How outdated is this?
How outdated is this?
>no Mads
>no Rooney
J Law is a confirmed piece of shit, Jackie is an unrepentant communist who raised a deadbeat son, Will Smith raised the gayest nigger ever then became a Scientologist, and The Pebble likes to throw bitchfits on Twitter. So, very.
>no goose
Timberlake is a tool
Will Smith is an assett
J-Law is a brainwashed whore
And I don't really want to think about what Hanks might be
Entire thing looks like bait.
>jennifer lawrence
>no walter goggins
>no sam rockwell
>no classic paul dano
Was Jennifer Lawrence really ever up there? Her "I'm so quirky and relateable" act got old very fast. But the rest of them I can understand. Nobody hates Keanu Reeves, Jackie Chan, Wolverine, Tom Hanks, or Will Smith. I don't know anyone who actually likes the Rock or Vin Diesel, but nobody hates them. They're just too bland. I have no idea who the white guy in the top middle is.
>newfags don't know about JLAW feet worship threads
s m h
>tfw you're old enough to see kids not recognize justin timberlake