehensive towards the group as a whole.

However, I feel bad for individual black people who conduct themselves honorably and don't act like degenerate niggers, and there are more of them than Sup Forums likes to think. I've met, known and hung out with black guys that are pretty chill. So, in summary, they aren't all bad and those who aren't are pretty cool.

OP, let me tell you a story. I remember it like it was yesterday, because it was yesterday. I was sitting in my car at an intersection, waiting for the light to change. My light turns green, I pull out in to the intersection, and immediately get slammed by a car that ran the red light.

I looked at the car that hit me and I saw three niggers inside. I looked each one of the fucks in the eye as I tried my door, only to find it was jammed shut. And those fucking niggers just drove off.

So you tell me if the niggers who lack the basic fucking decency to check on the person they just hit after running a red light are really that bad, you gormless fuck.

UK blacks are fine, the 3 that work at my place are God fearing tight knit families that cause zero trouble and are always respectful, have no idea about the USA variety.

I keep seeing this pic posted here. Who are these semen demons?

fucking rope yourself amerifag. 'you gormless fuck' what a halfdick kike.. burgers these days

the one on the left doe

>didn't drive after them
>didn't get their license plate number

What a cuck.

This desu.

I'm black and even I know that shit is just horrid.


NYC is racist as fuck.

Black people are locked up for literally no reason and are shot when a white criminal would be let go.

That's nice, except regression to the mean means these outliers will breed regular niggers.
Muh individualism can only work in the environment it spawned from : thought experiments in academia.

In reality, communautarisme and ethnocentrism is the only way for a race to last in the long run, and europeans are obviously universalists. RIP.

If a different nigger, 12% of the population, is seen in the news as the perpetrators of crime every single day, they're obviously the problem.

likely bait but either way, shoot yourself


NYC fag here.

I don't see the racism. I live out in queens and the cops here are pretty chill. This is coming from a black dude.

Don't fall for the memes.

I get that, which is why I put the caveat in there. One of the pre-requisites to being on Sup Forums is knowing that personal anecdotes do not negate group generalizations and I'm not trying to use those personal anecdotes to disprove the overwhelmingly obvious facts that blacks commit disproportionate amounts of crime, single motherhood, drug addiction etc. I'm using those anecdotes to explain why I don't hate every individual nigger I meet. This doesn't change my views or desires for ethnocentrism and homogeneity, but I'm just saying that I despite my views I don't hold a grudge against every black person, and since they've always been here in the states, I wouldn't mind letting Ben Carson type black people stay here post-DOTR.

Around blacks, never relax.

How did you not turn out to be a nigger? Good parents and all that? Or was it just luck of the draw?

Yes black people are horrible. When they exceed a certain threshold racism is unavoidable.

In my experiences, black people are actually pretty cool on a personal one on one basis. It's when they are in groups or with another black friend that they become dumb chimps trying to impress each other or getting a sudden us vs them mentality. They are pack animals.

I've been friends with tons of blacks over the years. I've met the smart and the dumb....the only thing I can truly say that is universal about them is their preoccupation with "white oppression". They can be good people.

Hmm what's the solution for blacks then? Should they have less solidarity? To rid themselves of that 30%?

Same question as for the other self-identified darkie ITT - how did you turn out okay? Good family or just luck of the draw?

Also do you ever feel the urge to chimp out when around your fellow negroids or is that urge completely gone?

Just because you look like Australia doesn't mean you have to act like Australia

Roppongi, almost the only area of Japon where there's blacks.
They are known for being a nuisance, for their crime, and for generally being disruptive.

The threshold doesn't exist, it starts at 1.

>the three black people in my upper middle class town are nice therefore all blacks are nice.

this is true. you'll also usually find that younger blacks are typically more aggressive and light hearted than older ones. this is simply because they're too impulsive and don't stop to think "oh this whole rioting thing is a load of horse shit"

Thing about the USA is people think we are a melting pot. It's bullshit, whites will often segregate and move when blacks move into a neighborhood whites move out. This largely keeps the peace and America has SO MUCH LAND we can do this continuously.

It's enough. This has to end. Do you people ever step foot out of college campuses and suburban neighborhoods?

You know how many times I'm harassed by black people? Every day. Every. Fucking. Day.

Sometimes I can't even take 2 steps out of my apartment building without being accosted by some thug trash idiot. Most of the time it's harmless -- asking for money, commenting on my clothes, shouting (indecipherable but obviously insulting) code to their peers, being followed, stared at, sized up ect. These aren't even kids, they’re adults in their thirties and forties. I haven't been outright mugged or anything but having to live around that hostility is extremely tiring.

Every time I hear some sheltered teenaged hipster preach about micro aggressions and white privilege I want to shove a knife into their throat. Hey asshole, why don't YOU ride the bus everyday with screeching assholes. Why don't YOU live among squalor and violence? Why don't YOU spend every waking moment afraid of your safety and being harassed by obnoxious neanderthals?

All I want to do is live a quiet, peaceful, productive life and to be left alone. Blacks (as a whole) make that impossible.

Yeah, I'm closed-minded monster. Yeah, I'm a racist retard. Let's see you live around these animals for years on end and then talk to me.

Well now that I think about it user, I have been exposed to all the perfect conditions that would make me the stereotypical chimp that Sup Forums knows and loves.

>dad died year after I was born
>single mom
>lived in the ghetto part of nyc for a few years
>been fucking around with girls since elementary, got my first kiss in pre-school with some light-skinned girl
>got in trouble alot
>got suspended for breaking a kids are in 1st grade(was a spic that was pissing me off. Do not regret it at all.

All changed when my mom got a much better job that paid 85k+ a year and she started dating another dude, which took a load off her expenses.

Transferred to a christian private school in brooklyn and stayed there for a few years and got my shit together(though I wasn't christian). Learned the importance of good morals and hard work too. Glad that happened. I have no idea how bad I would've turned out to be. Though I probably would be getting more pussy but whatever.

>do you ever feel like chimping out
Nah. I feel that going on an rage and throwing a fit like some 5 year old is pointless. It is all just feels. Not all feels are meant to be shown. But I still lift if the day comes when I have to defend my shit.

>Are 'brown' people really that bad?


>got suspended for breaking a kids hand*

He got better though. Years later I apologized and we chilled for a summer at a local camp. Was fun.

Plus there's a cycle that takes decades - blacks move in, destroy property values, whites leave. Nice neighborhood eventually becomes a ghetto shithole, property values tank. White hipsters and artists move in and re-establish bulwark of whiteness. Once the first cafe opens, it's all over - then we come with the yoga studios and the organic markets and the for the nice fixer-uppers with so much character. Relatively quickly (5-15 years) the blacks are chased out by rising prices.

The best black person you will ever meet is a black who tries their very best to act like a white person.

I've met plenty of good blacks and they will all admit this in private. I've even seen blacks become frustrated with themselves when they fall into typical black behavioral patterns. Watching someone who's spent four years in college lapse into ghetto speak is proof that you just can't change the nature of people.

"I admit freely enough that, by careful breeding, supervision of environment and education, extending over many generations, it might be possible to make an appreciable improvement in the stock of the American negro, for example, but I must maintain that this enterprise would be a ridiculous waste of energy, for there is a high-caste white stock ready at hand, and it is inconceivable that the negro stock, however carefully it might be nurtured, could ever even remotely approach it. The educated negro of today is a failure, not because he meets insuperable difficulties in life, but because he is a negro. He is, in brief, a low-caste man, to the manner born, and he will remain inert and inefficient until fifty generations of him have lived in civilization. And even then, the superior white race will be fifty generations ahead of him." - H. L. Mencken

A century later and no mind to rival that of Mencken's has emerged from the black race, and yet entire industries exist to promote the idea that this is possible, even likely. Blacks who babble on about "black bodies" are treated as serious journalists by a public who seems unaware that our language was once used as a powerful tool in the hands of great men. It's one big fucking joke that wouldn't last a month if the lights went out and all the good niggers suddenly reverted to type.


Good luck to you working your way out of the ghetto. What's preventing you from cashing in on your white privilege and moving somewhere nicer? Semi-serious question, I know times are hard but you make it sound so terrible, why are you stuck in the zoo?

black people will be fine once they learn who (((the man))) really is

Blacks are cool, funny, based and fun to hang out with.

Sup Forums is just filled with socially awkward faggots who need something to hate.

Hmm so it sounds like environment was a huge part of it.

How do you feel about the IQ thing? Do you agree with the statistics that show blacks have on average a lower intelligence? Or are they biased tests etc

Thanks for answering.

Why are you guys too stupid to recognize a photoshop?

>the girl on the left

muh dick