/who/ - Doctor Who General

Adam, don't touch me edition


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who are you


Best Doctor!!!

>Look ma, I posted it again


>implying I demand others watch things
nt 2oda

I am Nilso
you are not

Should Tennant have had another interior and another theme?

Any actual /who/res here knew it wasn't you simply based on the way the first post was written

Technically Tennant did get his own version of the theme.
And no, it felt right for him to keep 9's console, even if the design itself is one of my least favourites.

Which title sequence has the best cliffhanger sting? I'd say the Pertwee/Baker theme or the Baker/Davison/Baker theme.

Grungy, emo TARDIS worked for his grungy, emo Doctor, as did his dramatic titles and rockish themes. Had he and RTD stayed for s5, however, I like to think there would have been those sorts of changes still, yeah.

>Technically Tennant did get his own version of the theme.
the middle 8 added or more?

I mean the whole thing basically re-recorded for Voyage of the Damned onwards. It sounds totally different. youtube.com/watch?v=qktzC8dy1V4

The original sting that got carried over into the Tennant era will forever be the best, followed by Davison's

all Tennant 2 parters were meh

>Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead

nth for Jodie.

>Human Nature/The Family of Blood

Why the fuck do normies love Tennant so much? I'm not memeing, I genuinely like his Doctor, but he's far from the best ever.

What a coincidence, I'm rewatching Sontaran two-parter right now! Freema's performance is pretty weak in this, again, but Sontarans are actually great, I've forgotten how an evil sontaran looks like after all those years with Strax.
Also the way UNIT is treated is pretty dull. It really doesn't work without the Brig figure isnt it

I want to be Jodie's pusy slave.

Wrong. The ep 8/9 two-parter was always GOAT in the Tennant era.

Can we stop talking about this NuWho garbage?

Tecnically a proto-Smith episode

Tecnically a McCoy remake episode

If you'd like that, check out Planet Mondas.

dashing rogue
show was constantly cumming itself at how "wonderful" his Doctor was
the girls and gays wanted him to fug them
the guys invested some fickle part of their masculinity in him

The bait is not high-effort today

Why does it seem like Sandifer never left his "edgy college student" phase?

It's less about having a Brig and more that they became a military. 70s UNIT was a quaint village division. 00s UNIT was a high tech, high budget branch of the army. Moffat tried to steer away from that without totally retconning by making his era's UNIT science-based and led by Kate.

How is that bait?
VNA Human Nature and the Tennant two parter is written by the same person


Yeah. I wouldn't have forgiven him for topping a different five year old by force without his consent "just once" either.
It's not just that I think what he did was wrong, though. That's the least of my concerns, and there are times I feel like I don't really give a shit about that part. It's more the years and years of recurring nightmares and flashbacks I hate him for. That and the bulimia and isolation from my peers, although those ones less so, since I'm not actually sure they were his fault. It's entirely possible I was just a bad seed.
Also for robbing me of a father. I loved him before he did that. Afterward, we actually still had a "friendly" relationship for a long time, but whenever he would say "I love ya, kiddo," all I could bring myself to say was "thanks." The words "I love you, too" wouldn't form in my throat.
Also for beating my mom and yelling at her when he was drunk.
So, yeah, fuck him. Zero fucks given about his well being at this point

Imagine getting cast as the role of your favorite childhood and becoming the most popular version of the character.

It's truly amazing

>/who/ goes dead for a minute because we're all reading the child abuse post in confusion

Because those are both Tennant two-parters and the arguments against them being that are extremely flimsy. Human Nature/Family of Blood, for example, is so different from the novel that seriously attempting to consider them the same story is laughable.

... and fucking his daughter


When you put it that way, I envy Tennant so much. Very few people actually hate him and his era, and I doubt he's ever met anyone that does.

... and adopting her son of another father

... but making other 3

I feel bad for Tennant's kids. They're gonna have a complex from all the people asking if they'll continue their father and grandfather's Doctor legacy.

... and their Mother's austounding career on Big Finish

>we're gonna have another Tennant Doctor in about 15 years
>he's gonna be as well-loved as Tennant because of the name

I actually had no idea Tennant's 2013-born son was called Wilfred

>we will have to distinguish between Tennant 1 and Tennant II when we do our Doctor rankings
fuck, this is Baker & Baker all over again

>The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit

I only started listening to McGann's audios like three weeks ago and already he has passed Capaldi to become my favorite Doctor. Now that I've finally settled on a more obscure favorite, part of me is relieved that I can finally lean into this persistent inclination toward an irritating hipster-esque air of superiority which plagues me. Before I would find myself confronted by plebs who thought they had informed opinions about why Smith/Tennant was best and Capaldi sucked or whatever, but now I can just tell them that McGann is the best and that they suck for only ever watching the TV movie.

I'm insufferable help

>tfw nobody cares what you do because you're only Tennant's stepson

Jenny x Sally Sparrow

Unecessarily streched

GB reporting first episode airdate of 6 October 2018.

my birthday

The only thing that's a stretch here is your argument

Now I hope it's true, just so the release falls on this guy's birthday

HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! Mine is tomorrow.



I fucking hate paparazzi photos. They're always awkward as fuck. A couple of weeks ago a pap tweeted a few snaps of Jodie as she was leaving her hotel in Liverpool, and she was using the hood of her coat to cover her face. It's awkward and intrusive as fuck.

Happy -1st birthday, Cloister!


Tennant and Jodie are humans living their life, probably following an argument or having lost their keys or forgotten to lock the door, same as any other famous person the paparazzi snaps photos of. Imagine having pictures taken of you at Greggs on a Tuesday afternoon on your day off. It's just fucking weird.


i've been trying to get this fucking capaldi playermodel working for about 12 hours non stop and I'm still not finished, i'm taking a break for the night

literally all i need to do is get the textures working but they aren't at all no matter what i try

why can't things work the first time for once why does it always have to go wrong for me

Which would've been the better face to use for Tom's last intro instead of the "I've fucking shit myself" face?

Learning curve X begginers luck
Most people would never have achieved what you did in less than one month

Fuck me, I was literally just thinking about you since Cloister had just popped up and as soon as I updated you posted.

Beginners "luck" is a fucking arse. You'll get the hang of it in the end if you persevere.

Working more than a few hours on any one thing ceases to be as efficiently productive after a time. You should have breaked 8 hours ago for a little while and focused on something else. All those wireframes and textures and what nots will be there tomorrow. Also, no one instantly "gets" anything. For all purposes you're just a few weeks ahead of playing with this stuff than anyone who hasn't touched it at all, like myself and as far as i'm concerned you're working magic. From what I've seen of the models and poses they look great. Get some rest.


I'm getting sick and tired of you being a fucking attention whore. Why don't you get therapy instead of always derailing the threads with your mental breakdowns?

t. 2oda

What Chris Chan did today?

You have to go back.

nobody cares


Doctor who is a transvestite

>It's another "Lymerence derails the thread by having another outburst" episode

the thread only derailed when user decided to be a wanker about it

screencap and prove you're not samefagging or get the fuck out you cockhole

Theyre guessing. the witch episode is reportedly episode 4, and it looks pretty spooky and halloween themed, so theyre probs gonna air it near halloween. if so, the 6th is episode 1. its a good guess to be fair

Just another sweet transvestite, from Transsexual Transylvania? Tim Curry would have made a great Doctor. Frank N. Furter too I reckon.

Doctor Who lore overdose

No it was derailed by Lymerence

Notice how this post got completely ignore because it came after Lym's out burst

Screencap and prove that you're not samefagging Lymerence. If you are then fuck off and go back to discussing Doctor Who since that's the only thing this general is good for.

>tfw Tim Curry was offered the role of the Eighth Doctor
>tfw he considered it because it would make a break from playing villains
>tfw he passed on it and let McGann have the role

I'm literally on the home stretch now, which is what makes it so annoying that I've had to finish for the night. Theoretically it should be working now but the textures just aren't showing up at all. I've already had to completely restart once and I'm so close to finishing that doing it over again doesn't seem like a viable option. Chances are there's just one little tiny thing that I haven't thought about and I just have to use trial and error until it miraculously works.

lul it's not even an "outburst" i'm obviously just overexaggerating, i'm more mildly annoyed than anything

Is anti-Lym user still bitter that his mouth hasn't been used as Lym's toilet yet?

>Notice how this post got completely ignore because it came after Lym's out burst
>people didn't reply to one specific thing means the thread was derailed
That is not how threads work. No-one is entitled to replies. Maybe it got no replies because no-one could think of an interesting response.

Nobody fucking cares. Let's go back to discussing Doctor Who now.

I don't think I want to discuss Doctor Who with you, user.

Who cares ?
let's go back to discussing Doctor Who

Yeah, that user sounds like such a turd. Anyway, what would Tim Curry be like as the Doctor?

TBF I don't think he would have been a good 8. Something more villainous like 7 would have been more suiting, so I guess his fears of being typcast aren't totally unfounded there. Or maybe wide eyed batshit insane like Tom. I could see that. 8's a bit too romantic.
Tim Curry deserves to be in everything and anything desu senpaitachi.

Why don't you start us off?

Stop samefagging

Someone already answered this shit user
Why are you spamming it in the thread?

They answered after that post was made, dumbass. Don't be a retard.

I love shitposting on /who/
It's so easy to get free replies

You're the one who wanted to discuss Doctor Who.

>"Guys, let's talk about Doctor Who."
>talks about Doctor Who
>"You fucking faggot! How dare you spam this thread!"