No, not a shill, or lefty, or libtard. Just wanting to broaden my political knowledge.

Can someone please explain to me how genetic purity benefits the human race as opposed to race mixing, since nature favors biological diversity?

And before you answer the question with the logic of blacks being biologically predisposed to be aggressive and stupid, can someone show me the biological proof, rather than historical and cultural examples? Because I know that evidence exists of blacks in America being 'savages' and 'comparable to apes,' but wouldn't that mean that therefore, it would have to have some sort of logical connection to biology? Because obviously, if it's the race, then that must connect to some biological factor. If your answer gets past this, please remember to not let your proof be based off some scientists' psuedo-scientific claims on our bone structure.

Also, assuming that a logical reason is provided as to why blacks and whites mixing or just blacks alone (as well as proving that it's not just a cultural issues that needs to be fixed,) where do you draw the line? This goes for all races (if races exis,) as well. Whites, Asians, Africans, Islanders, Middle Eastern folk; which "shades" places you where on the map? I understand that specific shades of people have multiplied in regions, causing most of them to look like how they look, but how does that determine your mental behavior and physical tendencies?

Now, before you start calling me a brain-washed jew or a dumb nigger please remember that I really am just curious to see what you people think, to help me see shit in a different way.

>inb4 stormfront

Other urls found in this thread:


What if Sup Forums was 90% black and all the racist post were black people fucking with you?

I'm not sure.

You want biological evidence? I've got it

The problem with human race mixing is that thanks to human society, natural selection doesn't occur. Each race has roughly the same chance of surviving.

Over time, odds that you have a foreign ancestor approach 100%. Over time, the odds that you are mixed approach 100%.

Biologically, the problem is that mixing erases the distinct traits of each race. This isn't a problem in animals - a gopher with long ears and a gopher with short ears breed, the child will have either long or short - but a white and black set of parents will produce a mixed child.

The traits are mixed like paint, and aren't distinct according to a dominant/recessive scale like you're familiar with.

The classic Mendel experiment (green vs. yellow peas) would, in humans, just make 100% of peas with a greenish yellow color.



>can someone show me the biological proof

Even if there isn't exact biological proof on the differences between races, that doesn't mean that all races are the same. In fact, the burden of proof would lie on people like YOU who think that everyone is the same; given what we know about evolution, it is a wild assumption that all human beings on earth involved in the same way and acquired the same behavioral traits.

It's like assuming that there is no difference between common chimps and bonobos, despite the fact they evolved in different environments and have wildly different temperaments. Exact proof is not necessarily needed to make political decisions about race.


You never see a black father and white mother produce a 100% darkskin baby or a 100% Aryan blond hair blue eyes kid. It's strange and I'm not familar enough with biology to explain *why* it occurs but it's a problem. I think it may be due to the complexity of the race genes, which mean that even if some are recessive and don't show, there are so many that there's blackness in the kid regardless.

The child, of course, passes on that 50% black and 50% white to their children. If that mixed kid impregnates another white woman, you get a 75% white and 25% black person.

When you get the maximum population of the race (white people in Europe have achieved it, Africa will grow) the average human will match those demographics thanks to this effect. So, what, 40% African, 50% Asian, 10% white? Something like that.

Delete this.

>Admits that nature favors diversty
>lets have everyone racemix into homogenous humans where everyone is the same genetically and susceptable to the same bacteria/viruses

You are one ugly nigger

Im getting hoes tho

HAHAHAHA you are one fucking ugly nigger

Niggers are inferior humans.

All humans are from africa. You came from me cumskin

9/10 made me reply


>Baby Bonds, in Hamilton’s formulation, would be funded directly out of Treasury and held in an account by the federal government, similar to Social Security.

Oh fuck guys an actual KANG is among us!


Ethnicity survey


How does it feel knowing once a persons skin gets black it cant go back white. Once all the white people race mix with dark skinned people your race is over.

There you go.

>That nigger science
Come home, shit man

do you include irish as north european?

Your definitions are over-broad. The idea is neither too much or too little purity. Thus the nation.

>Exact proof is not necessarily needed to make political decisions about race.


Generations of whiteness now over LOL


>shit man
Whew lad

die jew

How the actual fuck do you daré comenting about evolución?
Yes, thats what yuur ancestors surely did

First: there is adifference between especies and race. For ffff sake, christ (this regardibd your bonobo/chimpance evolución sample)

Second: one thing is evolving through hundreds of thousands of years (and thats relatively small amount of time) another is race changing... I mean jews were blacks two thousands years ago!

You are fucked amerifags, what an education

>Can someone please explain to me how genetic purity benefits the human race as opposed to race mixing, since nature favors biological diversity?
You're thinking of this the wrong way.

The problem is, mainly non-Eastern Asians and Africans never had our societies stance on incest and how it's always been shunned upon.

Essentially, by racemixing with most races, you are in fact losing your biological diversity.

Because I don't give a fuck about what's good for the human race and nor do the people who promote race mixing.

>tfw half German and half Italian like everyone else here

>Doesn't understand the difference between genetic diversity and homogeneously similar appearances in race

Does Sup Forums consider Irish lineage white or not?

How so?

we all love each other. just the trump racist want to separate us. dont allow them.

I'm not going to rant about race and IQ or any of that shit. There have been plenty of threads about this. Genetic diversity can be an incredibly beneficial thing, but what is more important is exotic mitochondrial DNA. And quality is far more important than quantity.

This is my immigration policy: Only permit women with high or at least average IQ's, with long legs, nice asses and college degrees to live here. They'll have to have good manners and be non-degenerate. We'll try to make sure that most of them come from Latin America, East Asia and eastern Europe.

Meanwhile, we can also create a program, that will help tattooed western women spread their ideas about equality, the necessity of diversity and why the STI stigma is so problematic. We can send them to places like Africa, New Guinea, poor countries that just don't want to "get" these important lessons about current year. We can relocate the tattooed left wing women in these countries even. It will be expensive, but I believe this program is worth it.

Its a fucking win/win.

>Incest is common and perfectly acceptable
>Incest causes mutations that cause imperfections
>These problems don't go away, even if you breed with another race
The reason you see so many weird abnormal births in countries like India is because incest is acceptable, so they have children with their cousins, sisters, etc.

Mixed children get the worst of both worlds, not best. If you know any you can just ask them.

Not to mention the mental impact on a mixed child because of their identity issues.

They come from those that didn't want anything else to do with that smelly nigger ass.

As so, they were reborn from the ashes.

Nigga you came from me. If i wasn't shit then you aint shit either

This has been proven to likely be false. Most sub-Sahran Africans are haplogroups A or B, with other E haplogroups that are more adaptive and shit of that nature. There was a study of African male linages in the new world, and one found in this one man, from Trinidad or one of those butt fucking islands, that his haplogroup even predated haplogroup A (a legit per-homosapien haplogroup, like 200k years old).

Caucasian male linages are descended from this super haplogroup of IJK. And that started to split up and mutate about 100k years ago. That's most white men's linage, and it (its ancestor group) was out of Africa possibly before we were upright. It makes no fucking sense to me either btw.

Okay, fine. However, Europe also had A LOT of incest going on, even the so-called pure whites. That's how we got so many. I'm not saying incest is good, I'm saying that even if a certain region has had more incest happen in it (causing it to have more abnormalities,) why is it that breeding with a normal person from that region (who has been just as affected by incest in their ancestral DNA as the white man/woman they are breeding with) is biologically looked down upon?

Incest SHOULD be abolished. People with more-than-usually incestuous ancestries SHOULDN'T breed any longer, I agree, but if the majority of the world, with its different races, have ALL been affectee by incest (some more than others,) how does it then still outweigh the BENEFITS of race-mixing? And for a stretch, with that outlook, why should anyone breed at all, if incestous ancestries bother you more than the chance of continuing the human race?

For one, there are no reliable sources supporting this. Second, this is completely psuedo-scientific. Finally, that whole piece of information is still irrelevant anyways.

I have never seen a beautiful Negro.
I've seen amazing Orientals, Arabians, and of course the most beautiful; Europeans.

But never an African.

I didn't favorite that study of the Trinidad fellow. Its pretty fucked up though, I think. It was not a significant % of the population there tho, I remember reading that.

But its not pseudo science brah. Thousands of years of changes and genetic bottlenecks and all that. It has an effect. IJK may be only like, 60K years old, and it may have had several ancestors. But it mutated and formed out of Africa. Its in the bones user.

>implying that you wouldn't try to create half-lets with pic related

I'm sorry, lust=/=Beauty.

Also, too big.

fucking irish proxyfag get out of here reeeee

If being white was genetically superior, then how come the average human person is most likely to be Asian?

>some leaf looked at NA and saw buttfucking


>It's in the bones user

You can dismiss me as an ignorant liberal, unwilling to accept the facts of anto-mixbreeding, but that's psuedo-science. Trust me.

I'm not going to argue any further, but I will say that that study's conclusions and statistics are being translated into a manipulate and incorrect conclusion supporting anto-mixbreeding.

shutup stormcuck

Greenland had to have a few cousin fuckers. There's only like 60k people there

No one is obligated to fuck you.
The vast majority of people prefer fucking within their own race.

As always, the diseased imaginations of cucks and kikes are removed from reality.

Sup Forums btfo how will we recover

user, I try to have high aesthetic and classical standards, but I want a black waifu sometimes. They like me back. I'm scared my half-let children will hate me for race treachery but I want to do it anyway. Is that sociopathic?

>blue eyes
wew lad

To add to this, by "manipulative data" I mean that it's based on fundamentally incorrect and twisted ancient assumptions about race, in order to appeal to their hypothesis. That study isn't credible, user. You know what psuedo-science is.

>I have not yet seen a beautiful negro

'Fuckin stormcuck, let me post a picture of a race mixed woman with European facial features and olive skin" Ah man, you showed me with this non-point.

I suppose. I imagine any feeling of racemixing is a numb attraction of lust instead of love. I'm sure there are unique cases, but most of it is driven by the idiots you interact with and media.

You'll get past it, I'm sure!


That's a bit fucking speculative. The fact that one study found a rare and more ancient haplogroup = don't fuck the darkies... That's absurd user.

You didn't have an argument and I wasn't trying to join the anti-misceg club in the first place, and also I don't trust you, but w/e its all gud.

It doesn't. That is all just a byproduct of natural selection within a predatory abstract; human nature.


Alright user, you got me. I apologize. I can respect that.

thnx user, here's an Asian qt.



Why do you browse a neoreactionary board? You... you know have to go back right?

What is that paper covered in? Spit or grease or some shit? How is that possible? You had it in your hands for what, like a minute to write your bullshit and got it looking all nasty.

>Biologically, the problem is that mixing erases the distinct traits of each race. This isn't a problem in animals - a gopher with long ears and a gopher with short ears breed, the child will have either long or short - but a white and black set of parents will produce a mixed child.

Dramatic dominant/recessive alleles aren't actually the norm in biology, whether you're going with human, nonhuman-animal, or plant genomes. Mendelian genetics focuses on them because it's a lot easier to examine a simple dominant/recessive pair than the more complicated interactions.

Humans are, genetically, far closer to each other than chimps are to bonobos iirc. Meaningful political decisions (things like affirmative action or race-based migration restrictions) require strong proof as they involve applying coercion to others.

Studies showed a trend towards lighter skin among Scandinavians of pure black African descent over a period of less than a century. It's likely that light skin will still exist as long as there is an arctic for nordics to live in, even if some of these 'nordics' have significant Zulu admixture.

You're missing a bunch of confounding factors - in India, you've got a much larger population (a billion compared to five million). India has a lower average ambient tech level (Many visible deformities that would merit surgical correction in Finland don't get the same treatment in India; I have a distinct suspicion that the sonograms that would detect some of the most obvious nonviable mutations and lead to abortion aren't available to the poor). And India has a LOT more pollution, which leads to interesting biological malfunctions.

Also aren't Finns the most inbred race in Europe or something? You seem to have done okay...

Homo Erectus was, as the name might suggest, bisexual- I mean, bipedal. That's over a million years ago, well before your 100kya haplogroup split.

Strong morphological, genetic, and cultural similarities between subSaharan H. Sapiens and Eurasian H. Sapiens make it wildly unlikely that this is a simple case of convergent evolution.

(Got a sauce on that 200kya haplogroup split?)

Thank you for expanding upon those arguments, knowledgeable anons.

Hello nigger.

Why does 90% of leaf faggots live close to the American border and you leave a majority to first nations, ppl you leafs fucked hard.

Why is Canada so fagtard pol? Is it the quebec baguettes in thier ass?? Or the fact they still eat the queen's pussy daily?